Материалдар / Degrees of comparison. Ашық сабақ. 10 сыныпқа арналған

Degrees of comparison. Ашық сабақ. 10 сыныпқа арналған

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
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29 Қаңтар 2019
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693 ₸ 770 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз 10% жеңілдік
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Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады


Grade: 10 ӘData: 25.09.18
The theme of the lesson:The Degrees of comparative and super forms of adjectives
Aim: - to present pupils the forms of adjective and to teach them to use correctly in their speech. - to revise grammar materials talking about adjectives.The supplementary objective: to develop their vocabulary discussing about texts; to enlarge their interests learning, foreign languages, to develope skills and habits of reading , writing, speaking and listening.The Pictorial materials: white boards, slides, carda, posters, etc.Teaching of method: the new methods of teaching: work in groups, in pairs, making a dialogue.

Stage Time/limitThe action of the teacherThe action of the students

1.The org.moment 5 min

Warm up1 min
  • Greeting
  • Making absentees
  • Dividing into groups
  • Checking up H/T Ex.3 p 22

  • Revising grammar materials the teacher switches on video

    Teacher introduces with the theme of lesson

    Greeting Answering the teacher’s questions. St-s take colorful cards and find their partner looking at the picture in the card.St-s name the paragraphs; answering the questions , saying true/false sentences.Students watch the video on the w-board

    Students remember what adj is

    2.The main stage 8 min

    6 min

    2 min

    4 min
    1.Review The teacher asks each group to look at the while board and to make a diagram about degrees of comparative and superlative forms of adjectives

    2. Speaking The teacher delivers cards with the tasks and asks them to make up a dialogue using those adjectives with partners on the theme which is written in the card

    3. Relaxiation Teacher switches on the song in the computer

    4.Writing Teacher delivers cards for each students with the tasks. (putting the correct form of adjectives; write the forms of adjectives)

    5.Reading a)Teacher gives different texts to each group, and asks to find adjectives in the text and underline them. Group members say the adjectives.

    b)The teacher gives them posters and asks to draw about the text and sharing their opinions to each other.

    Studens of each group come to the board and explaining the rules of using com/sup. Form os adj. and completes the diagram.

    Students with partners choose a card and make up a dialogue on the theme of the card and using the adjective.

    Students sing together and do gym exercises

    Students do individually, they fill the sentences using the forms of adjectives

    Every student reads the text and finds adjectives and underlines.

    Group members say the adjectives.

    Groups draw a picture on the posters and they come and share the opinions.
    3.The concluding stage :5 min1.Work on Ex.6 p.25Teacher asks them to do the Ex.6 on page 25 orally.2.Self-assessment.3.Setting their home tasks: Ex.5 p.254.Giving marks .5.Reflexation: 2 stars and wishMembers each group give suitable nouns to the adjectives In exercise 6 p.25

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