Материалдар / Digital education is the key to modern learning.
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Digital education is the key to modern learning.

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Digital education is the key to modern learning.
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27 Ақпан 2023
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Digital education is the key to modern learning.

The modern age is not a time of competition, but a time of competition of thoughts.

N. Nazarbayev

The XXI century is the century of new technologies and informatization. Independent Kazakhstan has firmly entered the same century. All spheres of the country's life have switched to digital. Now, perhaps, the future of our country, today's young generation should learn the basics of computers.

Digital educational resources in teaching are didactic materials on a specific educational topic in accordance with the standard curriculum for the discipline. The introduction of Information Technology in all activities of digitalization of education and the formation of a national model is a prerequisite for raising Kazakhstan's education to a qualitative level.

The processes of informatization of innovative society and the processes of informatization of all forms of the education system in close contact with them are characterized by the processes of mastering and disseminating new information and communication technologies. Such technologies are actively used in new systems of distance learning and open education to establish relationships and exchange information between the teacher and the student. An innovative teacher should be a specialist who can not only master the knowledge of information and communication technologies, but also use them in his professional activities.The concept of technology means the use of scientific and engineering knowledge to solve practical problems. Then it is possible to get the tendency of knowledge as an information technology to become an information resource. The purpose of information technology is to process information in order to subsequently analyze it and, on the basis of this, make a decision on the implementation of any actions.

Information and communication technologies are a common concept that describes various algorithms, methods, mechanisms and various devices for processing information. The most important tools of new information and communication technologies are the corresponding software-provided computer and telecommunications tools, where information is located. Now let's reveal the final meaning of the words information and communication.[2]

Information technology is a set of mathematical and cybernetic approaches and modern technical means that ensure the collection, storage, processing and transportation of information in modern computer technology. The use of Information Technology in the practice of teaching pedagogy is widely reflected. According to the Sailor D. Sh., "any method and technology is recognized as information technology." He came to this conclusion because the teaching was constantly associated with the transfer of information from the teacher to the student. The definition of this concept, which is found in the pedagogical literature, has selected two different conclusions. Within the framework of the first, information technology is considered as an organized didactic process as a result of the purposeful Assembly, transportation, storage of information products in accordance with the cognitive activities of students without minimal costs, as a result of the harmonious use of new teaching tools and methods. The second method is to determine the design using information tools that use the technical learning environment. Thus, in the first case, technology is considered a process, and in the second, we are talking about the use of special software and technical means in the educational process.

After analyzing the public value of digital educational resources, the following conclusions were made:

1. new information and telecommunications technologies provide an opportunity to actively and efficiently use information resources, which are the most important strategic factor in the development of society;

2.the development of civilization is taking place in the direction of the information society, where the objects and results of labor of the majority of the working population are not material values, but information and scientific knowledge. At the same time, information technologies provide an opportunity to effectively and in most cases automate information processes occurring in society;

3. Information Processes are an important element of other, more complex production or public processes. In this regard, information technologies are considered as a corresponding component of public or production technologies;

4. telecommunications technologies, being part of Information Technologies, play an important role in ensuring the exchange of information between people and institutions, as well as in the system of mass dissemination and preparation of information;

5.Information Technologies occupy a key place in the process of personalization of society, the development of its education system and culture. Also, the use of educational information tools is an effective method for both the system of retraining and growing their qualifications, and for the system of self-education.

Thus, we should recognize that digital learning is a didactic process with the use of a whole complex of computer and other tools. Software manuals of information technology include: electronic textbooks, electronic courses, lectures, slide lectures, multimedia presentations, flipchart, interactive whiteboard, ACTIVboard, ACTIVslate, active pen, etc.

Educational software must meet the following aspects:

- psychological-how this program contributes to educational motivation, pedagogy as an academic discipline, whether it increases or decreases interest in it, whether difficult and complex, unconventional requirements presented in a machine create problems for students ;

pedagogical-how much the program can explain the general direction of the course of pedagogy and how much it can show students a positive attitude to pedagogical activity;

- methodological–whether the program is correctly selected for mastering the material, whether the choice of tasks proposed to students has been correctly solved, whether the material is methodically correctly presented;

- organizational–whether the lesson with the use of a computer and new information technology is planned correctly, whether the student is given a sufficient amount of time to perform independent work, etc.

It takes a lot of work, special skills, skills and time to solve these problems. At the same time, the quality of training sessions depends on the quality of development and processing of virtual illustrative material.

In the process of developing a presentation, it is necessary to use such common recommendations as :

- the educational material collected for the presentation should be clearly structured, systematized ;

- educational material that needs to be illustrated should be selected;

- on the topic on which the presentation will be developed or the entire educational material, it is necessary to identify the main and indirect information and formulate goals and objectives ;

- the general scheme for developing a presentation logically forms a series of consecutive and parallel connections (interdisciplinary, Inter-scientific, intra-disciplinary, etc.) ;

- the structure of the presentation includes a plan summary, which contains the definition of key concepts, conclusions of thoughts, names and content of slides, fragments of text, drawings, drawings, tables, photos ;

- you need to choose the type of presentation. It comes in two types : non-resolution (musical and without music) , frame (without music). A non-cut presentation is held before or after the lecture, and a frame presentation is held during the lecturer's speech, in parallel with the lecture ;

- text and videos should complement each other, you can use video and animation materials ;

An interactive whiteboard is one of the additional devices of a computer and is also a tool that combines two different tools for a lecturer or speaker: an image of information and a simple marker board.

To work with an interactive whiteboard, you do not need any special writing tools, butaforks and batteries for markers. At the same time, you can also write by hand on the board: for this you need to choose the color of the ink. It is worth noting that the board does not connect directly to the network and does not pose any danger to children.

The interactive whiteboard is like a regular marker board. It also has trays, special containers are located, which are responsible for the colors of pollinators and markers. Each container has optical sensors that determine from which tools you get a lot. If all the markers and lastics are in place, it will look like you are working with a mouse when you touch the board, for example, if you take a marker in your hand, you can write on the board.

You can also do the work you do on your computer on an interactive whiteboard: you can type and save text, show movies and slides, search the internet for the necessary information. Students can clearly see the lesson given by the teacher on the blackboard, whether they can now worry about the other side.

The following features of interactive tools can be noted:

1. an image written on a chalk board cannot be compared to a clear, neat image in color on an interactive whiteboard

2.with the help of a board and chalk, it is difficult and impossible to explain the work with different applications.

3. If errors are made in slides, flipcharts, can be corrected immediately

4. in the classroom, you can use the ability to take tests through the ACTIVote testing system

5.with the ACTIVwand ukazka, it allows access to the top of the board even for the little ones.

6.the level of use of visualization in the lesson increases.

7.the yield of the lesson increases.

8. positively affects the level of knowledge of students;

Students with a comprehensive education, cultural, fair, straight outlook on life, creative work in the direction of scientific research in their specialty, have a high desire to develop professional skills, are able to navigate the situation of adaptability, our future is tomorrow.

Used literature:

1. Mukhambetzhanova S. Information Technology and distance learning. - Almaty: Atamura, 2005. - 152 P.

2. Sarmanova S. application of Information Technology in Secondary School / / School of Kazakhstan. – 2004, No. 5, p. 10-11

3. Kasymova R. effectiveness of multimedia technologies / / fundamentals of Computer Science, 2004, No. 5, p. 4-6

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