Материалдар / Ағылшын тілін оқытудағы инновациялық әдіс тәсілдер тиімділігі.
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

қысқа мерзімді сабақ жоспарларын

жүктеп алғыңыз келеді ма?
ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

Ағылшын тілін оқытудағы инновациялық әдіс тәсілдер тиімділігі.

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Ғылыми жоба
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады.
Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
13 Ақпан 2021
1 рет жүктелген
Бүгін алсаңыз 25% жеңілдік
770 тг 578 тг
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

61 жалпы білім беретін орта мектеп

Ғылыми жоба

Тақырыбы: « Оқушыларды ағылшын тіліне уйретудегі инновациялық әдіс

тәсілдерді қолдану ерекшеліктері»

Бағыты: Тiл бiлiмi (ағылшын)

Авторы: 6 класс оқушысы Қобыланды Алихан Қанатұлы

Жетекшіci: ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі: Орыналиева Венера Нурболовна

Ақтөбе 2021

  • Кiрiспе

  • Теориялык бөлім

  • Зерттеу бөлімі

  • Қорытынды

  • Пайдаланылған әдебиеттер


Бүгінгі таңда білім жүйесін инновациялық технологиялармен жабдықтап, білімнің халықаралық талаптарын меңгерудің маңызы үлкен. Өйткені бұл жас ұрпаққа сапалы білім берудің негізі болып табылады. Ғылым мен техниканың жедел дамыған,ақпараттық мәліметтер ағыны күшейген заманда ақыл-ой мүмкіндігін қалыптастырып,адамның қабілетін, талантын дамыту-заманның басты талабы.

Президенттің жолдауында: «Ұлттың бәсекеге қабілеттілігі бірінші кезекте білім деңгейімен айқындалады» - деген байламы жеке адамның құндылығын арттыру, оны дайындайтын ұстаз жауапкершілігінің өсуі, тынымсыз еңбек, сапалы нәтиже деген ұғыммен егіз. Бүгінгі таңда білім беру саласында әртүрлі сипаттағы және бағыттағы инновациялар енгізілуде.

Оқу-тәбие үрдісіне жаңа педагогикалық технологияларды ендірудің алғашқы шарты: мұғалімнің инновациялық іс-әрекетін қалыптастыру болып табылады.

Қазақстан Республикасының «білім туралы» Заңында «Білім беру жүйесінің басты міндеті – ұлттың және жалпы адамзаттың құндылықтар, ғылым мен практика жетістіктері негізінде жеке адамды қалыптастыруға және кәсіби шыңдауға бағытталған білім алу үшін қажетті жағдайлар жасау, оқытудың жаңа технологияларын енгізу, білім беруді ақпараттандыру,халықаралық ғаламдық коммуникациялық желілерге шығару» деп білім беру жүйесін одан әрі дамыту міндеттерін көздейді. Шет тілді оқытудағы негізгі мақсат – шет тілді коммуникативті қалыптастыру және дамыту, оны еркін игеру. Шет тілі – қазіргі заманның талабына сай, қоғамның әлеуметтік-экономикалық, ғылыми-

техникалық және мәдениет дамуының қайнар көзі. Қазір шет тілін оқыту әдістемесінің деңгейі жоғары. ХХІ ғасыр – озық технологиялар ғасыры. Сондықтан, білім беру жүйесінде жаңа технологияларды тиімді пайдалану заман талабы.

Білім берудің жүйесінің негізі – мектеп болғандақтан, мектепте жаңа технологияларды кеңінен пайдаланудың маңызы ерекше. Сол себепті еліміздің барлық білім беру ошақтары қазіргі озық технологиялармен жабдықталып, мультимедиялық кабинеттер ашылды.

Оқыту барысында оқу міндеттерін шешуге бағытталған оқу бағдарламалық құралдары (электронды оқулықтар, электронды курстар, дәрістер, слайд-дәрістер, мультимедиялық презентациялар және т.б.) кеңінен қолданылады.

Бұл технологияларды әсіресе шетел тілін үйренуде пайдасы өте зор.

