Материалдар / Basics of using listening while conducting summative assessment tasks
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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Basics of using listening while conducting summative assessment tasks

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
According to various reasons, in Kazakhstani schools, listening in English is given little time, although listening is one of the most important components of classes in organizing summative tasks. Frequent classes in the formation of listening skills allow you to fill the gaps in the skills of perception of foreign speech, remove the emotional barrier and the feeling of fear before learning the language.
04 Сәуір 2024
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Basics of using listening while conducting summative assessment tasks

Д.Т. Мусин

Астана қаласы әкімдігінің №82 «Дарын» мамандандырылған лицейі КММ

Астана қ., Қазақстан Республикасы

Аңдатпа: Әртүрлі себептерге байланысты қазақстандық мектептерде ағылшын тілі бойынша тыңдауға аз уақыт бөлінеді, алайда тыңдау жиынтық тапсырмаларды ұйымдастыру кезінде сабақтардың маңызды құрамдас бөліктерінің бірі болып табылады. Тыңдау дағдыларын қалыптастыру бойынша жиі сабақтар шет тілін қабылдау дағдыларындағы олқылықтарды толтыруға, эмоционалдық кедергі мен тілді үйренуден қорқу сезімін жоюға мүмкіндік береді. Түйінді сөздер: тыңдау, жиынтық тапсырмалар, шет тілдерін үйрену, сөйлеу қызметі, қабылдау дағдылары.

Аннотация: Согласно по разным причинам, в казахстанских школах аудированию по английскому языку уделяют мало времени, хотя аудирование является одной из важнейших составляющих занятий при организации суммативных заданий. Частые занятия по формированию навыков аудирования позволяют заполнить пробелы в навыках восприятия иностранной речи, снять эмоциональный барьер и чувство страха перед изучением языка. Ключевые слова: аудирование, суммативные задания, изучение иностранных языков, речевая деятельность, навыки восприятия.

Abstract: According to various reasons, in Kazakhstani schools, listening in English is given little time, although listening is one of the most important components of classes in organizing summative tasks. Frequent classes in the formation of listening skills allow you to fill the gaps in the skills of perception of foreign speech, remove the emotional barrier and the feeling of fear before learning the language. Key words: listening, summative tasks, learning foreign languages, speech activity, perception skills.

Listening is the perception of speech by ear, one of the most important components of classes when compiling summative tasks for a unit or semester.

Grammar gives you the ability to understand the structure of a language - it's a toolkit. Vocabulary determines the level of understanding of meaning. Listening helps to hear what the interlocutor said.

Listening is perhaps the most important aspect in learning English language. It allows us to develop the skills of perceiving a foreign language by ear. Memorizing a list of words and learning English grammar will not lead you to freely use it in a conversation on free topics. Most people who have studied English can only read English, but not talk. And the reason lies precisely in their lack of sufficient practice in listening in English.

The traditional method of teaching a foreign language considered listening training as a type of speech activity that does not require a special didactic approach and is limited to the perception of sounds and intonation elements. In practice, it turns out that of all the formed skills of the four types of speech activities, the listening skills of students are usually the least developed. However, at the present stage, they are recognized as a prerequisite for the successful course of the communication process.

Ideally, students should be able to perceive the speech of native speakers by ear and respond to it, based on the requirements of the current speech situation. Listening training suggests, in addition to the teacher's speech, the use of audio recordings. Process success comprehension and memorization of information perceived by ear is determined by both objective and subjective factors. Objective conditions include the conditions in which the presented text is perceived by ear: the presence of unfamiliar grammatical phenomena, unfamiliar vocabulary, the pace of speech and its individual characteristics, uniqueness, short duration of perceived information. Subjective factors are determined by the peculiarities of the psyche perceiving foreign language speech by ear and the level of formation of listening mechanisms (the presence of phonemic and speech hearing skills, auditive memory, attention, internal articulation, imagination, prognostic abilities).

When organizing the listening tasks, it is important to remember some of its features:

- ideally, speech should be authentic;

- the pace of speech should be natural for a given language;

- perception of text without visual support should not exceed one and a half to three minutes, with visual support - five minutes;

- mental representation (connecting the visual and auditory canal) creates a better ability to retrieve required information;

- articulation of the auditory image facilitates the process of speech perception hearing, especially in cases where the formed image of the word is not yet fixed or any interference makes it difficult to perceive: the speech made by a man is perceived more easily, than the speech of a woman or a child;

- basic information expressed at the beginning of the message is 100% understood, at the end - by 70%, in the middle of the message - by 40%;

- the level of information redundancy should be natural and the key information must be represented by vocabulary known to students;

- the more complex the text for perception, the more important visual

supports and exercises to relieve language difficulties, preparing students for listening to the text.

