Материалдар / Ашық сабақ жоспары Global warming
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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Ашық сабақ жоспары Global warming

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
9 сыныпқа арналған сабақ жоспары
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Date: Grade:9A The theme of the lesson:”Global warming”The aims of the lesson:To give an information about Global warming,to introduce with natural factors which contribute the Global warmingObjectives of the lesson: 1. to practice pupils to speak about the ecological problems 2. to develop their thinking abilities; 3. to enrich the pupils’s word-stock; 4. to bring them, up to love and protect the nature and our environment; 5.to teach students to make short conclusions;Equipment: new words,cards,thematic pictures,ICTThe Procedure of the lesson:I.Organization moment: a)Greeting b)the report of the dutyII.Warming up : “Nature is our treasure,help save it”III.Checking up the home task.What was your home task for today?I’d like to check up your home-task by this scheme.Look at the blackboard!Here are some reference signals and your task is to give morer information about Caspian Sea.1.The world’s largest lake. 1.Caspian Sea2.A lake with salty water. 2.In contains over 40% of all the water in all the lakes in the world3.A river. 3.The Volga river flows into it4.Two cities on the Caspian Sea. 4.Atyrau and Aktau are on the Caspian Sea5.A big fish. 5.The Caspian Sea is famous for it’s sturgeon 6.A canal 6. The Eurasia Canal will allow Kazakh ships to sail all over the world IV.Presentation:We’ll continue our talk about environment and today we’ll discuss the theme “Global warming”-What kinds of disasters do you know? Name them: an earthquake,a tsunami,a volcano,a flood,a hurricane-What kinds of pollution do you know? Name them: air pollution,water pollution,soil pollution and so on-Have you ever heard about global warming? Global warming is a climate change in the world-What is the role of plants? Plants produce oxygen.If there is a shortage of oxygen,all living things will dieT:-Let’s have a look to the new words:process-процесс,to heat-жылу,atmosphere-атмосфера,scientist-ғалым,surface-беті,Fahrenheit-фаренгейт,devastate-қирату,carbon dioxide-көмірқышқыл газы,coast-жағалау,extinction-жоғалуыT:-Now let’s read the text “Global warming” and do different tasks. V.Let’s work with thematic pictures: put each meanings over the pictures.

VI. Now,let’s play the game “Make your choice and explain it”Look at the placard with words according to the “country” and “city”“country” words “city” words1.to lead a quiet life 1. to lead an interesting life2. to work outdoors. 2. to have all modern conveniences3. to take care of animals3. to work with modern machines4. to breathe fresh air 4. to be able to go to the theatre (cinema, museum, galleries)5. to eat healthy food 5. to be able to have a lot of fun6. to enjoy countryside 6. to live among friendly peopleVI.The next task is to make as many words as you can "Environment"VII.Conclusion.T: ! As you know, man needs protection. What must we do to solve these ecological problems?P1: We should stop testing nuclear weapons.P2: We must plant more trees.P3: We should clean water and rivers.P4: We should clear rubbish from lakes and rivers.P5:We should take care of living thingsP6:We should protect the nature.T: O.k. Thank you! You’ve made a good conclusion.We must solve the ecological problems quickly as soon as possible.If we do such kind of good activities, our world will be very beautiful.Marking:VIII.Home task.Write a short composition “Global warming”

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