Материалдар / Ашық тәрбие сағатты "16- желтоқсан Жаңғырықтары"

Ашық тәрбие сағатты "16- желтоқсан Жаңғырықтары"

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Қайырлы күн құрметті ұстаздар және оқушылар. Бүгінгі тәрбие сағатымызды әділеттің ақ жолын ту етіп елінің егемендігін, ынтымақты, тұтастық, бірлікті ойлаған, ұрпақтың саналығына мән берген, ар мен намысты биік ұстаған, әлемдік деңгейдегі ірі қоғам қайраткері, тәуелсіз Қазақстан Республикасының тұңғыш Президенті Н.Ә.Назарбаевтың құрметіне арнағалы отырмыз!
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
27 Қараша 2018
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Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

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жүктеп алып көруге болады

LESSON: Unit 4The world around us:Domestic and wild animals

School: №14
Date: 23.01.Teacher name:Mukhanova.G.
CLASS: 1Number present: absent:
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to1.S3 pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly1.S5 produce words in response to basic prompts1.L1 recognise short instructions for basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly1.L3recognise with support simple greetings1.L3recognise the spoken form of a limited range of basic and everyday classroom words
Levels of thinking skillsKnowledge, comprehension, analysis, synthesis
Success criteriaAll learners will be able to:

  • pronounce basic words denoting animals
  • recognise simple greetings
  • recognise basic colours

  • Most learners will be able to:

    produce words in response to basic prompts
  • recognise basic intonation distinguishing questions from statements
  • understand the meaning of new words
  • participate in short conversations on a specific topic

  • Some learners will be able to:

    respond appropriately to some questions
  • use some short answer forms correctly

  • Previous learningUnit 4 "The World Around Us" is based on knowledge and language skills from Units1, 2, 3. Students need to know the names of animals around us in their native language.
    Planned timingsPlanned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)Resources

    Organization moment

    Warm up (5 min)

    Dividing into groups (2 min)

    Brainstorming (1 min)

    Revision Тұсаукесер

    «Көпір тапсырмалары»өткен сабақ пен жаңа сабақ байланысы:(2 min)
    Prior Knowledge- Pupils recognize simple greetingsHello, children! How are you?We are ok!

    Make a circle1. Hello. How are you? 2. What is your name? 3. What is it? (bear, dog, doll, crocodile, book, tiger, cat, rabbit)I have got colored rounds. Come and choose one of them. Then you must make a group by colors. And now can you name colors in Kazakh, Russian and English.Teacher put on some pictures on the board to show objectives and criteria, also teacher says what kind of rules learners should keep at the lesson

    “Do you know animals?”What can you see in this picture? The topic of our lesson is “Domestic and wild animals”. (Point to the pictures of animals on the board) Today we’ll name some animals in English.

    White and blue rounds(3 тілде)


    Interactive board
    Knowledge tasks«Білу» тапсырмалары(5 min)

    Singing a song

    (2 min)

    Comprehension «Түсіну» тапсырмалары (3 min)

    Analysis (3 min)Талдау тапсырмалары

    Synthesis Жинақтау (постер қорғау) (3 min)

    Evaluation «Баға беру» 2 min)Feedback (2 min)

    Conclusion (5 min)
    “Where do animals live?”Pupils match animals with their habitats.1) Show where the animals live. Match the pictures of animals to their habitats.House: cat, dog, cow, horse, sheep, camel, henForest: tiger, bear, lion, wolf, elephant, rabbit, crocodile, monkeyLet’s sing the animal songJump like a kangaroo Swing as an elephantShake like a roller snake Fly like pelicanSleep like a KualaLet’s count to ten1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10Listening and watching the tale “The Bun”. Сұрақ-жауап әдісі: what animals did you meet in the tale?Group work. Formative assessment Pupils recognize basic colors and animals.Point and colour Fox is red.Bear is brown.Wolf is black.Rabbit is white.Questions:
  • What kind of animals do you know? (domestic and wild animals).
  • Why do we need domestic animals?
  • Dog guards the house.
  • Where can we see wild animals?
  • Smiles (stickers)What kind of animals did you learn today? Where do the domestic animals live?Where do the wild animals live?My dear children today you were very active. I’m satisfied with your answers. You are clever . Thank you very much!
    Cards of animals and habitats

    Worksheets of animals

    Pictures of milk food, meat, house, zoo

    LESSON: Colours and size School: №14Date: 24. 01Teacher name: CLASS: 1Number present:absent:Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to1. listening to a description and labeling a picture2. developing language skills.3. say topic words with clear and pronunciation4. say expressions clearly1L1.Recognize short instructions for basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly1S1. Make basic personal statements and simple statements about objects1L3.Recognize with support simple greetings1UE1.use common singular and plural nouns to say what and where things areLesson objectivesAll learners will be able to:Sing a song’’ Hello’’To introduce the pupils to the English alphabet;To consolidate colours and sizeTo say some animals’ namesMost learners will be able to:To practise greetings with teacher’s supportSome learners will be able to:Make simple dialogue with teacher’s supportSuccess criteriaPupils achieve if:Can pronounce wordsCan listen soundsPrevious learningWhat is ..? Who is …? This is … .PlanPlanned timingsPlanned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

    ResourcesBeginning5-minLearners are introduced with the lesson objectives/D/ Organize the lessonGreetings Hello, Good morning pupils!How are you? Fine, thanks. Sit down.Warm up. Brain storming.Look left, right (глазами влево, вправо)Look up, look down  (глазами вверх, вниз)Look around.  (глазами по-кругу)Look at your nose  (смотрим на нос)Look at that rose  (одну руку вытягиваем как будто держим цветок, и смотрим)Close your eyes  (закрываем глаза)Open, wink and smile. (открываем, моргаем и улыбаемся)I hope that you are too!Assessments by smiles Activities to revise the vocabulary from the previous module)Ask the pupils to put their crayons or coloured pencils on the desks. Say a colour at random and ask them to point to the corresponding crayon / coloured pencil. Very the rhythm and speed of the instructions to make the activity like a game.e.g. T: (show me) pink!Class: (holds up the pink crayon/ coloured pencil) etcPlay the Where’s the rabbit? Song from the previous lesson. Encourage the pupils to sing alongCD-playeTrack 48 CD1Middle5min10-min5-minPresent and practice(activities to present and activate the new language.)Listen, point and repeatPupils’ books closed. Put up the My Pets! Poster on the board. Point to each animal (tortoise, parrot and spider), one at a time, and present them. The pupils repeat, chorally or individually. Then point to each animal in random order. Ask individual pupils to say the word. Ask the rest of the class for verification.Have you rest?Double, double, this, thisDouble, double, that, thatDouble this, double thatDouble, double, this, thatPupils’ books open. Play the CD.The pupils listen point to and repeat the words. Play the CD again pausing after each word. The pupils repeat, chorally or individually.

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