Себебі, тіл үйрену арқылы адам бүкіл бір ұлттың мәдениеті мен әлеуметін қатар үйренеді. Ал оны толықтай меңгеру үшін оқулықтың аздық етері анық. Адам көру, есту арқылы тіл қолданушылардың мәдениетін тезірек сезінеді.

Тіл үйрену барысында жаңа технологияларды қолдана отырып, жазу, тыңдау, түсіну, сөйлеу дағдыларын қалыптастыруға әбден болады.


Research purpose: Effective use of innovative methods in the study of how well English is formed in the conversational style of modern students the role and the effective usage of innovative technologies in teaching English are considered in this article.

Supposed result: In order to increase the interest of students in the subject of English, it is necessary to look for a lot ,to master new information technologies, to know different methods

Importance of the research: The aim of this work is to show the use of innovative techniques for teaching English communication skill to learners.Novel methods such audio video aids,games,group discussions,role play brainstorm will provide an easy way for learning the English communication skill and increase the confidence of the learners.

Research results: Through the use of of these innovative techniques students interest in the lesson is increased their desire to learn English is awakened and they continue to use English lessons to simulate creative ideas. Because by learning a language a person learns the culture and society of an entire nation at the same time. Obviously, a textbook is not enough to master it. People see and hear the culture of language it is possible to develop writing, listening, comprehension and speaking skills using new technologies.

In the article approaches of effective use of innovative technologies in the process of teaching a foreign language, their influence on improving the quality of students knowledge, ways of effective introduction and approbation of this aspect through non-traditional forms of education are considered. Thus, the need for foreign language learning becomes a fashionable trend or additional educational baggage of the person, but an objective reality and the introduction of innovative educational technologies for fast and efficient learning a foreign language is the key to the need for every citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Today, many are looking for ways that would help improve the effectiveness of training. Teachers always excites the actual problem is to make sure that all the students were interested in a lesson to all involved in the learning process, so that there are no indifferent. How to use stories to develop the personality of the student, his creative thinking, the ability to analyze the past and present, to make their own conclusions and to have their own point of view? All these tasks can be implemented under conditions of vigorous activity of students using interactive methods and teacher training methods. There in lies the essence of teaching.

Тhus, the main objective of educational activities is the development of students' abilities to integrated thinking that will help them to see new aspects of the phenomenon, it creates a holistic vision of the world and, therefore, easier to find your place in it. To accomplish this goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

to examine and summarize the best practices of the problem with the use of the lessons active and interactive methods;

describe the technology of application of interactive teaching methods to improve the quality of education and to help students fulfill cognitive creativity;

to identify whether all the necessary components and tools are available for the implementation of this technology;

to orient students to the perception and the collective decision of complex issues on the basis of the maximum mental stress;

to teach students to apply their knowledge inCombining traditional with interactive lessons allow to achieve the best results and to fulfill the goals and objectives, that is, will «look and try on the ways of learning that students will be happy». At present, priority is given to communicative, interactive, authentic communication, language learning in a cultural context, autonomy and humanization of education. These principles make possible the development of intercultural competence as a component of communicative ability. The ultimate goal of foreign language teaching is learning to free orientation in a foreign environment and the ability to adequately respond in different situations,communication. Today, new methods of using the Internet resources are opposed to the traditional teaching of foreign languages. To learn to communicate in a foreign language, you need to create a real, real life situations which will stimulate the study of the material and generate adequate behavior. This error trying to fix the new technologies, particularly the Internet. In recent years, increasingly it raises the question of the application of innovative technology in the classroom. It is not only new facilities but also new forms and methods of teaching, new approach to learning. Introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process is interconnected with the improvement of the content and methods of education in the process of teaching foreign languages in relation to the needs of modern life.

