Материалдар / Ашық сабақ "Viva, Independent Kazakhstan" Competition among the 7th forms
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Ашық сабақ "Viva, Independent Kazakhstan" Competition among the 7th forms

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
7 сыныптарға арналған жарыс сабағы
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
22 Желтоқсан 2017
0 рет жүктелген
770 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз
+39 бонус
Бұл не?
Бүгін алсаңыз +39 бонус беріледі Бұл не?
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады




«Viva, Independent Kazakhstan!»

Competition among 7a,ә,б forms.

English teachers: Radyuk Oxana

Abisheva Liliya

Kairbekova Gulshat

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку «Viva, Independent Kazakhstan!»

Lesson type: a competition lesson.
Aims: to teach students to express their own points of view and work in groups;

  • to develop skills of reading, listening, speaking and unprepared speech;

  • to enlarge country studying knowledge and educate the feeling of love towards  

  • our motherland.

Objectives: SWAT develop their skills of reading, speaking, listening and  unprepared speech.
Items needed: an interactive blackboard, photos, flags and maps of the UK and  Kazakhstan, cards. 
Procedure of the lesson 
I. Greeting.

Good morning, dear students and guests! 
I’m very glad to see you at our lesson, which will be held in the form of competition between three teams. I’ m sure you will demonstrate what you know about these two great states: Kazakhstan and Great Britain.  
The theme of our lesson is “Kazakhstan and Great Britain”.  
The aims of our lesson you can see on the screen. 

II. Introduction.

Входят ведущие.

Ведущий 1: Good morning, dear guests, teachers, students! We are glad to see you on our holiday.

Ведущий 2: Қайырлы күн , құрметті ұстаздар мен оқушылар!

Ведущий 3:Добрый день, уважаемые гости, учителя, ученики. Мы рады приветствовать вас на нашем празднике. ( на экране появляется изображение солнца возле каждого луча Буква- KAZAKHSTAN ).

Teacher: Look at the board. Describe your mood before the lesson. Make up sentences using these letters ( I’m active, happy, adequate, affecting, nice-looking, surprising, temperamental, kind, kind-heartedness, zooty.)

Where can we see the sun? Pupil : The sun- its sign is life, great circulation of the nature. Pupil : We can see the sun on the flag- symbol of our country. 32 beams of the sun of the flag of Kazakhstan have the form of grain bases of well-being. (на экране флаг страны -25 years of Independence. Звучит музыка). « Viva, Independent Kazakhstan!».« Қазақстанның тәуелсіз күні жасасын!»« Да здравствует независимый Казахстан!» ( слайды о Казахстане).

Reading poems about Kazakhstan (English, Kazakh, Russian)

Ведущий1 : It’s beauty’s nature- my Motherland

It means loves ocean happiness and

Its symbol of wealth, its freedom brand

My Kazakhstan is my native land.

Ведущий 2: Елімнің атын айтсам Қазақстан

Жерімнің атын айтсам-Қазақстан

Қойнауы қазынана толған мекен

Байлығым атын айтсам –Қазақстан

Я стою на горе, Казахстан предо мной

Я смотрю, напрягая вниманье и зренье,

И не в силах я скрыть своего изумленья

Перед этой прекрасной, могучей страной.

Ведущий 1: As you know we are going to celebrate the Independence Day of Kazakhstan . On the 16-th of December 1991 a Declaration about the Independence of Kazakhstan was adopted. 25 years have passed since that memorable date. Our President N. Nazarbaev announced this year as the year of the 26-th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Watching video.

Teacher:  Today we have competition.

First of all let me introduce our teams and jury. There are three teams here today. The first one is called “Patriots”, and its captain is Shakira. The second team is called “Independent”, and its captain is Balzhan, and the third team is called “Astana”, and its captain is Muslima.

The members of our jury are: teacher of English language – Trusbekova Gauhar and Bedelkhan Aida, teacher of Russian language – Kalieva Zhanar.

Now listen to the rules of our game. It consists of several stages. They are deal with English, Russian and Kazakh languages.

Teacher: Each person has its own little corner. From these corners consist of our great Motherland –Kazakhstan. What do you feel when you pronounce or hear the word Motherland ?

Watching video.

