Материалдар / Агылшын тiлiнде сойлеуге фонетикалык жаттыгулардын маныздылыгы

Агылшын тiлiнде сойлеуге фонетикалык жаттыгулардын маныздылыгы

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Агылшын тiлiнде сойлеуге фонетикалык жаттыгулардын маныздылыгы туралы
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Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Ағылшын тілінде сөйлеуге фонетикалық жаттығулардың маңыздылығы

Ағылшын тілінде сөйлеуге фонетикалық жаттығулардың маңыздылығы орасан зор. Сондықтан оны сабақ барысында , сабақтың басында сәлемдесуден кейін де қолданып жатамыз. Әрине оқушының жас ерекшеліктеріне сәйкес етіп аламыз.Олар мыналар:

1. Our large family

Has a nice flat

We live there happily

With a kitten and cat.

My sisters and brother

All go to school

We help one another –

It is a good rule.

We help our mother

When she washes or cooks,

Together with father

We like to read books.

2. Home is the nicest place to be

With father and mother and baby and me,

With Skipper, our dog, and Smokey, our cat,

Oh, no place could be nicer than that!

3. This is my sister,

Her name is Ann

She goes to school

She is already ten.

4. My name is Ann,

His name is Ben,

Her name is Nan,

Say it again!

5. I have a cat,

Her name is Kit,

And by the fire

She likes to sit.

She likes to sit

Upon my knee

For I like Kit

And Kit likes me.

6. I am training my puppy

To do as he is told

My puppy isn’t very big

And he isn’t very old.

I am training my puppy

To do as I say,

But my puppy just thinks

That I am trying to play.

I am training my puppy

To sit at my feet,

But he thinks that my shoes

Are for puppies to eat!

7. Under the sky,

And under the trees,

My friend and I

Often play in the breeze.

8. White kite, white kite

Up in sky,

What can you see there

Flying so high?

I can see houses

And a lot of trees,

I can see rivers

And nice blue seas.

9. Oh where, oh, where

Can our John be?

He is not here,

He is not there.

Oh, where, oh, where

Can our John be?

10. Why, why, why?

Can you tell me, why?

I can run, I can jump,

But I cannot fly?

11. Where is Mary, where is Mary?

Here I am. Here I am

How are you today?

Very well, I thank you.

Then, Mary, let us play!

12. Over my head and under my toes

That s the way my skipping-rope goes.

I can skip slowly, I can skip fast,

Look, my rope is whirling past.

13. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

Who will help me look for Even?

He is not here, he isn’t there

I have hunted everywhere!

14. Wanted

- I am looking for a house,

Said the little brown mouse,


One room for breakfast,

One room for tea,

One room for supper

And that makes three.

One room to dance in

When I give a ball

A kitchen and a bedroom –

Six rooms all.

15. Little Mouse, little Mouse,

Where is your house?

Little cat, little cat,

I have no flat

I am a poor mouse,

I have no house.

Little Mouse, little Mouse

Come into my house

Little cat, little cat,

I cannot do that

You want to eat me!

16. This is the key of the kingdom

In that kingdom there is a city,

In that city there is a town

In that town there is a street

In that street there is a lane,

In that lane there is a yard

In that yard there is a house

In that house there is a room

In that room there is a bed,

On that bed there is a basket,

In that basket there are some flowers.

17. One, two,

What must I do?

Three, four,

Shut the door!

Five, six,

Count the chicks!

Seven, eight,

Close the gate!

Nine, ten,

What a fat hen!




W and XYZ

This is called the alphabet,

Which we never must forget.

19. I can read, i can write,

I can speak English, too

I love learning English!

And what about you?

I know all letters well,

I can read them and spell.

20. Mum is thirty,

Dad is thirty five,

Nancy is eleven

And I am only five.

21. One little apple on a tree,

Two apples for you and me,

Three apples by the door

And four apples on the floor

The apples are good and sweet

Can you count them all, Pete?

22. Five little goats walked one day,

And each little goat had something to say

The first one said, «What a fine day!»

The second one said, «Lets run and play»

The third one said « It looks like rain»

The fourth one said «Oh, no! Not again!»

The fifth one said, «There is a drop on my head»

So they all hurried home to their warm, snug shed/

23.Little Kate is only three,

She must learn the ABC.

Little Kate, say to me,

What is the letter before B?

24. Betty s hair is curly and fair,

But Andy s hair is straight and dark

Molly has a plait with a ribbon,

Jeremy s nose is a little snub

This thick ponytail belongs to Kitty,

Alice s cheeks are rosy and plump,

But Nancy has two tiny dimples, so pretty!

