Материалдар / All about insects

All about insects

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talking about insects
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04 Желтоқсан 2018
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693 ₸ 770 ₸
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жүктеп алып көруге болады


Ex.1 Answer to the questions?

  • What kind of insects do you know?
  • What insects can you meet in the area that you live?
  • How many legs do insects have?
  • What group of insects do you know?
  • Has insects useful side?

WHILE READING TASKSEx. 2 Find out from the text. Are these sentences true are false?

  • Mammals are the largest group of animals on .
  • New species of insects are continually being found
  • Insects have nine legs; and most have wings.
  • Some people call all insects "bugs", this is correct.
  • Different kinds of insects can be divided into groups called components
Ex.3 Complete the sentences with the words in the box

  • _____ (order Coleoptera) have the front pair of wings changed into a hard shell to protect the back wings.
  •  ______ (order ) have large, often colourful wings.
  •  ______ (order Diptera) have only two wings.
  •  ______ (order ) sometimes have stingers and sometimes live in large colonies (like ant hills).
  •  ______ (order Hemiptera) have a mouth that is long and narrow, like a drinking straw. This kind of mouth is called a .


Insects are the largest group of animals on earth by far: about 926,400 different species have been described. They are more than half of all known living species. They may be over 90% of animal species on Earth. New species of insects are continually being found. Estimates of the total number of species range from 2 million to 30 million. Insects have six legs; and most have wings. Insects were the first animals capable of flight. As they develop from eggs, insects undergo metamorphosis. Insects live all over the planet: almost all are terrestrial (live on land). Few insects live in the oceans or in very cold places, such as Antarctica. The most species live in tropical areas. Some people call all insects "bugs", but this is not correct. Only some insects are true bugs, which is a particular order of insects. People who study insects are called entomologists. Different kinds of insects can be divided into groups called orders. There are many insect orders. The biggest insect orders are listed below:
  •  (order Coleoptera) have the front pair of wings changed into a hard shell to protect the back wings.
  •  and  (order ) have large, often colourful wings.
  •  (order Diptera) have only two wings.
  • , , and  (order ) sometimes have stingers and sometimes live in large colonies (like ant hills).


Ex.4 Hunt for the words shown on the list below, then circle them as you find them.

Ex.5 Solve “Insect Crossword”Ex 6 Circle the correct word

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