Материалдар / Collaboration as a characteristic of art translation.
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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Collaboration as a characteristic of art translation.

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Collaboration as a characteristic of art translation.Характерная особенность художественного перевода.Обьектом исследования являются особенности художественного перевода.
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04 Қараша 2022
1 рет жүктелген
Бүгін алсаңыз 25% жеңілдік
770 тг 578 тг
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Collaboration as a characteristic of art translation


The interaction and the mutual enrichment of different cultures has been happening and has been happening throughout the history of humanity. In the modern world, the process of sharing cultural values has been dramatically increased. In this situation, the "Pharmacy am of the very acolyte of the understanding of different cultures and civilizations. And the most important way to comprehend the identity and the self-styles of national cultures is to explore their art literature as the highest achievement of a national written tradition. It is a great time when we seek to infiltrate another culture, to engage in its spiritual and historical foundations, we need to turn to its language and literature. In this regard, the subject of the study is presented relevant and even the day-to-day.

The object This study is the features of the artistic translation.

The subject Study ; art transfer practice as a critical tool for studying German language and culture.

The literature is a critical way of inter-national and international communication. The book brings people closer together, better introduces them to each other. Foreign-language art literature is the best best assistant to learn language. The thoughtful reader finds everything in it: and the self-styles of national thinking, character and household, the colors of life and the appearance of cities. It is the introduction of the best achievements of the artistic creativity of national culture, including the works of literature, that creates the conditions for the dialogue of cultures, for productive inter-cultural communication.

The purpose of the study : Based on an analysis of the artistic translation of the works of German poets, consider the process of translation as an act of the creation of a poet and translator.

The following must be addressed to the target. tasks:

1. Based on an analysis of poetic texts, identify the specific features of the artistic translation.

2. To establish what is the prevalent in the practice of artistic translation: the meaning and figurative components or the accuracy of the translation.

3. Disclosure the content of the notion creation and use it in the practice of art translation.

Chapter 1.

A special place in literature is held by an art and poetic translation. Behind each of the translations, a human, creative and readership personality for which the translation of another poet is also a trip deep into itself, as And this means its reading, its selectivity, its maneuver, no matter how much we insist on the objective of " "The only right transfer. A multitude of variations of shifts to another language, the diversity of treatments is embedded in an artistic authenticity, and any translation that meets even the strictest criteria is always just approaching the original, not the final result, the answer to the multivalence of the original, not the sole of its meaning.

Translation it's not dead information about someone else's, it's the development of the living, re-creation, co-creation. The allegiance to the original must be combined with a creative approach: "The camousin2020am am," someone else must be made. Not just mechanically reproducing the original, but to try to translate the author's art system from a different language, to translate the piece as a whole, not the amount of its separate components. The translator tries to convey the hallmarks of the author's style, poetics and tones of meaning while finding adequate forms in his own language. There is a need for both a phyoloc culture and a creative intuition.

Of course, this combination doesn't happen often and it's not easy to achieve. Often translation is strictly filological. A nude action, a fungal, a plot puncture is being translated. French intellectuals complain that it is strictly Filological translation translation of Evgeny Onegn does not pass on a drop of the charm of the authenticity.

But it is not possible to scrap this principle of translation. There are a large number of poetic lyrics, with the exact prosaic retelling of which preserves more from the original's living soul than the attempts of its rhymed translation. Not any piece is in principle subject to adequate artistic translation. But that doesn't mean we should give up meeting him. In that case, a poetic substrate, a translation of prose is better than a lack of translation at all.

Often translators neglect the substrate when translated, leaning on their intuition and prowess. Empility and talent will not replace the original's living feeling if the translator is unable to experience and draw the different countless stylist nuances and subtleties that the normal подстup to pass on is powerless.

The pro-political translation of the poems is the easiest approach to translating a poetic piece. On the way out, we get a prosaic text that transmits the meaningful, information and aesthetic components of the artistic text.

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