Материалдар / Clean up the coutryside society

Clean up the coutryside society

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
discussing the problem
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14 Желтоқсан 2018
0 рет жүктелген
693 ₸ 770 ₸
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Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
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жүктеп алып көруге болады

School: 3Kentau Kazakh-turkish high schoolGrade: 9 «B»Theme: “Clean up the countryside society”Grammar: AdjectivesAims of the lesson:
  • To learn the vocabulary on the topic
  • To discuss the problem
  • To enhance listening comprehensions
  • To enhance reading skills
  • To enhance students` active attitudes over environmental problems
Greeting Teacher: Good morning, childrenPupils: Good morning. Teacher: Sit down, please. The theme of our lesson is “Discussing the text”. We are going to discuss the text: “Clean up the countryside society”. We have already read and translated this text in the previous lesson. So, today we`ll listen to the text, make up questions and answer to them, and we`ll try to understand and solve some ecological problems. So let’s start.Let’s start our lesson from phonetic drills. The words: a term, clear, a pile, a mess, a disaster, to spoil, to praise, a societyStudents will repeat after the teacher.

A) Brain storm.Teacher: Let’s remember English equivalents for some Russian word combinations.
  • Она была забросана мусором (It was piled with rubbish)
  • Девочки принялись за работу (Girls set to work)
  • Наполняя большие черные пластиковые пакеты мусором.( Filling big black plastic bags with rubbish)
  • Весь мусор был убран (All the rubbish was cleared away)
  • Наблюдать за людьми, которые устраивают мусорные свалки на природе. (Watch for rubbish dumpers)
  • Оставили весь мусор на земле. (Left all rubbish on the ground)
  • Мы недолжны загрязнять ее.( We must not spoil it)
  • Поддержание окружающей среды в чистоте. (Keeping the environment clean)
  • Загрязнение становиться все хуже и хуже.(Pollution was getting worse and worse)
  • Страдать от нехватки продовольствия и чистой воды. (Suffer from shortage of food and clean water)
B) Dividing into two groups.Students choose any stickers they want and determine the group.II. Main part of the lesson.A) Listening comprehension.Teacher: Now you will listen to the text. Then you will make up questions. And then opposite group must answer to your questions; check their answers if they are not right correct their answer.Make up questions:
  • of the term, to Vicki on one of the last days, What happened ?
  • Why did Vicki, home that day, take a longer way?
  • through the grove ,Why was Vicki shocked, when she was passing?
  • What idea did, when she saw the mess, Vicki have?
  • Who helped Vicki , the job ,to do?
  • five girls do, What did?
  • Vicki and her, Why did Mr. Bird and the class praise, four friends?
  • to join Vicki`s Clean up, Why did all the students decide, the Countryside Society?
  • On one of the last days of the term Vicki decided to take a longer way home. On her way she passed through a little grove where she used to play. She was shocked to see that the grove looked terrible: it was piled with rubbish.
  • Vicki decided to take a longer way because the weather was very nice. There was sun in the sky and the birds were singing their beautiful songs.
  • She was shocked to see that the grove was looked terrible it was piled with rubbish.
  • She had an idea of starting her own Clean up the countryside Society.
  • Vicki phoned four of her friends- Alice, Rosie, Cathy and Jane- and they all agreed to help her.
  • The girls filled big plastic bags with rubbish. It was hard work but soon all the rubbish was cleared away and the forest looked beautiful again.
  • They praised Vicki and her friends for their trying to help to protect the environment.
  • All the students decided to join Vicki`s Clean up the Countryside Society because they understood how important it was to protect the environment.

B) Criteria assessment works in group.Students offer how to assess each other, or other groups work.Ex: 2 points for creation; 1 point for each correct sentence.С)To design a T-shirt.Teacher: Imagine that you are members of Clean up the countryside Society. I`d like you to suggest some important rules to protect the environment and to design T-shirts telling people about ecological problems of the day. Work in groups; design T-shirts on big sheets of paper. And show your design to the classAfter this task students must to make criteria assessments
  • Warm-up.
Everybody stands in a circle then a teacher turns on a video clip and students dance with a teacher.

  • Grammar revision. (Reported speech)
Working with grammar cards.
  • Vicki said; “I love the countryside very much”
  • Rosie asked Vicki: “Why did you take a longer way home?”
  • The girls told picnickers: “Please take these bags and put the litter you have left into them”
  • Mr. Bird asked the girls: “Are you going to enter the ecological society?”
  • Picnicker said: “We just can`t leave this rubbish here”.
  • Mr. Bird said: “Pollution is getting worse and worse”

  • Giving Homework.
Make up a dialogue between Vicki and one of the American picnickers.
  • Reflection.
T: It`s the end of the lesson and the time for reflection, students. We have discussed much today. Please, express your opinion on stickers. Write what do you know, what did you like and what do you want to know.

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