Материалдар / Бастауыш сыныптарда ағылшын сабағында заманауи техналогияларды қолдану
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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Бастауыш сыныптарда ағылшын сабағында заманауи техналогияларды қолдану

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Ағылшын тілі сабағында жаңа технологияларды пайдалану-ол жалпы ағылшын тілі пәнінің ұстаздарыне өте пайдалы дүние.
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Бастауыш сыныптарда ағылшын сабағында

заманауи техналогияларды қолдану

Құлмағанбет Ж.Ж

Жоғары қазақ – түрік гуманитарлық технологиялық колледжі, Қазақстан, Алматы.

e-mail: juldyzkulmaganbet@gmail.com

Аңдатпа. Ағылшын тілі сабағында жаңа технологияларды пайдалану-ол жалпы ағылшын тілі пәнінің ұстаздарыне өте пайдалы дүние. Себебі жаңа технолияларда сабақта пайдалану ол мұғалімдер үшін өте пайдалы, әрі керек үрдіс.Аталмыш баяндамада жаңа технологиялардың түрлерімен танысасыздарАғылшын тілі сабағында жаңа технологияларды пайдалану-ол жалпы ағылшын тілі пәнінің ұстаздарыне өте пайдалы дүние. Себебі жаңа технолияларда сабақта пайдалану ол мұғалімдер үшін өте пайдалы, әрі керек үрдіс. Компьютер мүмкіндіктері психология мен дидактика тұрғысынан талданып, керек кезінде педагогикалык талаптарға сай қолданылуы керек.

Тірек сөздер : Ағылшын тілі сабағы; ағылшын тілі сабағында қолданылатын әдістер; заманауи техналогия; бастауыш сыныптарға ағылсын тілі сабағы.

Использование современных технологий при проведении урока по английскому языку в начальных классах.

Кулмаганбет Ж.Ж

Высший казахско-турецкий гумантарно-технологический колледж, Казахстан, г. Алматы

e-mail: juldyzkulmaganbet@gmail.com

Абстракт: Использование новых технологий на уроках английского языка-это очень полезная вещь для учителей английского языка в целом. Потому что использование на уроках в новых технолиях-это очень полезный и нужный процесс для учителей.В данном докладе вы познакомитесь с видами новых технологий: использование новых технологий на уроках английского языка-это очень полезная вещь для учителей английского языка в целом. Потому что использование на уроках в новых технолиях-это очень полезный и нужный процесс для учителей. Возможности компьютера должны быть проанализированы с точки зрения психологии и дидактики и при необходимости использованы в соответствии с педагогическими требованиями.

Ключевые слова: урок английского языка; методы, используемые на уроках английского языка; современная технология; урок английского языка для начальных классов.

The use of modern technologies in conducting an English lesson in elementary grades.

Kulmaganbet Zh. Zh

Higher Kazakh-Turkish Humanitarian and Technological College, Kazakhstan, Almaty

ee-mail: juldyzkulmaganbet@gmail.com

Abstract: The use of new technologies in English lessons is a very useful thing for English teachers in general. Because using it in lessons in new technolias is a very useful and necessary process for teachers.In this report, you will get acquainted with the types of new technologies: the use of new technologies in English lessons is a very useful thing for English teachers in general. Because using it in lessons in new technolias is a very useful and necessary process for teachers. Computer capabilities should be analyzed from the point of view of psychology and didactics and, if necessary, used in accordance with pedagogical requirements.

Keywords: English lesson; methods used in English lessons; modern technology; English lesson for primary classes.

Internet technologies create conditions for students' own active cognitive activity, encourage students' aspirations to find their own trajectories and solutions, create “success situations”, develop self–control and mutual control. Each specific learning technology has its own characteristics, definition, function, structure, characteristic only for it. Work experience shows that modeling lessons in various technologies is not easy, but today it is a requirement of time. Already in elementary school, a teacher must demonstrate different teaching strategies in the classroom in order to form the ability of a person to study all his life, the ability to self-development.

The activity of analytical comprehension of educational material by younger schoolchildren decreases rapidly if students are forced to analyze the same unit of educational material for several lessons, perform the same type of mental operations. It is known that children quickly get tired of doing the same thing, their work becomes ineffective, the development process slows down. In order for the material to contribute to the development of the child's ability to independently comprehend the phenomena of his surrounding life, to think productively, I use problem-based learning in my practice.

