Материалдар / Ашық сабақ "Sports for all" 5th grade

Ашық сабақ "Sports for all" 5th grade

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
қысқа мерзімді жоспар
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
14 Қазан 2019
46 рет жүктелген
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Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Short-term plan

Lesson plan

Long-term plan: Unit 8 Sports

School : Chingirlau secondary school


Teacher name: Bayimbetova K.M.

Grade: 5

Number present:


Lesson title: Sports for all

Learning objectives understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topic read with some support a limited range of short fiction and non-fiction texts write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information

Lesson objectives

Аll learners will be able to

- recognize different sport activities

- answer the questions

- read and understand the simple texts with support

Most learners will be able to

-identify the advantages and disadvantages of sport

-classify them into outdoor and indoor sports

-apply phrases connected with theme

Some learners will be able to

- write essay and express own opinion to a given tasks

- compare and collect information through the Internet

Assessment criteria

- recognize different sport activities

- read and understand the text

- answer the questions

- identify the advantages and disadvantages of sport

- classify them into outdoor and indoor sports

- write essay and express own opinion to a given tasks

- analyze, compare and collect information

Value links

Learners are taught to be healthy and fit a seculiar society with high spirituality (“Mangilik Yel” 3)

Cross curricular links


ICT skills

active board for showing tasks, Bilim Land material, Laptop for searching information

Previous learning

Learners know about sports vocabulary


Planned timings

Planned activities



3 min


7 min

5 min

7 min

3 min

3 min

4 min

2 min

3 min

3 min



(W) Students watch and listen to the video about sports and identify the theme of the lesson through the video.

Pre- speaking. Method “Catch the ball”

(W, f) After watching the video learners answer the questions Teacher asks referential questions to pupils bearing on the context of the lesson

1. Whаt’s your fаvourite sport?

2. What kind of sport do you prefer?

3.Why do you like this kind of sport?

4.How often do you play it?

5.Whаt sports do you like playing?

6.Which sports do you dislike?

7.Where do you go to play?

8.How do you get to the gym?

9.What is your favourite sport team?


have a good mood

answer the questions

express their opinion

Assessment Fireworks

All learners clap to each other

Differentiation by tasks, by support of teacher

Differentiation strategy helps learners use their abilities and skills to get more educated

Dividing into groups through the halves of pictures with according our theme

the first team is football

the second team is basketball

Place: Cabaret style. (teams: ‘football’ and ‘basketball’)

(W, f) While- speaking. Strategy Why?

Complete the diagram. Why do people do sport?


- say the benefits of the sport

- answer the questions

-share ideas

Formative assessment

Teacher gives students different comments: Good of you Well done! Good job!

(W, I, f) Post-speaking Plus and minus

Task 1 Differentiate advantages and disadvantages of sport. Speak about for and against. Collect information through the Internet


-differentiate advantages and disadvantages of sport

- find information from the internet

Group assessment. Groups assess each other by the criteria

Group assessment


speak about the advantages and disadvantages of sport

identify the benefits and harm of sports

(W, f) Pre-reading. “5 Questions”

Students watch and listen to the video about Glasgow sport school

Answer the questions

1. Who has got a silver medal for swimming?

2. What subjects are there at the school?

3. Where is the Glasgow School of Sport?

4. How many students are there at school?

5. Which competitions do students take part in?

(W, P, f) While-reading. “True or False”

Learners write task connected with text

  1. At a sport school there are school subjects like Biology, PE, History. (False)

  2. Every day the students do sports. (True)

  3. There are 1,100 students at the school. (True)

  4. Many students from Glasgow School become footballers. (False)

  5. Every year students win competition s for their school. (True)

Self assessment: learners check up with teacher’s answer sheet

(W, P ,f) Post-reading and writing. Who is the quickest?

write four school subjects

write five sports from the text

speak three things

remember about the Glasgow School of sport


work in common

answer the questions

write true or false

write four school subjects

write five sports from the text

remember and speak three things about the Glasgow School of sport

Team assessment. Teams assess each other by comments and likes

Dynamic pause Are you tired? Please stand up and do this activity Energizers. “My favorite sport

Differentiation by outcomes
is achieved by individuals answering at their own levels of ability so that very different outcomes result from the same task or piece of work

(W, G, f ) Writing

A group Compare differences between indoor and outdoor activities. Strategy Venn diagram.


-compare the differences between indoor and outdoor activities.

-complete the Venn diagram

B group. Match the pictures with kinds of sport

Label the pictures

C group. Write an essay about your favourite sport

  1. Introduce the topic

2. Write about when and where you do it, what you do, what equipment you need for

3. Why you enjoy this sport


Write an e-mail applying words about sport activities

Peer assessment Free microphone

Learners ask questions and the others give proper answers to the questions

Conclusion for speaking. “Basketball questioning”

Move questions and discussions between learners

1. Do you prefer going in for sport or watching it on TV?

2. What kinds of sports are popular in Kazakhstan?

3. What national Kazakh sports do you know?

4. What sports are you good at?

5. Which do you prefer, basketball or volleyball?


answer the questions

discuss and share ideas





Slide 1

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