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Ағылшын тілі пәні бойынша үйден оқу сабағын дамыту жоспары (Разработка урока по домашнему чтению на уроке английского языка)

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Ұлы жазушылардың кітаптары оқушылардың ағылшын тілін терең меңгеруіне, олардың ішкі әлемін байытуына және әйгілі классиктердің шығармаларын жаңаша түсінулеріне көмектеседі.
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Ағылшын тілі пәні бойынша үйден оқу сабағын дамыту жоспары

(Разработка урока по домашнему чтению на уроке английского языка)

Тақырыбы: “Vanity Fair” by William M. Thackeray – Chapter 1 “The young

ladies leave school”, chapter 2 “Becky Sharp makes new friends”,

chapter 3 “Amelia Sedley nearly loses hope”

Деңгейі: 10 сынып

Мақсаты: Ұлы жазушылардың кітаптары оқушылардың ағылшын тілін

терең меңгеруіне, олардың ішкі әлемін байытуына және әйгілі

классиктердің шығармаларын жаңаша түсінулеріне


Сабақтың барысы: CHAPTERS 1-3, pp.1-30

I. Vocabulary notes

  1. Heroine – n the main female character in a story, novel, film/movie, etc.

  2. Headmistress – n a teacher who is in charge of a school, especially a private school.

  3. Deathbed – n the bed in which sb is dying or dies.

  4. Orphan – n a child whose parents are dead.

  5. Debt – n a sum of money that sb owes.

  6. Affectionate – adj. showing caring feelings and love for sb. Syn. LOVING

  7. Embarrassment – n shy, awkward or guilty feelings,(to/for sb) a situation which causes problems for sb.

  8. Confusion - a state of not being certain about what is happening, what you should do, what sth means, etc.

  9. To catch smb’s eye – to attract sb’s attention

  10. pick up – an occasion when sb/sth is collected

  11. To slip out – to make a careless mistake

  12. excursion - n a short journey made for pleasure, especially one that has been organized for a group of people

  13. Regiment – n a large number of people or things

  14. Insincere – adj. saying or doing sth that you do not really mean or believe

  15. Pretence – the act of behaving in a particular way6 in order to make other people believe sth that is not true

  16. Mysterious – difficult to understand or explain; strange

  17. Explosion – the sudden violent bursting and loud noise of sth as a bomb exploding

  18. Beggar – a person who lives by asking people for money or food

  19. To recover – to put a new cover on sthEffort – the physical or mental energy that you need to do sth; sth that takes a lot of energy.

II. Write out of the text all the adjectives describing:

  1. Person 2. Places 3. Happy

III. Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases from the book and reproduce the contexts in which they occur:

  1. to have the kindest heart

  2. to be full of praise

  3. to treat someone

  4. to have too great a fondness for smth.

  5. to teach someone lessons

  6. to deal with someone

  7. to be jealous of someone

  8. to arrange business for someone

  9. to be full of respect

  10. to be in the same regiment

  11. to be as fresh as a rose

  12. to propose someone

  13. to make a fool of oneself

  14. to make jokes about someone

  15. to make one's money by smth.

  16. to get on with smb.

  17. to be popular with smb.

  18. to satisfy someone

  19. to entertain someone

  20. to slip out of life

  21. to reveal one's secret

  22. to expect a good share of money

  23. to drive someone mad

  24. to be fond of smb.

  25. explosion of bad temper

  26. to recover from one's mistakes

  27. to put up for sale

  28. to speak with bitterness and anger

  29. to make no effort

  30. to make someone a beggar

IV. Give synonyms for:

Gift –

Carriage –

Shock –

Vain –

Great –

Lazy –

Happy –

Satisfying –

Fool –

Temper –

V. Here is Rebecca’s letter, to her friend Amelia (see page 11). Match each of these adjectives with one of the nouns, and complete the letter with the most appropriate pairs of words.

Adjectives: happy, love, girl, short, old, dirty, old, horrible, uneducated, ugly, religious, good, unhappy, poor, little, affectionate, pale, thin

Noun: time, friend, silly, man, clothes, pipe, accent, man, books, lives, creature, governess, friend, girls

My dearest, sweetest Amelia – Oh, how my life has changed from those _____ _____ in your house! There I was surrounded by the kindness of a loving friend, and now….!

Sir Pitt Crawley is nothing like we _____ _____ imagined a baronet to be. Think of a ______ _______ _______, in _____ ______ _______, who smokes ______ ________, speaks with a rough ___________ _________, swears at his servants, and gets drunk every night! He has been married twice, I learn, and has two sons by his first wife. The older, Mr. Pitt Crawley, still lives here. He’s a ______,_______, ________ _______, who is always reading _______ _______ and riding around the countryside, telling everybody to lead _______ _______.

