Материалдар / Ашық сабақ: Cage dving with sharks.

Ашық сабақ: Cage dving with sharks.

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Мұғалімдерге әдістемелік көмек
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
13 Мамыр 2021
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Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады


И.Н. Мектепбаева

1 мектеп-гимназиясының

ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі,

Байзақ ауданы

Term III

School: School- gymnasium 1


Mektepbaeva I

Object: English

Date: 02.02.2021

Grade: 10 А

Theme of the lesson

Cage Diving with Sharks- Акулалармен торға секіру

General aims

Reading and listening for specific information, detail and main ideas, recognize the attitude or opinion of the writer, talking about Cage Diving with Sharks, to develop pupils writing, reading and speaking skills. To enlarge vocabulary.

Results of educating

Students will develop their reading and speaking, writing skills. Students will know about Cage Diving with Sharks. Students will know about the phrasal verbs and will enlarge vocabulary and writing skills.

Main ideas

New approaches to teaching and learning. Learning to think critically. Helping one another


Individual work. Working with pictures. Answer and question.

Cinquain , “Five fingers”


English book, assessment papers, stickers.

The courses

Teachers actions

Pupils actions


Organizational moment

Good morning my dear pupils!

How are you?

Good morning, teacher!


Warm up

Answer my questions.

What season is it now?

What can you say about winter?

What is the weather like today?

What date is it today?

Will answer the questions.

Will speak about video-situation.




Introducing the lesson objectives.

Teacher will put some questions according to the theme.

Do you know about Sharks ?

Why are sharks important?

Watching DVD-video

In this video we are going to know the most interesting facts about the sharks. https://youtu.be/WVQoKBKIfHw

With more than 456 different recorded species of sharks, they are one of the most diverse animal genres on the planet. They are found in almost every body of salt water, many adaptable only to the warmer waters, though there are some species who prefer cooler waters, such as the Blue shark. Though they are most common in salt water, there are some species who are able to adapt to fresh waters as well, like the Bull shark; however, not all can survive for too long in these habitats, and most have to leave the area after so long, or perish due to it.

They’ll answer the questions.

Pupils work with picture.




Cage Diving with Sharks- Акулалармен торға секіру

Task 1. Topical vocabulary

Read the definition of the words and translate the text

  1. Great white sharks-Үлкен ақ акулалар

  2. A mixture of liver and tuna-Бауыр мен тунец қоспасы

  3. Scent of blood-Қанның иісі

  4. Meat from a mile away-ет бір мильден

  5. Into a steel cage-болат торға

  6. We wouldn’t be menu-бәзде меню болмайды

  7. Endangered creature-Жойылу қаупі бар жаратылыс

  8. To calm me-Мені тынштандыру үшін

  9. As the cage-торда

  10. The shape-пішін

  11. But instead of fear-Бірақ қорқыныштың орнына

  12. Thrill of seeing this marvelous creature-Бұл таңғажайып жаратылысты көргенде толқу

  13. Glimpsed rows of razor-sharp teeth-Ұстара тәрізді тістердің қатарлары

  14. Vanished-жойылды

  15. Cage diving-Торға сүңгу

  16. Associate humans with feeding time-Адамдарды тамақтану уақытымен байланыстыру

  17. Great shame-керемет ұят

  18. Own curiosity-Өз қызығушылығым

  19. Starving great white’s menu-Аштықтан ақ түстің мәзірі

Task 2. Doing exercises from the book

Exercise 1.p.73

Read the text and answer the questions

1.Which of the following does the writer say in the first paragraph?

D. Sharks have a very good sense of smell

2. How did the writer feel before the experience?

D. afraid

3. How did the writer react when he saw the shark?

A .He was more excited than he expected

4.Cage diving could…………………..

A. put humans in danger

5. What is the writer doing in the text?

B. describing an unusual experience-

Task 3.Writing. Creative work

Make your own sentences about ‘Sharks ’’ with the given vocabulary

Dangerous animal, deep teeth, endangered creatures, through the bars,

a great white shark, very aggressive, marvelous creature, razor-sharp teeth, curiosity

Task 4. Complete the sentences

Learners do exercises.

Learners read the text Discussing about Anxiety and explain it to each other.

Learners will do tasks from the book.



Task 4. Answer to my questions.

What have you learned todays lesson?

Pupils answer the questions and find phrases




Five fingers”

Which task did you like the most?

What was easy for you?

What was difficult for you?

Show on your fingers your opinion about the lesson

1-the lesson was difficult

2-you liked the most

3- your mood glad, sad, bad

4- Activities you have done

5- I learnt today

Reflection through “Five fingers”

1 finger – difficulties during the lesson

2 finger – what do you like during the lesson

3 finger – your mood

4 finger – what do you do today?

5 finger – what do you learn today?

Cinquain” is a five-line poem based on the content of the material under the study.

Line 1 – One-word title.

Line 2 – Two adjectives for describing that word.

Line 3 – Three verbs.

Line 4 – Four feeling words.

Line 5 – A synonym for the title word.

Learners draw the shape of their hands and write on each finger.



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