Материалдар / Borrowed English words used among the youth
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Borrowed English words used among the youth

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27 Сәуір 2021
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Төрехан Аяулым Нәсімханқызы, 7-сынып

Borrowed English words used among the youth

Бағыты: Қазақстан тарихи ескерткіштері болашақ дамуы бар саяхат маршруттары

Секция: Ағылшын тілі

Ғылыми жетекші: ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі

Балташева Динара Темиргалиевна

Қарағанды 2021


Зерттеудің мақсаты: Қазіргі жастардың сөйлесу мәнерінде ағылшындық қаншалықты қалыптасқанын зерттеу.

Зерттеудің болжамы: Ағылшын тілінен енген кірме сөздердің әсері.

Зерттеу кезеңі:

1.Деректер, материалдармен танысу

2.Ағылшын тілі сөздерін қарым-қатынас шеңберіне бөлу

3.Сауалнама жүргізу

Эксперимент әдістер:

1)теориялық [әдебиетті оқу және зерттеу- нәтижесі]

2) социологиялық: [әңгіме, сауалнама]

3) статистикалық :[әдістерін көрсету]

Зерттеудің көкейтестілігі: Ағылшын тілінен енген кірме сөздерінің алатын орны. Ағылшын тілінен енген кірме сөздердің келу жолдарын қарастыру.

Зерттеу нәтижесі: Қазіргі заман талабына сай ағылшын тілі халықаралық тіл болып есептеледі. Ағылшын тілінен келген кірме сөздер-тілдің дамуының бір жолы. Ағылшын тілі жастардың арасында үлкен орын алуда екені анықталады.


Research purpose: study of degree of penetration of borrowed words in speech of modern schoolchildren.

Supposed result: borrowed words firmly entered in style of intercourse of teenagers.

Research methods: 1. theoretical [at the study of literature, comprehension and generalization of research results]

2. sociological [conversation, questionnaire]

3. statistical methods of processing of data.

Problem for research:

modern youth widely use borrowed words in the speech.

Importance of the research:

Borrowed words of English firmly entered in style of intercourse of teenagers.


 Цель исследования: изучение степени проникновения заимствованы [слов в речь современных школьников.

Гипотеза: современная молодежь широко использует заимствованные слова в своей речи.

Методы исследования:

1. теоретические [при изучении литературы, осмыслении и обобщении результатов исследования]

2. социологические [беседа, анкетирование]

3. статистические методы обработки данных

Исследовательские задачи: 

Определить причины заимствования.

Рассмотреть способы образования заимствований. 

Предполагаемый результат: заимствованные слова прочно вошли в стиль общения подростков. 


1 Introduction………………………………………………………………….…6-7
II. Borrowed English words used among the youth ……………………………8-10
2.1. The appearance of borrowed words ……………………………………..8-10
Popular English words in teenagers' speech……………………………...11=12
2.3. Positive and negative aspects of using borrowed words………………13-14
Popular English words in teenagers' speech ………………………………13-14

3.1 The survey of my schoolmates……………………………………………….15

3.2 The interview of my teachers and parents…………………………………16-17

IV. Conclusion………………………………………………………………...18-19

Our society is developing all the time and so the language changes too. Every single year new words appear in languages. Each language has borrowed words, and Kazakh is not an exception.

Kazakh people have been engaged in political, commercial, scientific and cultural relations with other nations since ancient times. Therefore, Kazakh language has been enriched with many words from other languages. Our ancestry used new words to name new things, most of the borrowed words refer to nouns. Though it is also worth mentioning that there were a great number of people who did not use new borrowings due to the lack of education. It is quite clear that different age groups have different aptitude for using borrowed words. In fact, they are more popular among young people who tend to be more interested in new trends connected to European culture.

I believe that the subject that I research is really important and actual, because I am a teenager too and my friends and I often use the words of English origin. Frequently using such words we somehow change our language. As much as language is connected to traditional knowledge and culture, it must be capable of incorporating new vocabulary to meet the needs of young people in order to remain vibrant. I find the phenomenon of borrowings fascinating as it proves that any language is a living being.

The object of the research: English borrowings in modern Kazakh language in the last decades.

The subject of the research:  lexical units of English origin and their derivatives.

The aim of the work is to specify the reasons of appearing borrowed words in the speech of young people.

The main tasks are:

  • to analyze the theoretical material;

  •  to determine the reasons of borrowings;

  •  to observe the impact of borrowed words on Kazakh language;

  •  to identify the attitude of students and adults to the phenomenon;

  •  to examine popular borrowed words in teenagers' speech;

  •  to make a list of the most popular English borrowings used by teenagers.

For solving the tasks were used the following methods:

1.Theoretical [reading and research of literature]
2.Sociological: [conversation, questionnaire]
3. statistical: [show methods]

The hypothesis of the study: on the one hand the emergence of new words expands vocabulary, and on the other the use of a huge number of unnecessary borrowings debases any language that loses its originality and unique beauty.

In order to achieve the aims we have studied the articles in the magazines, read the necessary material from the Internet and literature.

Also, my work contains the results of the survey which I conducted among my schoolmates. It analyses the attitude towards the usage of loanwords both among teenagers and their parents. We enclose a list of the most popular borrowed words dividing them according to the sphere of application.

The problem of borrowings is rather complicated as, on the one hand, borrowed words expand our language and make it more modern, but, on the other hand, they clog it.

