Материалдар / Brain 11 кллас математикалық бағыт
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Brain 11 кллас математикалық бағыт

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
11 сынып математикалык бағыттағы ми тақырыбы
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
21 Маусым 2021
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+39 бонус
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Bright sparks

It isn't just old professors or managing directors with years of experience behind them who have amazing

ideas. Ifyou are curious who is currently rocking the world with their bright ideas, meet three young people

who know the meaning of inspiration, invention … and hard work!

Angela Zhang scientist, California, USA Angela Zhang had enjoyed reading advanced science papers from a young age, but when she explained to her chemistry teacher that she had been working on a method for curing cancer, her teacher was stunned! Angela had had the idea of developing a nanoparticle that would deliver drugs to tumours without destroying the surrounding tissue. She asked if she could do research on her idea in a laboratory at Stanford University. Angela admitted that she found it all a little bit overwhelming at first. "But then I found that it almost became like a puzzle, being able to decode something, " she added. The results of tests on her discovery have been very promising

В) Emily Cummins inventor, England

Emily Cummins had loved making things from scrap materials ever since her grandfather gave her a hammer when she was only four years old. Then, one day, Emily came up with a simple, yet brilliant, idea. She designed a portable, eco-friendly fridge that had the potential to help thousands of people in the developing world. "The simplest method of cooling something can be seen when you look at how we cool biologically - through sweating or evaporation, " Emily said. So her fridge is made of two cylinders one inside the other. As water between the cylinders evaporates in the sun, heat is removed from the inner cylinder, enabling food to be kept inside at a cool 6°C. Emily took her design to poor areas of Africa where people called her 'the fridge lady'! Now Emily gives talks encouraging young people to follow their dreams.

c) Derreck Kayongo community project leader, Uganda

Has it ever crossed your mind how wasteful it is to use a bar of soap in a hotel only a few times? Well, while staying in a hotel in the USA, Ugandan Derreck Kayongo was very shocked to be told that guests were given new soap every day while 2 million young children were dying every year through lack of hygiene in the developing world. This got him thinking. He wondered if he could recycle the soap for people who needed it. So, in 2009, Derreck started asking hotels if they could donate their used bars of soap that would be otherwise put in the bin. "We sanitise them first, he explained, "then heat them at very high temperatures, chill them and cut them into final bars. It's a very simple process, but a lot of hard work. So far, Derreck's 'Global Soap Project' has provided more than 100,000 bars of soap to nine countries absolutely free!

ex 3 Match the words in bold with their meanings: likely to be successful, solve,

shocked, clean, capability, easily moved.( Сопоставьте слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом, с их значениями: вероятно, будет успешным, решающим, шокированным, чистым, способным, легко перемещаемым.)

Ex 4 Choose one of the people in the text and think about why you admire them. Why are they successful? How can successful people like this inspire us in our own lives? In a few minutes, write a few sentences about this. Read your sentences to the class.

Ex 5

Home task ex 8 write essay

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