Материалдар / Conditional statements (IF/ELSE)

Conditional statements (IF/ELSE)

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
apply if statement, identify comparison operators, apply if/else statement
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
08 Ақпан 2019
1 рет жүктелген
770 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз
+39 бонус
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School: №13


Teacher: Kumarova Gulzhanat Manarbekovna




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Conditional statements (IF/ELSE)

Learning objectives – apply if statement, identify comparison operators, apply if/else statement

Lesson objectives

  1. Software- is a program or a set of programs used to control a computer

  2. Know what algorithm and types of algorithm are. The structure of programming.

  3. Make up simple programs

Key words and phrases:

Негізгі сөздер мен тіркестер:



software, programming language, input, output, set, to manage, specific, phrase, item, to modify, source, whole numbers, to add, to subtract, bug, quotient, remainder, condition, indentation, comparison, value, variable

Points for discussion:

Талқылауға арналған тармақтар:

What does the input mean?

What does the output mean?

What is variable?

Write operators for input?

Write operators for output?

Interdisciplinary contacts:

Пәнаралық байланыстар:

Russian, English, Mathematics

Previous learning:

Алдыңғы оқу:

Your first program


«Brain storming», «Quizlet game», “Work in pairs”

Lesson plan

Lesson period



Start of the lesson

15 min

        1. We begin the lesson with game “If…….then…….else’


First group: If you don’t dress warmly in winter…….

Second group: you'll get sick/

Second group: In winter you need to dress warmly.

First group: you'll get sick

        1. Let’s do the task “WordSearch”.

software input output process syntax phrase source variable value conditional indentation select

        1. Ask the questions.

What does the input mean?

Input is a data to solve a problem

What does the process mean?

Process is aktivites to get a resuit

What does the output mean?

Output is a result of a problem

What is variable?

Variable is a memory area for storing data and having its own name.

Write operators for input?

              1. x=input(“Enter the data”) – gets data as string

              2. a= int(input(“Enter the data”)) – gets the data as int (number)

              3. a,b,c= map(int,input(“Enter 2 variabels:”).split()) - gets three data as int

Write operators for output?

print(“Hello world”)

print(“I am happy to study Pyton”)




Presentation, active board



28 min

  1. Playing a game “Kahoot”

  2. Activity “Fill in the table of operators”

  3. Format of conditional:

a = 1

if a > 2:




a = 3

if a > 2:




  1. Practice 1

Open page number 51. Do this exercise for practice.

Practice 2

Sid down at computers and do the this task ” Is the number even?”

number = int(input("Введите число: "))

if (number%2 == 0):

print("Четное число")


print("Нечетное число")


Presentation, Python program

Concluding the lesson

2 min

  1. Reflection “Continue the sentences”:

Today I found out…

I was surprised…

I wanted…

I managed…

It was interesting to me…

I did not understand…

I could not get…

I realized that…

I was able to…

I did not like…


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