Материалдар / Ағылшын тілінен олимпиада

Ағылшын тілінен олимпиада

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Ағылшын тілінен олимпиада тапсырмалар үлгілері
08 Қараша 2024
0 рет жүктелген
700 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз
+35 бонус
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Name________________ Grade__________

I Read the text and answer the questions

Crocodiles are large reptiles. Some of the largest crocodiles grow to the length up to 7 metres. Their skin is very thick and is covered with hard and rough scales. All crocodiles live near water, whether it is a swamp or marshy area, lake or river, and they spend a great part of their time there. Being able to walk quite easily on their large flat feet, they can manage to run if necessary and sometimes slide on their stomachs. In the water they are strong swimmers. When swimming a crocodile places its limbs against its body and propels through the water by swinging its massive tail from side to side.

They will often stay wholly still in the water for long periods with their bodies below the surface of the water. Only their nose, ears and eyes are visible, as these are all on top of the head. Although they need to breathe air, crocodiles have the ability to dive beneath the water and remain there for some time.

It's interesting that crocodiles swallow their prey most of the time and their eyesight is excellent, but it improves in the evening. During dry seasons some crocodiles sleep in small borrows dug up by them in the river banks or at the bottom of drying ponds.

1. Which is one of the crocodiles' habitats?

A) Deserts B) Mountains C) Swamps D) Steppe

2. Where do crocodiles spend most of their life?

A) In the mountains B) Under the ground C) In the water D) In the desert

3. How can crocodiles move on ground? They can....

A) jump B) fly C) slide D) jog

4. What are crocodiles very good at?

A) Jumping B) Swimming C) Jogging D) Flying

5. Which part of their body is more helpful for swimming?

A) Paws B) Head C) Tail D) Eyes

6. Which part of their body can you often see over the surface of the water?

A) Sharp teeth B) A tail C) The stomach D) The nose

7. Do the crocodiles need air?

A) Yes, they don't B) No, they do C) Yes, they do D) No, they are

8. What do crocodiles do with their prey most of the time? They their prey.

A) chew B) strangle C) cut into pieces D) swallow

9. What becomes better in the evening than it is usually? The crocodiles' ....

A) appetite B) breathing C) ability to see D) ability to sleep

10. When do some crocodiles fall asleep?

A) When it's cold B) When it doesn't snow C) When it's windy

D) When it doesn't rain

II. Fill in the gaps

11. Sofia's birthday is ….. April 7".

A) in B) at C) for D) on

A) along B) ahead C) forward D) back

  1. The rain was so ... that they decided to stay at home.

A) huge B) gigantic C) enormous D) heavy

  1. What ... in that bag?

A) does he got B) has he get C) has he got D) he has got

  1. He is interested ... music.

  1. at B) about C) in D) on

  1. Questions 15-22 [2 point for the correct answer]

15..any messages for me?

A) Is there B) Will there C) Are there D) Was there

16. It all day long yesterday.

A) was rained B) raining C) rained D) has rained

17. He passed his English exam very ....

A) easy B) easier C) good D) easily

18. She has never to New York.

A) go B) was C) been D) went

19. There are many in the Russian forests.

A) deer B) deers C) deeres D) deerz

20. Go .., we are all listening.

A) along B) ahead C) forward D) back

21. The rain was so ... that they decided to stay at home. A) huge B) gigantic

22. What ... in that bag?

A) does he got B) has he get

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