In this research we intend to analyze the main reasons of popularity of English words among young people in Kazakhstan.

Borrowed from other languages ​​are a natural and stable process.

There are so many words in the English language that the quality of our language is diminishing. It is a pity that in everyday life, modern-day youths often use leaflets in English. It's easier for young people to express their emotions and expresses their emotions in English.

More specifically, the lexicon of the youth in everyday life is due to natural linguistic process, socio-ideological reasons. The urgency of the subject matter in English has contributed to research on this subject.

Expected result: Modern English is an international language. English-language lexicon is one of the ways in which language can be developed. It is determined that the English language is in great demand among young people.

The research consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusion, bibliography list and appendixes.

II. Borrowed English words used among the youth
2.1. The appearance of borrowed words

The inflow of foreign words increased during the ruling of Soviet Union. Furthermore, plenty of words came to our language in the early XIX century (especially many words in political sphere). Nowadays our language is replenished by English words. Today English is called “the 20th century Latin”.  It isn’t surprising, because there are so many words of English origin in all spheres of modern life. We use borrowed words in business, physics, medicine, sport, computing, art.

Furthermore, such phenomenon as language mixing is typical in different countries of the world. This mixing occurs in writing and, of course, in everyday informal speech situations. Mixing English and the mother tongue is more common in cities that elsewhere. As much as language is connected to traditional knowledge and culture, it must be capable of incorporating new vocabulary to meet the needs of young people in order to remain vibrant.

In the 21st century a language must find some way of communicating about technological advances such as television and computers in order to remain relevant to the everyday lives of the youth.

Borrowing foreign words is one of the ways of developing the language. Language always promptly changes in response to the needs of society. Borrowings are the result of ties, relations between the peoples and countries. The main reason of the borrowing a foreign vocabulary is that there is no right word to describe something in a particular language.

The “guests from another language,” or borrowed words, permeate the Kazakh language. These many thousands of words were adopted during the course of Kazakh history.

Depending on the language, from which words were borrowed, all words are divided into several groups.

 The focus of my research is borrowed words. Loanwords are words adopted by the speakers of one language from a different language (the source language). A landword can also be called a borrowing.

Present day English is a major donor language that is the leading source of borrowings for many other languages including Kazakh. In the modern world English is transformed into symbolic language, with high social status, expanding the scope of its function as a world language. Enhancing information flows, the emergence of the World Wide Web, the development of the global economic market, international tourism and cultural ties - all of this has led to the emergence of new loan words. Even in 1898, when Otto Bismarck was asked about the main driving force of modern history, he answered: "The fact is that North America speaks English." These words have not lost their relevance and centuries later. Participants of the conference of the British Council according to the Future of English and other languages, that held in Edinburgh in 2004, noted that by 2015 the number of English learners outside the UK will reach a huge number,  by this time, 3 billion people on our planet will speak English.

The reasons of borrowing. The appearance of new words from foreign languages is explained by impetuous changes in social and academic life. So, there are several reasons of borrowing words from other languages:

  1. historical contacts between people of different nationalities;

  2. the necessity to name new objects and facts (like taxi, robot, scanner, touchpad, laptop);

  3. the language fashion (for example French in the XVIII century);

  4. when the borrowing words replace the whole collocation (сауда жасау шопинг);

  5. appearance of new words in science and technique and requirement in specific terms.

Here you can see the main reasons of borrowing words from other languages, but as for English (or American English) language in XX-XXI centuries, we can add a few more reasons:

  1. advent of the Internet;

  2. expansion of inter-state and international relations;

  3. flourishing of  international tourism;

  4. the desire to hide the real meaning of the word under incomprehensible syllable (second hand, stock);

  5. the aspiration to show that you are “cool” using unfamiliar words (outsider, devise), providing stylistic, emphatic effect. It becomes more prestigious and attractive to use English words in the speech. It can emphasize the high information content of the speaker.

  6. participation in competitions, international festivals, fashion shows.

        I think that in the future some borrowed words will be our native words.

The majority of linguists put forward the following classifications of loanwords. Here you cans see the methods of forming borrowed words:

  1. Direct borrowings. The word occurs in the Kazakh language in approximately the same manner and with the same meaning as in language – originale: уикэнд - the weekend; black - негр; money – деньги, talk-show- токшоу, CD-player- сидиплейер, sprint-спринт.

  2. Loan-translation (phonetic borrowing). It occurs when the native language uses an item-for-item native version of the original. In Kazakh language the word sounds the same as in English: basketball, disk, manager, standard, comfort, action, hypermarket, supermarket, website, menu, disk, virus, club, browser, teenager, telephone, jeans.

  3.  Loanshift. Adapting native words to the new meanings. For example, do you think that the word лайкать is connected to a dog? Of course, not. This is an adaptation of the English word “like”. It means to explain your positive attitude towards photos and other things in social nets. Do we say банить when we want to wash somebody? No way. It means to forbid something, from English “to ban”. Or one more example: кликать. It has no connection to calling somebody. It means to use a computer mouse. аскать (to ask-просит- сұрау), бузить (busy- занятый- мазасыздану)

  4. Loan-blend or hybrids. Is a form in which one element is a loanword and the other is a native element (English roots and Kazakh suffixes, prefixes and endings): positive – 770 ₸ - Сатып алу

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