III. The first round.

Teacher: Students, look at the screen. You’ll see the questions you should  answer.  

1. How many regions are there in Kazakhstan? (14) 
2. When do we celebrate the Independence Day? (on the 16th of December) 
3. Who is the head of Kazakhstan? (President N. Nazarbayev). 
4. What kind of state is Kazakhstan? (democratic republic with the presidential form of government). 
5. What is the biggest river in Kazakhstan? (The Irtysh).    
6. What was Kurmangazy? (a composer). 
7. What river is Astana situated on? ( The Ishim). 
8. What chambers does Kazakh Parliament consist of? (the Senate and the Majilis). 
9. When was the last Constitution approved? (on the 30th of August). 
10. What is the state language of Kazakhstan? (Kazakh). 
11. What kind of state is the UK? ( a constitutional monarchy). 
12. Whose name is everything done in? (The Queen’s). 
13. What is the state language of the UK? (English). 
14. What chambers does the British Parliament consist of? (The House of  Commons and the House of Lords). 
15. What Party is the Tory Party? (The Conservative). 
16. What is the official name of the UK? (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland). 
17. What party is the Whigs Party? (The Liberal). 
18. What city is the capital of Scotland? (Edinburgh). 
19. What city is the birthplace of Shakespeare? (Stratford-on Avon)  
20. What is the longest river in England? (The Severn). 
21. Where is the residence of the Prime-Minister situated in? (Downing Street  №10). 
22. What was Robert Burns? (Scottish poet). 
23. What is the national emblem of Wales? (Shamrock). 
24. What universities are the oldest and prestigious in Great Britain? (Oxford and Cambridge). 

IV. The second round.

Read and complete
1. In the east Kazakhstan borders on … . (China). 
2. The main lake is … . (Balkhash). 
3. The powerful industrial oblast in the east of Kazakhstan are … .  (Pavlodar and Ust-Kamenogorsk). 
4. When the capital was transferred from Almaty, the city got a symbolic name  … . (Astana). 
5. The epic novel “Abai” is the work of … . (Mukhtar Auezov). 
6. The Sack history is also connected with the struggle against … . (Alexander  the Great-King of Macedonia). 
7. The birthplace of William Shakespeare is … . (Stratford-on-Avon). 
8. The Romans called Britain … . (Albion). 
9. The national flower emblem of Scotland is … .(The thistle). 
10. The Great Fire of London took place in … . (1666). 
11. The Scottish lake in which there is supposed to be a monster is … (Loch Ness). 
12. The highest mountain in Wales is … . (Snowdon).

V. The third round.

 Make up topics about the national flags of the two states and reproduce them orally. 
Kazakhstan: The national flag of Kazakhstan is blue. It’s the colour of the cloudless sky, the symbol of peace. According to the heraldy the blue colour    corresponds to such human qualities as honesty hope and faithfulness. In the centre of the flag there is the gold sun, the symbol of life, the course of energy. Rays have the form of grain, the symbol of independence, freedom and state power. The yellow ornament “Koshkar mujiz” is the symbol of the Kazakh art. 

Great Britain: The Union Jack is the popular name given to the flag of Great Britain. “Jack is an old word for the sailor. The Union Jack is a mixture of several flags. It all began in 1606 when Scotland was joined to England and Wales. The Scottish flag, blue with a white cross from corner to corner, was joined to the English Flag, white with a red cross. Later, in 1801, when Ireland was joined to the Union, the Irish Flag was added, white with a red cross from corner to corner. In this way the English people got the Union Flag which is red, white and blue.

Astana: Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. It lies on the river Esil. It has a population of over eight hundred thousand people. Astana is famous for its modern buildings – Baiterek, Circus, Duman. There are many cars on the streets. That’s why city is noisy and crowded. Astana is not a centre for tourism, but it’s cultural and business centre. It has a lot of cinemas, theatres, and museums. Astana has a problem with traffic. Streets of Astana are wide.

