Материалдар / Бірлескен жұмыс (Collaborative work)

Бірлескен жұмыс (Collaborative work)

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Short term plan № 3 Grade: 9 School: school-gymnasium №49 named after Y.Altynsarin Date: The name of the trainee: Ryssaldy Akbilek Number of attendees: Number of missing: Theme of the lesson Бірлескен жұмыс (Collaborative work) Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme) implementation of joint work with documents using cloud technologies Lesson objectives - Introduction to the concept of cloud technology, their proper use Success criteria All students: - Learns to create and share documents for collaboration Several students: - Can disable cloud technology services
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
16 Мамыр 2022
0 рет жүктелген
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Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Short term plan № 3

Grade: 9

School: school-gymnasium №49 named after Y.Altynsarin


The name of the trainee:

Ryssaldy Akbilek

Number of attendees:

Number of missing:

Theme of the lesson

Бірлескен жұмыс (Collaborative work)

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

implementation of joint work with documents using cloud technologies

Lesson objectives

  • Introduction to the concept of cloud technology, their proper use

Success criteria

All students:

  • Learns to create and share documents for collaboration

Several students:

  • Can disable cloud technology services

Language objectives

Subject vocabulary and terminology:

Бірлесе жұмыс жасау – сотрудничать – collaborative

Бөлісу – делиться – share

Мүмкіндік – возможность – opportunity

Міндетті – обязательный – required

Ерекшеліктер – особенности – reatures

Бұлтқа негізделген – облачный – cloud-based

Құны – стоимость – cost

Қолжетімділік – доступ – access

Жылжыту – перетаскивание – drag and drop

Қолдау көрсету – поддерживать – support

A series of useful phrases for dialogue/writing:

Who needs help?

Let's look at the next task

Did you complete the task?( тапсырманы орындап болдың ба?)

Have you finished?

You did a great job.

Now,let’s move on to…

Giving values

- development of communication skills;

- the formation of an information culture, the ability to process information.

Cross-curricular link

English, Russian, Kazakh language

Previous learning

Ақпараттық сипаттар (Information properties)


Planned stages of the lesson

Planned activities in the classroom



  1. greet students

How are you?

How is your health?

Who is missing in the lesson?

  1. homework check

Homework it was necessary to use all the properties of information and provide information about your friend. I check the work of students.

Questions to review

I ask for repetition tasks using the "Pyramid" method, ie we move along the pyramid from easy to difficult question.

  1. What are the properties of information?

  2. Give an example of the relevance property

  3. What quality of information can be exemplified by the phrase "My birthday is July 2"?

  4. What is an accessibility property?


New lesson

The topic of today's lesson is collaborative work .

Cloud technology is a big concept that consists of different concepts that serve. Cloud technology allows the consumer to process data online via the Internet.

There are many types of cloud technology available today. These include the ones we use: youtube, google drive, email and various programs.

Google Drive is a network service with tools called Google Office for storing information. Features of this service: allows the user to store up to 15 GB of information for free. It also allows information from one account to be used by more than one person. This service is designed to work on any operating system and any device.

There are two basic ways to work with Google Drive.

1. The method of promotion.

You can mark the file on your desktop with the mouse and drag it to Google Drive.

2. Download directly from Google Drive.

If the downloaded file is stored somewhere other than the desktop, you can also download it directly from the Google Drive window.

Practice 1.

Create a folder in Google Drive and share access with others in the group.

Each team member should fill that document with information about himself.

Activity 1.

Several clouds appear on the screen. He selects one of those clouds and opens it. Russian words come out of it. It is necessary to translate those words into Kazakh and English.

computers, projector,

https://www.google.com/intl/ru/ drive/

https://www.opiq.kz/kit/44/ chapter/3128


So what did we learn in today's lesson? What questions do you have?

To summarize the lesson, we repeat the terms again.


PIN: 8976-8526-2186


Select any cloud technology, write about its features and disadvantages, and save the document on Google Drive.


If everything is clear, let's give feedback. To do this, we like the lesson if you understand it, and dislike it if you do not understand it.

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