The main objective of foreign language teaching is the formation and development of the communicative culture of pupils, learning practical mastery of a foreign language. The task of the teacher is to create the conditions of practical language learning for each student to choose such training methods that would allow each student to show their activity, their creativity. Modern teaching techniques such as cooperative learning, project methodology, the use of new information technologies, Internet resources help to realize the learner centered approach to learning, providing personalization and differentiation of learning abilities of children, taking into account their level of training. The communicative approach is a strategy that simulates the communication, aimed at creating a psychological and linguistic readiness to communicate, on a conscious understanding of the material and methods of action with him. For the user, the implementation of the communicative approach in the Internet is not particularly difficult. Communicative job must offer students a problem or question for discussion, and students do not just share information, but also evaluate it. But the main criterion to distinguish this approach from other types of learning activities is that students choose their own linguistic units to process their thoughts. Using the Internet in the communicative approach could not be better motivated: its aim is to interest students in learning a foreign language through the accumulation and expansion of their knowledge and experience. One of the basic requirements for teaching foreign languages using the Internet resources, is to create interaction in the classroom, what is called in interactive methods. Interactivity is a «unification, coordination and complementarity of efforts communicative purpose and outcome of speech means». Teaching genuine language, the Internet helps in shaping the conversation, as well as in teaching vocabulary and grammar, providing a genuine interest and, hence, efficiency. Interactivity is not just creating real situations of life, but also makes the students to adequately respond to them through a foreign language.

One of the technologies, providing personality oriented training is a method of projects as a way to develop creativity, cognitive activity and independence. The typology of the projects varied, projects can be divided into monoproject, collective, oral, specific, written and Internet projects. Although in actual practice often have to deal with mixed project in which there is evidence of research, creativity, practice oriented and information. Work on the project a multi-level approach to language learning, covering reading, listening, speaking and grammar. Project-based learning promotes active independent thinking of students and orients them on a joint research work. In my opinion, project learning true that teaches children cooperation and training cooperation fosters moral values such as mutual support and empathy, generates creativity and activates learners. In general, in the process of project-based learning, traced the continuity of training and education.

Project-based forms of students communication skills, communication, culture, skills, concise and accessible to formulate thoughts, to tolerate the opinion of the partners in dialogue, to develop the ability to extract information from different sources, process it with the help of modern computer technology, creates a language environment conducive to the emergence of the natural needs in communicating in a foreign language. The project form of work is one of the important technologies that allow students to apply the acquired knowledge on the subject. Students broaden their horizons, the boundaries of language proficiency, gaining experience from its practical use, study foreign language listen to it and hear, to understand each other in the protection project. Children work with reference books, dictionaries, computer, thus creates the possibility of direct contact with authentic language, which does not give learning a language only using the textbook in the classroom in the classroom. Work on the project is a creative process. The student independently or under the supervision of the teacher is looking for a solution of the problem, it requires not only knowledge of the language but also the possession of a large volume of subject knowledge, knowledge of creative, communicative and intellectual skills. The foreign language course project method can be used in the framework of the program material on virtually any topic. Work on the project develops the imagination, imagination, creative thinking, selfreliance and other personal qualities. Also, the introduction of information technology in education is significantly diversifies the process of perception and mining information. Thanks to the computer, the Internet and multimedia students have a unique opportunity to master a large amount of information and its subsequent analysis and sorting. Significantly expands and motivational basis for learning activities. The media usage conditions, students receive information from newspapers, television, own interview and conduct teleconferences. Today, under the problem-based learning refers to an organization of training sessions, which involves the creation of teacher-led problem situations and active independent work of students to resolve them, with the result that there is a creative and mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities and the development of mental abilities. Problem teaching is based on the creation of a special kind of motivation a problem, because the construction requires adequate didactic material to be presented as a series of problem situations. The communicative approach is a strategy that simulates the communication, aimed at creating a psychological and linguistic readiness to communicate, on a conscious understanding of the material and methods of action with him. For the user, the implementation of the communicative approach in the Internet is not particularly difficult. Communicative job must offer students a problem or question for discussion, and students do not just share information, but also evaluate it. But the main criterion to distinguish this approach from other types of learning activities is that students choose their own linguistic units to process their thoughts. Using the Internet in the communicative approach could not be better motivated: its aim is to interest students in learning a foreign language through the accumulation and expansion of their knowledge and experience. One of the basic requirements for teaching foreign languages using Internet resources, is to create interaction in the classroom, what is called in interactive methods. Interactivity is a «unification, coordination and complementarity of efforts communicative purpose and outcome of speech means». Teaching genuine language, the Internet helps in shaping the conversation, as well as in teaching vocabulary and grammar, providing a genuine interest and, hence, efficiency. Interactivity is not just creating real situations of life, but also makes the students to adequately respond to them through a foreign language . One of the technologies that provides student-centered learning, is a method of projects as a way to develop creativity, cognitive activity and independence. Project-based forms of students communication skills, communication, culture, skills, concise and accessible to formulate thoughts, to tolerate the opinion of the partners in dialogue, to develop the ability to extract information from different sources, process it with the help of modern computer technology, creates a language environment conducive to the emergence of the natural needs in communicating in a foreign language. The project form of work is one of the important technologies that allow students to apply the acquired knowledge on the subject. Students broaden their horizons, the boundaries of language proficiency, gaining experience from its practical use, study foreign language listen to it and hear, to understand each other in the protection project. Children work with reference books, dictionaries, computer, thus creates the possibility of direct contact with authentic language, which does not give learning a language only using the textbook in the classroom in the classroom. Work on the project is a creative process. The student independently or under the supervision of the teacher is looking for solutions to some problems, this requires not only knowledge of the language but also the possession of a large volume of subject knowledge, knowledge of creative, communicative and intellectual skills. The foreign language course project method can be used in the framework of the program material on virtually any topic. Work on the project develops the imagination, imagination, creative thinking, selfreliance and other personal qualities. The use of innovative teaching methods in the classroom of a foreign language can greatly improve the speech skills of the student and the student interest in the subject. As a teacher, to tackle this challenge effectively, you should implement innovative ideas that make the classroom experience much more lovable for your students. So here the innovative ideas that will help you reinvent your teaching methods and make your classes more interesting.