VI. The fourth round.

       Give the Russian and Kazakh Equivalents of the following proverbs. 
   I team: 
1. A good beginning makes good ending. 
    Әр істің  - арты игі
    Лиха беда начало
2. A man can die but once. 
    Екі өлім болмайды, біреунен құтыла алмайсың
    Двум смертям не бывать, а одной не миновать. 
3. All the glitters is not gold. 
    Жылтырағанның бәрі алтын емес
    Не всё золото, что блестит.
 II team. 
1. Art is long, life is short. 
    Өмір қысқа, өнер мәңгі
    Искусство вечно, а жизнь коротка. 
2. He laughs best who laughs last. 
    Соңғы күлкі - оңды күлкі
    Хорошо смеется тот, кто смеется последним.
3. So many men, so many minds. 
    Көптің ойы кемеңгер.  (Қанша адам, сонша ақыл.) 
    Сколько людей, столько умов. 

 III team:

  1. East or west home is best .

Вгостях хорошо, дома лучше.

Өз үйім өлең төсегім.

  1. Tastes differ.

На вкус и цвет товарищей нет.

Әркімнің өз талғамы бар.

  1. Better late that never.

Лучше поздно, чем никогда.

Ештен кеш жақсы.

VII. The fifth round.

5й тур викторины « Знаменитые личности Казахстана»

Teacher: Please, listen to me and guess who are these people?

1. He is a great poet, a founder of Kazakh Literature. He finished medresse.

He started writing poetry at school. He was born in Semipalatinsk region in the rich family. (Abay Kunanbaev)

2. He was a writer, one of the founders of Kazakh Soviet Literature.

In 1928 he graduated from the faculty of History and Philology of Lenindrad University. The most famous of his works is the novel “Abay”.

( Mukhtar Auezov)

3. He learned to read and write, studied Literature and Arabic languages in private

Kazakh school. He graduated from the Omsk Military college in 1853.

He communicated with such famous Russian persons as Potanin, Annensky, Semenov- Tianshansky, Dostoevsky. ( Tchocan Valihanov)

VIII. The sixth round. “Polyglot”

  1.  Complete the proverb in three languages. 
    I team. 
    1. Actions speak louder than … (words, слова, сөздер). 
    2. First think, then … (speak, говорить, сөйлеу). 
    3. He laughs best who laughs … (last, последний, соңғы). 
    4. All is well that ends … (well, хорошо, жақсы). 
    5. Live and … (learn, учись, оқы), 

    II team. 
    1. The right thing in the right … (place, место, орын). 
    2. There is no place like … (home, дом, ұй). 
    3. Never put till tomorrow what you can do … (today, сегодня, бүгін). 
    4. East or west home is … (best, лучший, ең жақсы).
    5. Better late that .....(never, никогда, ешқашан).

 III team:

  1. There is no smoke without …… (fire, огонь, от)

  2. There are spots even on the …….(sun, солнце, күн)

  3. Bad news flies ...... (fast, быстро, жылдам)

  4. Rome was not built in a … (day, день, күн). 

  5. Care killed the .......( cat, кот, мысық).

IX. The seventh round.

Recognize the sightseeing. 
(There sights of Kazakhstan and Great Britain on the screen). 

1. Big Ben                                               1. Bayterek 
2. The Houses of Parliament                   2. Mausoleum of Aisha Bibi and Babadzhi- 
3. National Gallery                                      Khatun
4. Picadilly circus                                    3. Mausoleum of Karahan 
5. Tower Bridge                                      4. Houses of government in Astana                               
6. Tower of London                                 5. The Khodzha Akhmed Yasavi Mausoleum
7. Edinburgh                                            6. Medeu 
8. Trafalgar Square                                  7. Monument of Abylayhan in Almaty
9. Westminster Abbey                             8. Mausoleum of Davudbek 
10. Buckingham Palace                           9. Central Mosque in Almaty
11. St. Paul’ Cathedral                           10. Mausoleum of Ruhabab in Almaty
12. Liverpool                                          11. Hotel “Kazakhstan” 
                                                                12. Central State Museum of R.K.

X. The eighth round. “Captains’ competition”

I see, our today’s competition is coming to its end and the last round will be for captains. 
Dear captains you should answer my questions. You’ll get one point for each correct answer. If you don’t know the answer, you’d better tell me “Go on!” 
You have only ten seconds to think. 

