Материалдар / Ағылшын тілі сабақтарында жаңа әдіс-тәсілдер арқылы оқушылардың қызығушылығын арттырудың жолдары

Ағылшын тілі сабақтарында жаңа әдіс-тәсілдер арқылы оқушылардың қызығушылығын арттырудың жолдары

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Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
14 Желтоқсан 2020
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Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады


1.Text: On the day of my first piano recital,…

On the day of the recital the music teacher…..

advised the writer to put cabbages in the room where he practiced and play for them

Very keen to do something or enthusiastic about something that will happen


The "recital" means

a performance of music or poetry

In the passage it is explained that……

The writer finally began to relax just before he bagen his recital

The writer stopped feeling nervous….

when he found he couldn't see the audience

2. Text: People have always polluted ther surroudings,…


What should we do to reduce pollution?

we should protect nature

Pollution wasn't such as a serious problem earlier. People____

did not have pollution-causing machines

Complete the sentence. Britain helps international organization on environmental_____


Why people had become alarmed with the danger of pollution?

Cars and other new inventions make pollution steadly worse

Why is pollution a complicated problem?

becouse factories reduced useful things

3. Text: The weather in England


English people use the statement "Other countries have a climate; in England we have weather

to describe the weather peculiarities in England

The synonym of the word "reply"


English people like talking about the weather

because the weather is very changeable in England

"As changeable as the weather" it is a person who…

often changes his mood

English people do not like spending their summer holidays in England, because

of changeable and rainy summers in England

4. Text: William I, The Conqueror, was born in 1027 in France


What is Domesday Book?

the book with accurate figures

Who is Elizabeth II?

the mother of the prince of Wales

Who is the next after Elizabeth I?

Prince Charles

Why is the Westminster Abbey famous for?

because of the royal ceremonies in there

Why is William I, The Conqueror the Hero of Britain?

because he has won the last battle in the British history

5. Текст. The friendliest country in the world.


One of the friendliest country is …

E. New Zealand

The lowest ranked country was Unired Arabian Enirates, because ….

B. the labourers were not eligible enough fot the survey

In the United Arabian Emirates 20% of the population is ..

C. natives

expatriates' means

E. someone who lives in a foreign country

The survey was to find out ___.

A. the country which could be the second home

6. Текст. One early spring day a farm boy …


Why did the boy's mother ask neighours for helP?

E. They couldn't come back home

People like dogs because they___

A. are genuine friends

The boy take the dog home because ____

A. it has a broken leg

How did his mother's neighbours find the boy?

C. they heard the barking of the dog

Why did the boy and the dog couldn't come back home?

D. a large stone slipped across the opening

7. Текст. Once an English man and his wife were travelling abroad. When they arrived …..


An Englishman and his wife stay …

at a hotel

The Englishman couldn't find the hotel, because he …

didn't remember the address

His wife didn't go sightseeing, because …

she was tired

The Englishman asked that passer-by to give his watch, because he

thought the passer-by was a thief

The watch was

the passer-by's

8. Текст. Television has many advantages and disadvantages….


to encourage means

to make somebody to do something

A lot of teenagers prefer Television because

it is much interesting than walking in the street

The correct sentence is:

Less modern teenagers are fond of reading

The modern television

helps to enlarge our knowledge

The people accept television at home

because its quite convenient

9. Text: On Mother's Day, when Bob Feller...


Bob's mother was taken to hospital._____

She felt bad

Bob pitch in ______

a league game

Why did Bob Feller bring his mother t Chicago from her farm?

He arranged a special treat for her on her birthday

Where did she go after that?

she came to her farm

She lived happily___

in her farm

10. Text: You should use your knowledge of Country Studying


The word Canada come from one of the Red Indian languages- Kanatta it means….

a number of huts

Canada became a part of the British Empirein ….


The offical languages of Canada are English and French

The French were the first settlers to this country

The head of the state in Canada is the Queen of Great Britain, because

Canada is a member of Commonwealth

Canada is wasted by______oceans

Pacific, Arctic and Atlantic

11. Текст. The Amish people are a religious group who came to America from Switzerland and South Germany in the 18th century.


Who are Amish people?

a religious group from America

Why do the Amish people wear homemade clothes?

its acceptable in the Amish society

Why do the Amish people have large families because

of the religion

What does the phrase "home produced food" mean?

the cooked at home food

Why don't the Amish children learn History or Geography?

they don't need any other school subjects

12. Текст. The Tower of London.


According to the text ___ people were beheaded in the Tower of London.


The ravens in the Tower would not fly away only because…

their wings are clipped

Bloody tower is the place where:

King Edward's two sons were murdered

If you go to the Tower of London you can visit home of …

The Crown Jewels

"Fate" means the things that …

happen to someone

13. Текст.The most popular spirits in Ireland are Guinness and Whiskey.


What are the most popular drinks in Ireland?

beer and whiskey

What does the word "yeast" mean

you need it to make a dough for bread

Guinness is produced:

Britain, Nigeria, Malaysia

Who is Grant?

general of the army

What is another insteresting Irish drink except whiskey and Guinness?

Irish coffee

14. Текст. Oscar Wilde


Which of this novel made him one of the outstanding writers in Great Britain

"The Importance of Being Earnest"

According to the text:

Oscar Wilde had good education

"The Picture of Dorian Gray" is a novel about

the man who was always young and his picture grew old and ugly.

In 1900

Wilde got sick and died

Wilde was imprisoned because

Wilde lost the case against Marquis of Queensberry.

15. Текст. On 28 August 2005, the US government told everyone in New Orlando to leave the city.


Give the title to this story. How do you call it?

accident in New Orleans

A true answer:

When Hurricane hit the city many people had already left

The US government had been preparing for a hurricane

for many years

A sentence in the Past Perfect Tense:

Many people had already left

Hurricane Katrina was moving towards:

New Orleans

16. Текст. Wolfgang Mozart is a famous Austrian composer.

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