Creative Teaching

  • Take the help of tools to stimulate creativity. Include playful games or forms of visual exercises that will excite young minds and capture their interest.

  • This is a time-tested method to identify every young student’s creative abilities and encourage creative contributions.

  • Bring aspects of creativity into all your subjects, be it mathematics, science, or history. Think of ways to develop their creative ideas.

  • Encourage different ideas, give them the freedom to explore

Audio & Video Tools

  • Incorporate audio-visual materials to supplement textbooks during your sessions. These can be models, filmstrips, movies, pictures, infographics or other mind mapping and brain mapping tools.

  • Such tools will help their imagination thrive and grow.

  • These methods will not only develop their ability to listen but will also help them understand the concepts better.

  • For example, you can get some oral history materials, conduct live online discussions or playback recordings of public lectures.

  • If you are tech-savvy, there are also a number of smart apps for preschoolers that you can utilize to create awesome slideshows or presentations

Real-World” Learning

  • Infusing real-world experiences into your instructions will make teaching moments fresh, and enrich classroom learning.

  • Relating and demonstrating through real-life situations will make the material easy to understand and easy to learn. It will spark their interest and get the children excited and involved.


  • Make time for brainstorming sessions in your classrooms. These sessions are a great way to get the creative juices flowing.

  • When you have multiple brains focusing on one single idea, you are sure to get numerous ideas and will also involve everyone into the discussion.

  • These sessions will be a great platform for students to voice their thoughts without having to worry about right or wrong.

  • Set some ground rules before you start. You can go for simple brainstorming or group brainstorming or paired brainstorming

Classes Outside the Classroom

  • Some lessons are best learnt, when they are taught outside of the classroom. Organize field trips that are relevant to the lessons or just simply take students for a walk outside of the classroom.

  • Students will find this fresh and exciting. Without taking much effort, they will learn and remember what you teach them.

Role Play

  • Teaching through role-playing is a great way to make children step out of their comfort zone and develop their interpersonal skills.

  • This method comes in handy, especially when you are teaching literature, history or current events.

Storyboard Teaching

  • Rudyard Kipling rightly said, “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.”

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