What nice –looking children! Count them up!

25. My eyes can see,

My ears can hear,

My nose can smell,

My mouth can talk,

My head can nod,

My arms can hold,

My legs can walk

And walk, and walk

26. Without your tongue

You can not talk,

Without your feet

You cannot walk,

Without your eyes

You can not see,

Without your heart

You cannot be!

27. There was a little girl,

And she had a little curl

In the middle of her forehead

And when she was good

She was very, very good

But when she was bad,

She was horrid!

28. Elizabeth, Elspeth, Betsy and Bess,

They all went together to seek a birds nest,

They found a birds nest with five eggs in.

They all took one, and left four in.

29. It is birthday time, birthday time –

Time for games and time for toys,

Time for happy girls and boys,

Time for cake and presents, too,

Time for laugh and say «Thank you! »

30. I shall not soil this little book,

Nor drop it on the floor^

I shall not turn its corners down

To spoil it more and more

My book is little friend for me,

And so a friend to it I shall be.

31. I have a book ,

I have a doll,

I have a big red ball,

I have a ring,

I have a toy,

I have a place for them all.

32. I have a cat,

I have a dog,

I have a big blue ball,

I have a car,

I have a wheel,

I am glad to have them all!

33. A kitten with a black nose

Sleeps all day

A kitten with a white nose

Is always glad to play.

A kitten with a pink nose

Comes when you call

But a kitten with a grey nose

I like best of all.

34. Doodle, doodle, do,

The princes lost her shoe.

Her highness hopp d,

The fiddler stopped

Not knowing what to do.

35. Where is my school-bag?

Who is seen my shoe?

Oh, dear! Oh, dear!

What am I to do?

Your caps on your head!

Your foots in your shoe!

Oh, you funny little boy,

Wake up to do!

36. The clouds

White sheep, white sheep

On a blue hill.

When the wind stops

You stand still.

You walk far away

When the wind blows

White sheep, white sheep,

Where do you go?

37. Zoo manners

Be careful what you say or do

When you visit the animals in the zoo

Don t make fun of the camels hump,

He is very proud of his noble bump,

Don t laugh too much at the chimpanzee,

He thinks he is as wise as you and me

And the penguins strutting round the lake

Can understand the remarks you make

Treat them as well as they treat you,

And you will always be welcome at the zoo.

38. Grizzly Bear

If you ever, ever meet a grizzly bear,

You must never, never, never ask him

Where he is going

Oh, what he is doing

For if you ever, ever dare

To stop a grizzly bear,

You will never meet

Another grizzly bear.

39. The little tortoise

There is a little tortoise,

He lives in a box,

He swims in the pond,

He climbs on the rocks.

He catches the mosquito,

He catches the flea,

He catches the spider,

But he cannot catch me!

40. There was a Young Lady of Niger,

Who smiled as she rode on a tiger

They returned from the ride

With the lady inside –

And the smile on the face of the tiger!

41Be very, very careful

When you cross the street

Use your eyes and use your ears,

And then use your feet

Look to the left,

Look to the right,

Then look up

And check the light

When all the cars have stopped

Its time for you to go

Walk between the lines

That s the safest way I know

42. All this cars and trucks

That are running along

Can be stopped by the man

Who is enormously strong.

43. Pussy cat

Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been?

-I have been fast asleep on the v3llage green

And when I awake, the traffic was dense,

So I washed my fur coat and I sat on the fence.

And as soon as there wasn’t a car in sight

I crossed the road smartly /I looked left and right/

I am sorry I am late, but you have nothing to fear,

I will always remember: cross when the roads clear!

44. Getting up

When I get up in the morning

I will tell you what I do

I wash my hands and

I wash my face,

Splishity-splash, splishity-splash,

I clean my teeth till

They are shining white,

Scrubbity-scrub, scrubbity-scrub,

Then I put on my clothes

And brush my hair

And runnity-run,

I run downstairs.

45. «This egg is bad»,

Says my dad,

«Take another»,

Says my mother

A plate of meat

For brother Pete

Some cheese and ham

For brother Sam

A soft boiled egg

For sister Meg

Mike and Sam

Like sweets and jam.

46. My day

Breakfast in the morning,

Dinner in the day,

Tea is in the afternoon,

Then it is time to play.

Supper in the evening

When the sky is red,

Now the day is over

And it is time to go to bed.

47. What is the time?

It is nearly noon –

Dinner time

Is coming soon.

Now it is two and now

It is three,

Now it is four and

Time for tea

And now all is done

And said,

Nine o clock and

Time for bed!

