Материалдар / Ағылшын тілінен олимпиада

Ағылшын тілінен олимпиада

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Ағылшын тілінен олимпиада тапсырмалары
08 Қараша 2024
0 рет жүктелген
1900 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз
+95 бонус
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Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады




1. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets. (7 points)

-   Would you like to come to the cinema with me, Mike?

-   No. I (to work) (1) _________________ all day and I'm tired.

-   And you (to come) (2) ________________ when you (to finish) (3) ________________ resting?

- What film (to be) (4) __________________ on at the cinema?

-   It's a new historical film and it (to base) (5) ________________ on a historical novel.

-   Oh, I (to see) (6) ____________________ the novel before I (to go) (7) __________________ to see it.


2. Put in a (an), the where necessary. (11 points)

1. I would like 1 ______ porridge for 2 ______ breakfast.

2. Would you like to stay in 3 ______ town, or go to 4 _____ country 5 ______ next Sunday?

3. 6 ______ Mount Everest is 7 ______ tallest mountain in 8 ______ world.

4. 9 ______ Hague isn’t 10 _____ capital of 11 _____ Netherlands.


3. Put in the correct prepositions. (8 points)

l. He came _______ Minsk _______ 25th June.

2. People believe that this thing can protect their homes _______ evil spirits.

3. We see _____ the New Year with our friends and relatives.

4. I never borrow money _______ my friends.

5. He gave _______ smoking and took _______ jogging in the morning.

6. She never lets me _______. I can trust her.


4. Write the verbs in brackets in the correct form (Infinitive or Gerund). (10 points)

1. I want _______________ (to know) when my friend goes sightseeing.

2. I like ________________ for my friends. My granny taught me ________________ (to cook).

3. I remember ________________ (to meet) him for the first time five years ago.

4. Our dance teacher learnt ________________ in France. She's fond of _______________ classical ballet. (to dance)

5. I’m interested in ______________ my own web site. Can you teach me _____________ it at your computer club? (to make)

6. It’s not worth ____________ (to take) a taxi.

7. He doesn’t mind ______________ (to get up) early.

5. Complete the sentences with adjectives ending in -ed or -ing formed from the verbs in brackets. (5 points)

l. It’s ______________ (to relax) to listen to jazz.

2. I am _______________ (to relax) when I listen to jazz.

3.    He says that classical music is ________________ ( to bore).

4.    Country music is __________________ (to excite).

5.    He gets very _______________ (to depress) when he listens to heavy metal..


6. Find one mistake in each sentence and correct it if it needs. (5 points)

1.      He is interested in an Eastern History.

2.      Peter and Ann did the project himself.

3.      I would be like to have many pen-friends.

4.      At the age of six children go back to school.

5.      In the beginning of the lesson all pupils stand up.




Agatha Christie (1890–1976), whose books are famous all over the world, was an English crime novelist, short-story writer, and playwright. Often called the “Queen of Crime”, she is the only detective writer who has created two equally famous and much loved characters – Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. Agatha Christie wrote 66 detective novels and 14 short-story collections which have sold over four billion copies – a record beaten only by the Bible and the works of William Shakespeare. The “Guinness Book of Records” ranks Christie as the best-selling novelist ever. Her books have been translated into at least 103 languages.

Agatha Christie was born in Devon, England. When she was 11, she wrote a poem which was printed in a London newspaper. In her late teens Agatha, whose passion was music, studied to be a classical musician but was too nervous to perform. During World War I, she worked at a hospital and then a pharmacy. That’s why many of the murders in her books involve poison.

The event which happened in December 1926 caused quite a storm in the press and transformed Agatha Christie’s life and personality. The woman disappeared for eleven days and couldn’t remember her name when she was found. Soon after that her first marriage, which turned out unhappy, was over. In 1930, Christie married again. Her second husband was an archaeologist with whom she travelled a lot. So several of her novels are set in the Middle East.

Agatha Christie also wrote romance novels and plays, which were very successful too. In 1971, the writer was given the title Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire.


1.      Agatha Christie often called the “Queen of Crime”.

2.      Her collections have sold over five billion copies.

3.      She worked at a hospital during World War II.

4.      Her second husband was a psychiatrist.

5.      She wrote only romance novels and plays.

6.      She was given the title Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire.


Key (8th form)

Total: 52 points



  1. have been working\ have worked

  2. will you come\ are coming

  3. finish\ have finished

  4. is\ will be

  5. is based\ was based\ has been based

  6. saw

  7. went

(8 points)

II. 1. - 2. - 3. - 4. the 5. - 6. - 7. the 8. the 9. the 10. the 11. the

(11 points)


1.to; on

2. from

3. in

4. from

5. up; up

6. down (8 points)



1. to know

2. cooking; to cook

3. meeting

4. to dance; dancing

5. making; to make

6. taking

7. getting up (10 points)



1.     Relaxing

2.     Relaxed

3.     Boring

4.     Exciting

5.     depressed (5 points)



1. An

2. Themselves

3. Be

4. Back

5. At (5 points)



1.     True

2.     False

3.     False

4.     False

5.     False

6.     True (6 points)


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