Материалдар / Дәстүрлі сабақ "Living-Non living things" 5 сынып

Дәстүрлі сабақ "Living-Non living things" 5 сынып

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Мақалада Жанды заттар мен жансыз заттарды ажырата білу қарастырылған. Жанды заттарға ауаны қажет ететін заттар жатса , жансыз заттарға ауаны қажет етпейтін заттар жататынын және олардың түрлерін үйрету
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
15 Қазан 2021
9 рет жүктелген
693 ₸ 770 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз 10% жеңілдік
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Living things – Non Living things

Unit: 2

Living things

Teacher’s name:




Grade: 5 «В»

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Living / Non – living things

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

5.L9recognise short basic words that are spelt out

5.R2 Understand with little support specific information in curricular topics

5.W3 write with considerable support short sentences

5.C6organise and present information clearly to others

5.UE1 use appropriate countable and uncountable nouns

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

use topic vocabulary

Most learners will be able to:

understand with the support the main points of extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics;

evaluate how well they can listen to, say and read a text;

identify and apply countable and uncountable nouns

Some learners will be able to

making their own opinions and be able to express them;

organise and present information clearly to others

Lesson plan

Planned timings

Teacher's actions

Pupils` actions





Learners are introduced LO.

1.Warm up.

What was our topic in the last lesson?

It was “Home and away”

- Look, these are pictures that are related to our past theme!!!

A Famous House: The White House

The White House in Washington D.C., USA, is a very famous house. This house is not small. In fact, it is huge. It has 132 rooms

The White House has six floors and three lifts.There are 35 1) ........,

412 2) ..........., 147 3) ...........and 28 4) ............ There are also over 400 original 5) ........... . The most famous room is the Oval Office, where the president works. Behind the president’s 6) ........., there are three large windows with lovely 7) ............ . It has also got an oval-shaped 8) ............. and the 9) ......... has a beautiful pattern.

The students assess each other and remember last lesson

- Excellent


Not bad

Pupils Book

Flashcards (Rooms, furnitures)




Look at the picture and guess “What is the name of our topic?” “Living things”

What do you think this means?

At first I want to give some key words. Please listen and repeat after me

A skateboard, a goldfish, a guitar, a cap, a dog, a gloves, a snake, a helmet, a digital camera,a watch, a comic book, a tortoise, a trainers, a flowers, a basketball, a scarf, a cat.

Look at the pictures. Which are living things? Which are non-living things?

a skateboard

a guitar

a helmet

a dog a goldfish

a cap

Please, look at the pictures and complete the sentence. What have you got? This is the individual work.

I have got (a)……..

I haven’t got………

Grammar ‘Adjectives’

The pupils introduce with new theme.

Pupils try understand the new vocabulary

Ex 3

He has got …..

He hasn’t got ….


I have got ….

I haven’t got ….

Read the text and complete the chart with the main ideas.

This is the work in pair.


In nature we can find living things and non-living things. Rocks, air and wind are non-living things People, animals and plants are living things. The main characteristics of living things are:

- They are born. All living things are born from another living thing.

- They eat. All living things need food to eat.

- They grow. All living things increase in size during their lifetime.

Sometimes they change in appearance.

- They react. Living things can perceive what is going on around them, and they react to what they perceive.

- They reproduce. Living things can create offspring similar to themselves.

- They die. Living things stop functioning and cease to live.

Comment assessment

You are right!

Well done!

Very good!

Marking with formative assessment






Pupil’s book




Well what did we do in our lesson?

- Evaluation of the lesson


Make a poster for living things and non living things

Pupils say that what they learn today!

Pupils do task


Marking with formative assessment

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