The questions for the 1st captain:            
1. The largest river in Kazakhstan. (The Ishim) 
2. The national dress of the Scots. (kilt)
3. When do we celebrate The Constitution Day of Kazakhstan?(the 30th of  August)
4. The masterpiece of Christopher Wren. (St. Paul’ Cathedral) 
5. When did T. Aubakirov’s first flight to other space take place? (1991) 
6. What vegetable do people use for Halloween party? (pumpkin) 
7. What city do we live in? (Taraz) 
8. Two popular gentlemen associated with Baker street.(Sherlock Holmes and      Doctor Watson) 
9. Name the great Kazakh musicians. (Kurmangazy Sagurbaev, Ahmed  Zhubanov, Nurgisa Tlendiev)
10. The national emblem of Scotland. (thistle) 
11. Whose monument is there near the oblast drama theatre in our city? (Baurzhan Momysh Uly) 
12. The minimum voting age in England. (18) 

The questions for the 2nd captain: 
1.The most important river in England. (The Thames) 
2. The national musical instrument of the Kazakhs. (dombra, kobyz)
3. The permanent seat of the BRITISH PARLIAMENT. ( Houses of Parliament) 
4. Who was the first Kazakh cosmonaut? (T. Aubakirov) 
5. The official name of the Houses of Parliament. (Westminster Palace) 
6. Translate the name of Kazakh national food “besbarmak” (five fingers) 
7. The English writer whose famous novel is “Robinson Crusoe” (Daniel Defoe) 
8. The first name of our city. (Talas) 
9. What is the capital of Wales? (Cardiff) 
10. What anniversary is going to celebrate the capital of our country, Astana?  (the 10th) 
11. Where do children find Christmas presents? (in stockings or under the  Christmas tree) 
12.Read the first line of the national anthem of the Republic Kazakhstan. 
     (Алтын күн аспаны…) 

The questions for the 3rd captain: 
1. When do we celebrate the Independence Day? ( on the 16th of December)

2. Who is the head of the Republic of Kazakhstan? ( President Nursultan Nazarbaev)

3. What is the official language in Kazakhstan? ( the Kazakh language)

4. When did Astana become the capital of our Motherland? ( on the 10th of December in 1997)

5. Who is the author of the State flag of Kazakhstan? ( Shaken Nijazbekov)

6. What is the symbol of peace on the State Flag of our Republic? ( the sun)

7. What the biggest river in our country? ( the Irtysh)

8. What is the popular national holiday in Kazakhstan? ( Nauryz)

9. Who is the first Kazakh cosmonaut? ( Tohtar Aubakirov)

10. When was the last Constitution of Kazakhstan adopted? ( on the 30th of August in 1995)

11. Who translated works of Pushkin, Lermontov and Tolstoy from Russian into Kazakh? ( Abay Kunanbaev)

12. What is national currency of Kazakhstan? ( tenge)

XI. Wrap Up.

Teacher: Dear students! Dear guests!  
Our competition is over. Let’s see our results. 
Well, the jury, it’s time to declare the winners of our today’s competition.  
 (The jury announces the result of the competition). 

Teacher : It was spoken a lot about our Motherland. What would you like to wish our Kazakhstan?

Pupil 3 :

О, Казахстан, моя родная мать!

Желаю я тебе во всех делах

Сильнее процветать!

Пусть небо будет вечно чистым над тобой!

Цвети, мой Казахстан, моя земля.

О, Родина моя, будь счастлива всегда!

Pupil 2: Құя берсін күн нұрын кең далаға,

Күн мен дінді сынаған елге жаңа.

Асқақтаған Алатау шыңдарындай

Қазақстан көрінсін айналаға!

Pupil 1 : God Bless Kazakhstan, land that I love,

Stand beside it, and guide it,

All day and all night.

From the mountains to the steppes,

To the oceans , white with foam,

God Bless Kazakhstan, my home, sweet home!


Teacher: The land of my fathers, the land of my choice,

The land in which poets and minstrels rejoice,

I wish you to flourish, be happy and bright.

I want you to live and never to die!

Viva, Independent Kazakhstan!”

« Да здравствует , независимый Казахстан !»Қазақстанның тәүелсіз күні жасасын!

Teacher: Thanks a lot to everyone for taking an active part at our lesson. 
Good bye! I wish you success and luck. 
See you soon!

Ресми байқаулар тізімі
Республикалық байқауларға қатысып жарамды дипломдар алып санатыңызды көтеріңіз!