Материалдар / Coronavirus infection (Covid-10) and precautionary measures
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Coronavirus infection (Covid-10) and precautionary measures

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Coronavirus infection is an acute infectious pathology with a predominantly aerogenic mechanism of infection caused by an RNA-containing coronavirus.
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07 Ақпан 2021
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Coronavirus infection (Covid-10) and precautionary measures

ARU named after K.Zhubanov

Foreign language:two foreign languages

Samratova Gulnur

Coronavirus infection is an acute infectious pathology with a predominantly aerogenic mechanism of infection caused by an RNA-containing coronavirus. Specific for coronaviruses is the defeat of the upper respiratory tract, less often-the intestines and stomach. Clinically, the infection is manifested by moderate fever and symptoms of intoxication. Diagnosis of the pathological process involves the detection of the virus and antibodies to the pathogen in the blood serum. Treatment includes etiotropic antiviral drugs and symptomatic therapy

Coronaviruses (Coronaviridae; lat. corona crown, wreath + viruses) - a family of RNA-containing pleomorphic viruses of medium size, with characteristic fringed villi on the surface; some species are pathogens of acute respiratory diseases of humans. Coronaviruses are one of the causative agents of common SARS. They are ubiquitous. They affect both animals and people. In the temperate zone, the peaks of coronavirus outbreaks occur in winter, although they can be observed in spring and autumn. The probability of getting sick in the summer is significantly lower.

During and after the disease, a person develops immunity to coronavirus infection, but over time, the immunity weakens, and re-infection is possible.

To date, there is no complete understanding of the ways of transmission of infection. Initially, it was believed that the first infection occurred at a seafood market in Wuhan province. But, over time, the path of transmission from person to person was confirmed.

The causative agents of the disease are a family of RNA-containing coronaviruses. Within the family, there are three groups of infectious agents that are dangerous to humans: human coronavirus 229 E, human OS-43 virus, and human intestinal coronaviruses. The reason for the appearance of a new type of virus (the causative agent of SARS) is considered to be a spontaneous mutation. The source of the infectious agent is a sick person( or carrier), the transmission pathways are airborne and, much less often, contact-household, sold through toys and household items contaminated with coronavirus. Risk factors are childhood age, decreased immunity, and prolonged exposure to poorly ventilated areas with a large crowd of people.

The pathogen is unstable in the environment, dies when exposed to normal doses of disinfectants, ultraviolet light and high temperatures. SARS-associated coronavirus has greater stability outside the body and can persist in the external environment for up to 4 days. The risk groups for the incidence of atypical coronavirus pneumonia are children, HIV-infected persons, the elderly and patients with severe chronic diseases (lung damage, diabetes, cancer), residents of communal apartments, dormitories, barracks, barracks, as well as medical personnel and service workers.

The main route of transmission of the COVID-19 coronavirus is pin. The patient or carrier, by sneezing and/or coughing, spreads mucus particles that contain the virus. The radius of spread from a person within 2 meters. In this radius, direct infection can occur. Outside of this radius, infection occurs upon contact with the infected surface. A healthy person, touching the infected surface, is contaminated with the virus, in the future, touching the face with his hands, he transfers the virus to the mucous membranes and infection occurs.
COVID-19 is a beta coronavirus of the same subgenus as the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus, as well as several bat coronaviruses. That's why the virus taxonomy research group suggested naming this virus SARS-CoV-2.

To date, it is believed that COVID-19 has passed to humans from bats. Whether this happened directly, or through an intermediate host, is not known for certain.In this article, when talking about coronavirus and coronavirus infection, we will talk about COVID-19. With a mild form of coronavirus infection, you can stay at home. Limit your movements around the house, stay in the same room. If possible, use a separate bathroom.

  • Treat yourself as we recommend you to be treated for ARVI (read more about how to treat ARVI here)

  • Wash your hands and face frequently.

  • If you sneeze or cough, cover your face with a napkin. The napkin should be thrown into the bucket, which should be kept closed. Immediately after that, wash your hands with soap and water (We remind you how to wash your hands properly).

  • Inform your doctor about your illness. Report that you have a mild form of the disease and can stay at home.

  • If your condition worsens, contact an ambulance. When you call, inform your doctors that you are likely to have a coronavirus infection.

  • You are considered not dangerous to others three days after your temperature has returned to normal and you do not have shortness of breath


1. Human coronaviruses (Nidovirales, Coronaviridae): the increased level of epidemic danger/ Shchelkanov M. Yu., Kolobukhina L. V., Lviv D. K. / / Lechashchiy vrach. – 2013.

2. Acute respiratory viral infections: etiology, diagnosis, modern view of treatment/ Denisova A. R., Maksimov M. L. / / Russian medical journal. - 2018-No. 1 (II).

3. Acute respiratory infections in children: a textbook/ Reshetnik L. A., Spasova Yu. S. - 2017.

4. Press conference of the WHO Commission on the results of the visit to China. March 2020.

Source: https://www.krasotaimedicina.ru/diseases/infectious/coronavirus

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