Материалдар / Ашық сабақ Causes and consequences of natural disasters
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Ашық сабақ Causes and consequences of natural disasters

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Ашық сабақ Causes and consequences of natural disasters
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07 Ақпан 2024
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ОІЖ орынбасары

____________Д. Шардарбеков


Ашық сабақ

Тақырыбы: «Causes and consequences of natural disasters»

Picture 5

Әдіскер: Д. Хаджиназарова

Оқытушы: М.Миржамалов

Шымкент - 2023

Open Lesson plan

Unit 2 Natural Disasters

Shymkent agrarian technician college


Teacher’s name: Mirzhamalov M

CLASS: 10grade 1 course

Number present:


Lesson title

Causes and consequences of natural disasters

Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing to

10.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a

growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

10.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to

talk about a growing range of general topics, and some

curricular topics

10.UE17 use if / unless/ if only in second conditional clauses and

wish [that] clauses [present reference]

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to

  • understand specific information and detail while reading text

  • use subject - specific vocabulary and second conditional clauses for short speaking on the topic

  • give 5 right answers after watching the video and explain the answers

Most learners will be able to

  • analyze information and identify links between the causes and consequences of natural disasters

  • use subject - specific vocabulary and second conditional clauses in discussion

  • give 7-8 right answers after watching the video and explain the answers

Some learners will be able to

  • use subject - specific vocabulary and second conditional clauses in fluent speech modulating or creating the situations on the topic

  • give 10 right answers after watching the video and explain the answers

Assessment criteria

  • understand specific information and detail while reading

  • use subject - specific vocabulary and second conditional clauses for speaking on the topic

Values links

  • Country’s national security and its engagement in addressing global and regional issues

  • Instilling values of safety, correct behavior in nature and helping other people through the content of the topic

Cross-curricular links

Geography, Physics, Ecology

Previous learning

The learners are familiar to the topic in general as they have learned it in the 7 grade and they have studied grammar structures of Conditionals in the 8 and 9 grades.

Use of ICT

Projector, Smartboard for showing the video “5 Natural Disasters that Devastated the U.S. in 2018” and a presentation


Planned timings

Planned activities



4 min

2 min


Organization moment

Warm-up Labelling

Teacher tells learners that they are going to guess the topic of the lesson and discuss about a scene that teacher would like them to draw. Teacher reads out the following text:

Draw three houses. Each house has four windows and a door. On the roof of one of the houses there are two people and a dog. At the top of the picture draw some clouds. The clouds look grey and it’s raining a lot. In the sky there is a helicopter. Around the houses there is water. The water touches the top windows of the house….”

Teacher asks learners to look at their pictures. What do they think has happened in the scene?

Answers: flood, hurricane, tsunami.

When they have suggested some answers teacher asks them to name the topic of the lesson.

Identifying lesson objectives and learning outcomes by the end of the lesson together with students


4 min

5 min

15 min

2 min

8 min

2 min


  1. Previewing a Text.

Brain storming – collecting words on the topic.

Look and listen to the video “5 Natural Disasters that Devastated the U.S. in 2018” and give 10 words related to it.

Descriptor: A learner give 10 words from the video related the topic

Oral positive feedback

  1. Extending Vocabulary.

Individual work Match pictures and words

a storm a blizzard a landslide

a tornado an earthquake a heat wave

a tsunami a drought a gale

thunder a hurricane a flood

lightning wildfire volcanic eruption

Descriptor: A learner match 6 pictures with the right words

Feedback in the form of confirmation: “Yes!,

Good!”, “That is true”. When a mistake is made, elicitation is used

While reading

Text “ Focus on Kazakhstan: Causes and Consequences” p. 22

Group work. Regrouping according to the ability

Group 1 (weak learners)

Strategy “Searching-selecting”

Read the text, choose the names of natural disasters

Descriptor: A learner write all the words, spelling is correct

Assess yourself with Strategy “Rating Scale” (0-3 points)

Criteria for self-assessment

I write all the words, spelling is correct


I write all the words, I make 1 mistake in spelling


I write all the words, I make 2 mistakes in spelling


I write not all the words, I make 2 and more mistakes in spelling


Group 2 (intermediate learners)

Strategy “Using Context to Find Meaning”

Read the text and give definitions to the words:

hurricane, flood, earthquake

Descriptor: A learner write definitions to the words correctly

Group 3 (super learners)

Strategy “Sorting Ideas”

Concept mapping

Read the text and fill in a concept map

Natural disaster






Descriptor: A learner use subject - specific vocabulary and fill in a concept map

Groups 2 and 3 assess the work of group members

Criteria for assessment “Ticket in” (0-3 points)





Use vocabulary on the topic correctly

Suggest ideas

Participate in discussion

Listen to attentively and ask questions

Focus on the educational task

Total score

Emotional pause

Listen to the song “ My Heart Will Go On” from the film “Titanic”

Post reading

The whole class work

Questioning. Open question

Assessment criteria:

use specific vocabulary and second conditional clauses for speaking on the topic

Give your answer, use the Second Conditional:

  1. What would it be if it were underwater volcanic eruptions?

  2. What could it happen if people were careless about campfire?

  3. What would we fear if our country were on the ocean coast?

  4. What could people do to prevent drought?

  5. What would you do if you heard about the flood on the weather forecast?

Peer assessment. Strategy “2 stars and a wish”


PPP Presentation

Handout 1

List of words

Student’s Book English

Grade 10 Sciences

Cambridge University Press

Handout 2

Assessment scale

Handout 3

A concept map

Handout 4

Assessment sheets



3 min

Reflection will be done as a plenary

Strategy “Exploration Table”:

At the end of class, each student answers the following questions presented to them on index cards:

What did we do in class?

Why did we do it?

What did I learn today?

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