Материалдар / Ашык сабак «Healthy living”
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Ашык сабак «Healthy living”

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Ашык сабақ жоспары “Healthy living” 8 сыныпқа арналған, Таксономия Блума және Memory map, интерактівті тәсілдер қолданған
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
21 Қазан 2021
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Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

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жүктеп алып көруге болады

Методическая разработка открытого урока по теме “Healthy living

Преподаватель Умбетова Айнура Сейсенбековна

Date: Grade:

Theme: Healthy living

Visuals aids: PP Presentation, the texts, lists with tasks, stripes of color paper

Subjectional connection: Kazakh, Russian, history, biology, cooking

The type of the lesson: Presentation and practice

The form of the lesson: Demonstrative lesson

Methods of the lesson: presentation, question-answer, discussion, testing, pair-work

Technology: Critical thinking (realization of meaning) with elements of game and IDEAL reflection

Aims of the lesson:

  1. Educational: Introducing and practicing new vocabulary, revising previously taught vocabulary, ntroducing a new grammatical point, introducing new functional language.

  2. Developung: To develop speaking and listening skills.

  3. Up - Bringing: Raising interest for English language and up - bring students to be active and accurate:

    Plan of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment: 2 min

  1. Greetings;

  2. Checking up attendance;

  3. Asking about the date and the day, about weather.

Good morning, nice to see you today.

1) Who is on duty today? I am on duty today.

2) Who is absent today? Today is absent…

3) What is the date today? Today is the 11th of February.

4) What is the weather like today? It is cloudy, cold, and snowy.

  1. Checking home - task: 3 min

Let’s begin checking - up your home - work. Are you ready? Open your copybook and I´ll check – up it.

  1. Warming - Up: 5 min

I want you to name the food which you represent yourself now. I see that yiu name only delicious and helpful fruits and other food. You haven’t named tasteless food like lemon or onion, it means that your mood for the lesson is excellent! I wish you good luck!

So, a famous British writer G.B .Shaw said: “ There is no sincerer love than the love of food.” And he was quite right, wasn’t he? Food is very important for people. Do you agree with me? If you do, then say why.

Now, I want you to write the examples of Good health habits and Bad health habits. Put then around the picture. Thank you for your good work!

  1. Presentation of the new material: 8 min

Ok, let’s begin our lesson. First look at the blackboard. Who do you see? Yes, you see a picture about the food and drink. Next to introduce of the new words. All together repeat after me. Next say without me.

tomato [tәmә:tәu]- помидор

banana [bә’na:nә]-банан

potato [pә’teitәu]-картошка

coffee [k’ fi]-кофе

apple [æpl]- яблоко

tea [ti:]-чай

juice [dзu:s]- сок

carrot [‘kærәt]- морковь

grape [greip]- виноград

orange [‘ ᴐrindз]-апельсин

egg [eg]- яйцо

biscuit [‘biskit]-печенье

bread [bred]- хлеб

cheese [t∫i:z]- сыр

rice [rais]- рис

milk [milk]- молоко

butter [‘b tә]-сливочное масло

suger [‘∫ugә]- сахар

Useful phrases

What will you order? – Что вы будете заказывать?

What kind of soup do you have? – Какой суп у вас есть?

And what do you recommend for the second course? – Что вы пореко- мендуете на второе блюдо?

For the second course I recommend you … - На второе блюдо я реко- мендую вам

It is our chefs special – Это фирменное блюдо нашего шеф-повара.

What would you like to drink? – Что вы будете пить?

I could do with a cup of tea – Я бы не отказался от чашечки чая.

What about fruits? – Как насчёт фруктов?

Anything else? – Что-нибудь ещё?

Enjoy your meal! – Приятного аппетита!

May I have the bill, please? – Можно счёт, пожалуйста?

  1. Practising: 23 min

Look at the blackboard. You see a picture. Write down what do you see.

You learn new words and complete the diagram.



Shape4 Shape3


Food and drink

Shape7 Shape6


Exercise 1 page 42 Put these words into three groups. Give a name to each group.

tomato coffee juice

banana apple carrot

potato tea grape




Exercise 2 page 42 Study these words with your teacher.

Countable Uncountable

oranges coffee

apples tea

Exercise 3 page 42 Complete the chart using the words in exercise 1.




Other food





Task: Complete the gaps with words in the box.

menu tip bill waiter coffee

  1. When you arrive at the restaurant a ________ shows you where to sit.

  2. The waiter brings you the ____________ at the end of the meal.

  3. After the dessert you can have a cup of ____________.

  4. He brings you the ___________ and leaves you to choose.

  5. It is necessary to leave money for the waiter as a ___________.

Find the odd one out:

    1. burger, juice, mineral water, tea

    2. apple pie, cheesecake, macaroni, fruit pie

    3. fried fish, stewed meat, roast chicken, chocolate

    4. restaurant, fast food joint, office, café

    5. bill, order, computer, menu

Speaking: Where you can eat these meals?

Complete the diagram:

Practice: Test

1 An onion, a potato and a carrot are …

      1) fruits

2) vegetables

     3) flowers

     4) berries

2. What grows in a fruit garden?

     1) a tomato

     2) a cabbage

     3) an apple

     4) an onion

3. This fruit is round and orange.

1) an apple

     2) an onion

     3) an mandarin +

     4) a pear

4. What colour is a tomato?

1) green

     2) pink

     3) red

     4) blue

5. This fruit can be red or green and must be fresh and clean.

     1) a banana

2) an apple

     3) a lemon

     4) a peach

6. What grows on trees?

1) a cucumber

     2) a pepper

     3) a pear

     4) a beet
7. What grows in a kitchen garden?

1) an apricot

     2) a cabbage +

     3) an orange

     4) a banana

8. What colour is a banana?

1) brown

     2) green

     3) red

     4) yellow

9. This vegetable is long and green.

1) a tomato

     2) a radish

     3) a cabbage

     4) a cucumber

10. You can find the fruit.

1) a raspberry

     2) a pineapple

     3) a gourd

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