As for Lady Crawley, Sir Pitt’s second wife, she is a poor, faded, ________ ________, who has nothing to say. She is quite often ill, and spends the rest of her time sewiung. I am governess to her two _____ ______, Rose and Voilet, who are no trouble, and already love me quite as much as their mother, I think!

Sir Pitt also has a brother, Mr. Bute Crawley. He and his wife, whom everyone calls Mrs. Bute (there are so many Crawleys!), live in a house nearby. It seems that he and Sir Pitt don’t get on – some quarrel about money, I believe. Sir Pitt himself is a very mean – I am not allowed to have a candle in mu room after eleven at night! But of course I cannot complain, as I am only a_______ _______ ________!

Your ________ ________, Rebecca.

VI. Speak on the following topics using words and word combinations from the text:

  1. Amelia Sedley nearly loses hope

  2. Miss Sedley’s family

  3. Miss Pinkerton’s school

  4. Mr Joseph Sedley

  5. Captain Rawdon Crawley

VII. Give your impression of the main characters.

VIII. Compose the dialogues between:

Miss Amelia Sedley and Miss Rebecca sharp

Rebecca and Mr. Joseph Sedley

George and Mr. Amelia

Captain Rawdon Crawley and Becky

IX. Answer the following questions:

Chapter 1 "The young ladies leave school"

      1. What can you say about Amelia Sedley, her appearance, character? (Her feelings while leaving school, Miss Pinkerton's letter)

      2. What was Miss Rebecca Sharp's opinion about the school? (Headmistress)

      3. Can you tell us some words about Rebecca's father?

      4. Why was Rebecca employed to Miss Pinkerton's school?

      5. Will you describe Rebecca? (her appearance, character)

      6. Where was Rebecca going to work after leaving school?

      7. What was Rebecca thinking about when she asked Amelia if her brother Joseph was married had any children?

      8. Why shouldn't we blame Miss Sharp for her marriage ambitions?

      9. What can you say Joseph's appearance, character, workplace, etc.?

      10. How did Rebecca win the hearts of all the Sedley family?

      11. What do you think were Joseph's feelings towards Rebecca?

      12. What can you say about the relationship between the Sedleys and the Osbornes?

      13. When was Joseph's mind full of thoughts about marriage? What made him think so?

      14. What can you say about Lieutenant George Osborne and Captain William Dobbin?

      15. What did Amelia feel towards Dobbin?

      16. Why did Dobbin think that George Osborne was a lucky fellow?

      17. What was the death of Rebecca's hopes?

Chapter 2 "Becky Sharp makes new friends"

      1. What was Sir Pitt Crawley's family like? (Rebecca's letter to Amelia)

      2. How did she get on with Sir Pitt Crawley? (how she became popular)

      3. Who are Miss Matilda Crawley and Captain Rawdon? What can you say about them?

      4. Why did Miss Crawley say that Rebecca had more brains in her little finger than most people had in their heads?

      5. Why was Miss Briggs upset one day, who had been Miss Crawley's devoted companion?

      6. What was the relationship between Sir Pitt and his sister?

      7. Why did Sir Pitt want Rebecca to come back after his wife's death?

      8. What did Rebecca write to Miss Eliza? Who was Miss Eliza?

      9. Why did Rebecca write a letter to Miss Briggs?

      10. Why were Mrs. Crawley and her husband anxious to pay Miss Crawley every attention?

11 .What happened to Miss Crawley when she heard that Rebecca was Married to her nephew Rawdon?

Chapter 3 "Amelia Sedley nearly loses hope"

        1. What did George's sisters Miss Jane Osborne and Miss Maria Osborne think of Amelia?

        2. Why was Dobbin very upset to see Amelia so unhappy?

        3. What made Dobbin make up his mind to speak to George about Amelia?

        4. Did George buy a present for Amelia? Why?

        5. What was the conversation between George and his father that day?

        6. What happened to the Osbornes four months later?

        7. Why couldn't Rebecca buy Amelia's piano at the sale?

        8. What was Mr. Osborne's letter to Amelia about?

        9. What did Mr. Sedley order his daughter to do?

        10. Can we say that George made a sacrifice and behaved gentlemanly to marry Amelia? Why?

X. Comment on George’s word: “Dearest Emmy – dearest wife, come to me.”

XI. Home task for the next lesson:

  1. Divide chapter 3 into logical parts and entitle them.

  2. Be ready to retell chapters 1-3

  3. Short Essay Questions

1. What is the setting of the novel and what idea do we get about the characters of Becky Sharp and Amelia Sedley as seen in chapter one?

2. What else do we get to know about the character of Becky Sharp when she visits the Sedleys?

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Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды
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