Материалдар / Ашық сабақ Transport in London 9 сынып

Ашық сабақ Transport in London 9 сынып

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Жаңартылған бағдарлама бойынша ағылшын тілінен қысқа мерзімді жоспар 9 сыныпқа арналған.
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
28 Қаңтар 2019
2 рет жүктелген
693 ₸ 770 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз 10% жеңілдік
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

DateThe name of the teacher: .
GradeNumber present:absent:
The theme of the lesson:London and it’s transport .
Lesson objectives:

To introduce with new words Give more information about the London and it’s transport. Work with text to bring up pupils to love for foreign language, promoting interest in the culture.
Language objectives:Learners can: get more information about transport in London

All learners will be able to: understand the new themeMost learners will be able to: easily read a text about the transport in London in English

Some learners will be able to: do exercises by new theme and share their opinion about advantages and disadvantages of transport

Key words and phrases:

a double-decker, a single-decker, crew, the conductor, the inspector, an upstairs, a downstairs

Planned timings:Planned activitiesResources:
Start5 min


I. Greetings. Good morning, students?How are you?Who is on duty today?Who is absent?What date is it today?

II. Phonetic drills. Let's practice and try to learn[l] –travel, capital, gallery[ei] – play, place, stadium[ju:] – museum, new, beautiful[i] – big, different, pig[a:] – park, car, partner[q] – square, quiet, quick[i:] – see, street, week

Let’s divide two groups:1 group-London2 group-Kazakhstan

Checking up the homework.Method: “Unfinished sentences”Ex: 3Put in the - ing form. Words you need: paint, stay, close, be, play, go, lie, take, laugh, smoke.For London's groupHe started________ early. His pictures are great.Do you mind_______ the windows?I hate _______ alone at home.I don't mind _____ the monitor.Then he started_______ the piano.For Kazakhstan's group1. I dislike____ part in concerts.2.Do you enjoy ____ on the beach?3.Mum suggested_____ home early.4.I couldn't help ________ looking at her.5.I am so happy Dad stopped_______.



5 min


(GW)7 min


Today we have a new theme. Brainstorming: Students, please guess the theme of our lesson with multiply table!1*2 –3*4-5*6-7*8-7*9-9*9- “London”-How do you think what is the theme of our lesson?The theme of our lesson is «London». Today we are going to talk about transport in London. What do you know about London and its transport?Aims of the lesson: To introduce with new words Give more information about the London. Work with text to bring up pupils to love for foreign language, promoting interest in the culture. Look at the board and watch the videoOk, what do you know about London?London is the capital of Great Britain and the UK.The Houses of parliament – it is the place where government works.Big Ben — it is the clock.Buckingham Palace is the residence of the Queen.The Tower of London is the historical monumentWestminster Abbey is the church.What kind of transports do you know? (a car, a plane, a taxi, a train, a bus, a bicycle, etc). Now look at the interactive board. Let’s watch the video.What have you seen on this video?What kinds of transport do you know?   What kind of transports can we see in London?– How do the people usually travel from place to place? Name, please.– By bus, by taxi, by horse, by bike, by train, by plane, by ship.– What transport is the most safe, comfortable and not expensive in London?– A double-decker bus.– Is London really a great city?– Yes, it is.– Do you pay your attention what colour is English taxi?– Black taxi.– What colour are English buses? – Red buses. – Is travelling by double-decker bus fantastic?– Yes, of course. I think that travelling by double-decker bus is fantastic.– Are Londoners like travelling by bike?– Yes, they are. I believe Londoners are like travelling by bike.

III. Doing exercises. New wordstransport [trəenspоt] транспортdouble-decker [dΛbl dekә] екі этажды автобусsingle-decker [siŋgәl dekә] бір этажды автобусcoach [kәutS] алыс жолға жүретін автобусinspector [inspektәинспекторconductor [kәndΛktәкондукторconductress [kәndΛktris] кондуктор әйелdriver [draivә] жүргізушіupstairs [Λpsteәz] жоғарғы қабатdownstairs [daυnsteəz] төменгі қабатinside [insaidішкіqueue [kju:] кезек

Exercise: 1 p. 119. Listen and read.Transport in London

Good reading – 3Average reading – 2Bad reading - 1Method: “Find the differences”What is the difference between...a. conductor and conductress,b. inspector and bus driver,c. single-decker and double-decker,d. bus and coach.

London's' group: Speaks London's transport1st pupil (underground)2nd pupil (double- Decker bus)3rd pupil (train)4th pupil (airport)5th pupil (taxi)Kazakhstan's group: Speaks Kazakhstan's transport1st pupil (underground)2nd pupil (bus)3rd pupil (train)4th pupil (airport)5th pupil (taxi)Descriptor:1. Using different pictures with transport.2. Speak 5-6 sentences 3. Make a poster. Test:1. London stands on the river_____.A . Nile B. Mississippi c. Thames2. The London home of the Queen is____.a. Buckingham Palaceb. Westminister Abbeyc. Barmoral Castle3. What colour are buses in London?a. red b. blue c. black4.Britain`s national drink is…..a. Tea b. Coca-cola c. coffee5. What is the official name of this country?a. Britain b. The United Kingdom of Great Britainc. England6. Money in the UK is…..a. Dollars b. Pounds c. euro7. The seat of the British government is……a. the Houses of parliamentb. Buckingham Palacec. Piccadilly Circus8. What is the most popular free time activity?a. Watching TV b. Gardening c. Reading9. London transport is a). houseb). the undergroundc). the zoo10. What colour is English taxi?a. red b. black c. brown

Homework. Exercise 2,6 p. 119-121Feedback.

Cards, posts

Additional information


Maximum points: 16 points“5” for 16 -12 points“4” for 11 – 7 points“3” for 6-3 points

More supportCreate mixed ability groupsPronunciation of the wordsAsking questions

Reflection:Were the lesson objectives realistic? What did the learners learn today?

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