New priorities in education encourage teachers to search for new modern effective teaching technologies that allow them to achieve higher learning and upbringing results, introduce new educational technologies into the educational process. One of the main tasks for me is to develop students' interest in learning, creativity, because interest and creativity in the educational process is a powerful tool that encourages students to deeper knowledge of the subject and develops their abilities. One of the ways to solve this problem is the use of modern teaching technologies in the educational process, which allows to diversify the forms and means of teaching, increasing the creative activity of students.

For the formation of an educational personality and personal growth of students in educational work as a teacher-practitioner, I use both traditional and new pedagogical technologies, namely elements of the following technologies: productive reading technologies, critical thinking technologies, collaborative learning, project methodology, game technologies, active teaching methods.

Group work in the classroom is very attractive to younger students. However, as practice shows, the first experience of its organization may be unsuccessful (excessive noise, slow pace of work, their inability to act together, etc.), which pushes away from further use of this form of training. Meanwhile, group work is a full–fledged independent form of training organization. The use of group work in the lessons convinced me that this technology carries the features of innovative learning: independent acquisition of knowledge as a result of search activity, therefore:

the depth of understanding of the educational material, cognitive activity and creative independence of students increases;

the nature of the relationship between children is changing;

friendship in the classroom is strengthening, the attitude towards school is changing;

class cohesion increases dramatically, children understand each other and themselves better;

self-criticism is growing, they assess their capabilities more accurately, they control themselves better;

students acquire the skills necessary for life in society: frankness, tact, the ability to build their behavior taking into account the position of other people.

It is recommended to use the following types of group work in the lessons:

work in pairs;


the game “Continue”;

treasure hunt;


mosaic group.

Throughout all the years of teaching English from 2nd to 11th grade, at each lesson I try to activate the educational and speech-thinking activities of students through the use of various technologies, methods and techniques. This is necessary in order to help students master the skills of speaking, reading, listening, writing and through language to develop their cognitive, creative, intellectual abilities.

Educational dialogue can be considered a specific type of pedagogical technology. It acts not only as one of the ways of organizing training, but also as an integral component, the internal content of personality-oriented learning technology.

Today, modern information technologies can be considered as a new way of knowledge transfer that corresponds to a qualitatively new content of the child's learning and development. This method allows the child to study with interest, find sources of information, brings up independence and responsibility in obtaining new knowledge, develops the discipline of intellectual activity.

The main goal in primary school is the development of the child's individuality in the dialogue of cultures. I consider my practical task in elementary school to be: to teach my children the basics of communication in English, to give positive motivation to learn a foreign language, to make learning an exciting, productive process. The initial stage in learning a foreign language allows you to lay the foundations of communicative competence, necessary and sufficient for their further development and improvement in the course of studying the subject.

The use of elements of learning technology in cooperation and integrative learning in English lessons in primary school also contributes to increasing positive motivation to study the subject. Integrative learning does not involve the unification of different academic disciplines, i.e. interdisciplinary integration, but the interaction of various types of activities in the course of educational and cognitive activity in one lesson. Children cooperate with each other, work in pairs, in groups, help each other. This strengthens the relationship between children.

I consider information and communication technologies to be one of the leading technologies in the organization of the educational process in the classroom and outside of school hours.

At the end of the sprint (before the final control), it is necessary to conduct self-reflection. To do this, a feedback sheet is used, another important component of SCRUM technology, where the student notes what he can do and what he can't. After self-monitoring, each team member understands what he needs to repeat before the control work, and can eliminate his gaps. The final control should be predictable, it may even contain the same exercises that were in the map.At the end of the sprint (before the final control), it is necessary to conduct self-reflection. To do this, a feedback sheet is used, another important component of SCRUM technology, where the student notes what he can do.

Thus, the main result of SCRUM technology that will be expected is the work done effectively. During the lesson, students develop the skill of critical thinking, learn to solve problems based on the analysis of circumstances and relevant information. Everyone should be involved in the work, there should be interaction in the group, goals are achieved one by one, and even different levels of students should not become a big hindrance to work.


1. https://infourok.ru/statya-na-temu-ispolzovanie-sovremennyh-obrazovatelnyh-tehnologij-v-izuchenii-anglijskogo-yazyka-v-nachalnoj-shkole-4088918.html

2. https://infourok.ru/sovremennie-obrazovatelnie-tehnologii-na-urokah-angliyskogo-yazika-v-nachalnoy-shkole-3870142.html

3. https://sibac.info/studconf/science/cxxxiii/239674

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