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“Developing speaking: Talking about photos”

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“Developing speaking: Talking about photos” 10-сынып Ағылшын тілі
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Competition lesson

Theme: “Developing speaking:

Talking about photos”

Grade: 10 A

Subject: English


Module 3. Developing speaking: Talking about photos - 1. Lesson 33

Unit of a long-term plan:

Virtual reality


Date: 25.11.2022

Teacher name:

Class: 10 A

Number present:


Lesson title

Developing speaking: Talking about photos

Learning objectives

10.2.3 - understand the detail of an argument in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics;

Level of thinking skills

Understanding, Knowledge, Application

Assessment criteria

- Compare and contrast photos using phrases in the Speaking bank to talk about similarities and differences

Values links

Respecting each other


Physics, Geography, Maths

Previous learning

Travelling; Transport


Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities





10 min


25 min

Greetings and organisational moments.

Teacher introduces a new theme, learning objectives, and assessment criteria. Divide into two teams and ask for the name of a team

Checking homework.

21st Century task

Find out more about food miles in your area.

Work in a group and follow this plan:

1 Collect different food labels or packaging and bring them to class.

2 Using a world map, create a display to show each item and where it came from or where it was packaged.

3 Find out which of the products could be produced or packaged closer to where you live, and what the benefits could be.

4 Present your findings to the class. What are your conclusions?


You could ask students to note down ideas for exercise 1 at home in preparation for the speaking activity. Students can then compare their ideas in pairs at the beginning of the class.


Play Hot seat. One volunteer from each team sits with their back to the board. Write a word from the unit on the board so that only the teams can see the word. Teams give clues to their volunteer so that he/ she guesses the word and gets a point for their team. The first one to guess the word gets a point for their team.

1 SPEAKING. Teamwork. Use the phrases in the Speaking bank to talk about the similarities and differences between the photos

2 Decide which sentence (1-6) is….(a-f).

a)A plan or intention

b)A prediction

c)An arrangement

d)A promise

f)An offer

1.Shall I make you a cup of tea?

2.You’ll drive too fast.

3.I’m not going to go to university yet.

4.I’m staying the night there.

5.I’ll drive really slowly.

6.It’s going to be cold tonight

Project work

Students will guess the word

Students will talk about the similarities and differences between thee photos

Students will decide which senteence (A-F) is a prediction

And so on.

The teacher assesses them by giving scores

The teacher gives a point for their team

The teacher assesses them by giving scores

The teacher gives a point for their team

Gateway Science Student’s Book, Unit 3, p. 37


Different food labels or packaging


Gateway Science Student’s Book, Unit 3, p. 40

English file intemediate third edition.

Unit 1B P.18


7 min

3 Prediction game: What am I going to do in….?

4 Jeopardy game

5 Communication time

Ask another team these questions about his\her plans. Try to ask another question if possible

Ask and answer the questions

The teacher gives a point for their team

English file elementary

third edition

teacherr’s book.


3 minutes

Home task: Ex 3-4 p.27 WB. REFLECTION

What have you learned today? What can you do now?

Saying goodbye

Students write their comments on the padlet board



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