48. «I cannot work on Monday»,

Says lazy –bones Grundy.

«Nor start the work on Tuesday,

Wednesday is a holiday

I must plan on Thursday

What to do on Friday,

On Saturday I like to play,

On Sunday I must rest all day».

49. Mary has to wash the floor,

Nelly has to clean the door,

What does Willy have to do?

He has to help his mother too.

50. I had a little hen

The prettiest ever seen.

She washed up the dishes,

And kept the house clean

She went to the mill,

To fetch me some flour,

And always got home

In less than an hour

She baked me my bread,

She brewed me my ale,

She sat by the fire

And told a fine tale.

51. As Tommy Snooks and Bessy Brooks

Were walking out one Sunday

Says Tommy Snooks to Bessy Brooks

«Tomorrow will be Monday».

52. I like Sunday best,

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday less,

Thursday, Friday are not bad,

Saturday is better yet.

But I like Sunday best.


A bear and bunny

Had plenty of money,

They went to the store

For carrots and honey

When the bear and the bunny

Asked for «Carrots and honey! »

The man in the store

Cried , «Where is your money?»

How strange and how funny!

They really had money –

And that s how they bought

Their carrots and honey!

54. Little cat, little cat

As you sat, on the mat,

Did you dream

Of a mouse

Or a greet rat?

Oh, no! Not so!

For I always dream

Of a fish and a bowl

Full of cream.

55. There was a crooked man,

And he went a crooked mile,

He found a crooked stile,

He bought a crooked cat,

Which caught a crooked mouse,

And they all lived together

In a little crooked house.

56. Simple Simon met a pie man

Going to the fair.

Says Simple Simon to the pie man,

«Let me taste your ware»

Says the pie man to Simple Simon,

«Show me first your penny»

Says Simple Simon to the pie man,

«Indeed, I have not any!»

57. Shopping, shopping!

Lets go shopping!

We shall buy a lot of food!

Bread and butter,

Cheese and ice-cream!

I think it tastes so good!

58. A little Talk

The big brown hen and Mr. Duck

Went walking out together

They talked about all sorts of things-

The farmyard and the weather

But all I heard was «Cluck»

«Cluck», «Cluck»

And «Quack», «Quack», «Quack»,

From Mrs. Duck.

59. Babies

The hen has a chicken,

What does it say?

Cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep,

All through the day.

The duck has a duckling,

What does it say?

«Quack», «Quack», «Quack», «Quack»,

All through the day.

The sheep has a lambkin

What does it say?

Baa, baa, baa, baa!

All through the day.

The dog has a puppy,

What does it say?

Bow, wow, bow, wow!

All through the day.

The cat has a kitten,

What does it say?

Mew, mew ,mew, mew!

All through the day.

The snake has a baby,

What does it say?

It does not say anything

All through the day.

60. Early to bed, early to rise,

Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

61. For every evil under the sun

There is a remedy, or there is none

If there is one, try to find it

If there is none, never mind it.

62. There was an Old Lady who said

When she found a thief under her bed,

Get up from the floor,

You are too near the door,

And you may catch a cold in your head.

63. Come to the garden

And play in snow,

Make a white snowman

And help him to grow!

«What a nice snowman!»,

The children will say

«What a fine game

For a cold winter day!»

64. The New Moon

Through my window I can see

The young new moon above the tree

Slender, fine, silver, bright,

In the cold frosty night

First new moon of this new year,

Thin and small, but crystal clear,

In the west it seems to float,

Like a narrow silver boat.

65. Little Jack Horner sat in the corner

Eating a Christmas pie,

He put in his thumb and took out a plum

And said, «What a good boy am I» .

66. Yours and Mine

The sun, the trees, the grass, the sky,

The silver moon that is sailing by,

The rain and dew and snowflakes white,

The flowers sweet and starts of night!

The songs of birds, wind whispering,

The autumn leaves, the buds of spring –

Such lovely things to hear and see

Belong to you, belong to me!

...Тіл мәдениетінің шыңына жету жолы ұзақ әрі тарам-тарам. Құлағы түрулі, ойы сергек, білімге, мәдениетке, тілге, әдебиетке ықыласы ауған жастарға халқының рухани байлықтарын да, ғылым мен техниканың табыстарын да тіл арқылы үйрену жолдары әр алуан. Дегенмен ағылшын тілін үйренгіңіз келсе, ағылшын тілінде берілетін өлең жолдарын жаттап алыңызю Назарларыңызға рахмет!

Дайындаған: Хамзина Мадина Құрманбекқызы, ШҚО, Өскемен қаласы.

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