Currently, several types of listening are distinguished: sound-distinguishing listening aimed at the perception and understanding of individual sounds; listening to the main content when you want to understand the most important information, ignoring the details; listening with full understanding, in which both the main content and details are important; audition with selective understanding, aimed at highlighting and comprehending only the information of interest or that indicated in the task.

Listening in English in educational institutions is given little time for historical and technical reasons. The fact is that several decades ago, listening in English could only be carried out with the help of a teacher. Technical audio playback facilities were not yet sufficiently advanced and common to meet this challenge. As a result, in the methods of learning English, the main emphasis was placed on working with printed texts, since they were the only available means for recording and transmitting information. Transcription was used to partially solve the problem with listening, but it does not fully convey the English pronunciation. This led to the fact that even teachers of the English language in most cases had far from perfect pronunciation and did not know how to perceive fluent English speech by ear. Perhaps a good solution to this problem in those days would be to attract people who are native speakers of English as teachers, but on a national scale this would be very difficult to implement, especially given the political situation and the belonging of the English language to the "enemy camp."

Today, all the technical capabilities are available for recording and widely disseminating original English speech, which is necessary for high-quality listening in English. But we inherited the methods of learning the English language of the last century, as well as a staff of teachers educated on these techniques who still continue to emphasize printed materials and do not devote sufficient time to listening. The restructuring of methods is underway, but very slowly due to the scale of this process and the need to cultivate a new generation of teachers.

There are several approaches to defining exercise types. Listening exercises can be preparatory, orienting in activity (it can be perception and pronouncing words, phrases, phrases, sentences, proverbs behind the announcer), actually communicative and controlling, aimed at checking the understanding of the listened; exercises that teach different types of listening. When working with audio text of a coherent nature, it is advisable to divide the exercises into pre-text, text and post-text. The exercises performed before the start of listening most intensively control the process of perception of foreign language speech. They contribute to the creation of motivation in students, the mood to listen to the text of certain content, the removal of linguistic (lexical, grammatical and phonetic) difficulties, as well as difficulties regarding regional information. These can be exercises for compiling associograms, working with illustrations to the text, compiling a number of pictures that predict the likely course of the text, exercises for teaching counter position, and many others. Tasks performed during listening include exercises to develop phonemic hearing, visual dictation, orientation according to plan, determination of correct statements, writing out separate information, etc. Post-text tasks, as a rule, perform a controlling function.

Examples of listening tasks that can be used during conducting summative assessments:

- listen to dialogues, put dialogue numbers under the picture corresponding to the dialogue;

- listen to monologues, put monologue numbers according to the picture;

- visual dictation: dictation can be used when passing the topics "City. Orientation in the city, Apartment." Students are given unfilled plans of the city, apartment or room, in which they, focusing on hearing, must get to a certain place or arrange furniture;

- determine the number of words in the sentences heard;

- in the list of words, phrases or sentences, mark those that correspond to those heard;

- to develop counter position, suspend the sound of the text (you can repeatedly) and encourage students to predict the continuation of the text;

- listen to the proposal and compose the next own, combined in meaning with the listened;

- arrange the proposed series of pictures in sequence according to the content of the text;

- determine which of the characters in the text may belong to the proposed replicas;

- learners sit in a circle, the teacher speaks in a whisper a proposal to one student, he must convey to another, etc.;

- one pupil leaves the class, the teacher shows the rest a sentence and names one word from this sentence to each student. When a student enters the class, everyone begins to pronounce their words, his task is to understand the meaning of the statement, ideally put all the words in their places to get "talking proposal."

In a variety of exercises to develop listening skills, each teacher must find those that will correspond to the goals and content of the training material, take into account the age and individual characteristics of the group of students. You can also supplement the educational material using the released audio recordings. Regular listening sessions fill perceptual gaps foreign language, remove the emotional barrier and the feeling of fear of it. It is important to remember that listening training is carried out in close relationship with other types of speech activities within the framework of a single system of teaching a foreign language.

The list of the used literature:

1. Galskova N.D. Modern methodology of teaching foreign languages: a manual for a teacher. 3rd ed., Revised and add. M.: ARCTI, 2012.

2. Muratov A. Yu. The use of the project method for the formation of intercultural competence / / Eidos: Online journal. 2015. May 23.

3. Passov E.I. Program - the concept of communicative foreign language education. M.: Enlightenment, 2000.

4. Rogova G.V. Methodology of teaching foreign languages. M.: Enlightenment, 1991.

5. Rybina O. V. Teaching listening in foreign language lessons//Education in a modern school. 2001. № 5–6.

6. Solovova E.N. Methodology of teaching foreign languages: basic course of lectures: manual for students and teachers. M.: Enlightenment, 2011.

7. Solovova E.N. Workshop for the basic course of teaching foreign languages: a textbook for universities. M.: Enlightenment, 2012.

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