Материалдар / Distance learning-is the new demand of our period
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

Distance learning-is the new demand of our period

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
үштілде білім беретін пән мұғалімдеріне
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Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
10 Сәуір 2021
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This article was written by Saltanat Ibrayimova

The Chemistry Teacher of 128 school named by M. Auezov

Almaly District, Almaty

Қашықтықтан оқыту – қазіргі уақыт талабы

Дистанционное обучение - новая потребность нашего времени

Distance learning - is the new demand of our period

Digitalization of the education system became a modern effective tool in raising intelligent students of our country. By rendering the learning system digital, our country will make sure that every child gets a qualitative approach in their path towards learning, moreover, e-learning will ease the way of taking Kazakhstan’s education and science sector to the new level.

The spread of the coronavirus infection that has engulfed the world has not spared our country. In connection with the sanitary and epidemic situation, since April last year, all educational organizations have switched to a remote educational platform. Transition to distance education was implemented within the framework of measures aimed at reducing the spread of coronavirus infection.

Distance learning is carried out with the help of information and telecommunications technologies. Currently students in different parts of our country are trained in several educational platforms. We, teachers as mentors of future generations, were entrusted with a big responsible task headed by the Minister of Education A. Aimagambetov. In such a difficult time, teaching children, guiding them, finding an approach to them, helping them express themselves, and exchanging opinions with them began to require even more professionalism and patience. In this regard, the formation of a community of professionally competent, motivated, proactive, creative, innovative teachers have become a requirement of the present time. After all, the already difficult work of teachers became much harder and requires more responsibility. Therefore, our main goal should be to improve pedagogical skills, creativity, strengthen the competence of teachers and provide them methodological support. At all times, the fate of a person and the future of the nation have been and will continue to be entrusted to teachers. Therefore, we must continue to furnish quality education to our children, regardless of the hardship of times.

The current young generation is the future of our nation, the generation of eternal Kazakhstan. We must raise literate children who will lift up our country and contribute to its further development.

Currently, students are quite proficient in modern digital technologies, so they grasped the tasks without any problems. We are truly happy that students responsibly attend classes, perform the tasks assigned to them, and are fully aware of all the burden and heaviness that they face at this time.

When learning remotely, it is very important to be able to effectively organize children's leisure time. It is gratifying that students take part in subject Olympiads, intellectual tournaments, and various competitions held at the district and national levels during extracurricular hours. Such Internet Olympiads arouse great interest among schoolchildren and help them to identify their passions, strengths and even weaknesses. "All good things are acquired by knowledge, and the path to heaven is paved with education," our great scientists said, so we will try to create all the conditions for our students to receive high-quality education accompanied by modern occurrence. Whatever the external circumstances, it is our duty to give the young generation a decent national education. Therefore, the issue of qualitative training, conscious education of future generations of the sovereign Kazakh state remains relevant today.

The main responsibility in distance learning lies with parents. We are grateful to the parents who monitor the timely attendance of their children's classes, who ensure the implementation of learning activities in accordance with each feedback, those who constantly keep in touch with teachers, supervise children to perform the assigned homework. The task of parents is to create all the conditions for necessary to learn online – they must supply a stable Internet connection as well as, smartphones, tablets and laptops. Furthermore, parents are also charged to form an appropriate and comprehensive daily routine to their children. Teacher enriches with academic knowledge and educates the child in accordance with the standards of public order, parents, in turn, must continue the education laid down by the teacher. A school-parent-society will be an excellent upbringing if the harmony of these three is solid.

I am a chemistry teacher myself. Chemistry is a fundamental part of science, a powerful tool of production. Chemical science is a branch of education that has practical significance for the development, improvement of well-being, as well as a driving force of agriculture and industry. At the same time, chemistry is one of the most complex and profound disciplines. My most important task in my teaching method is to increase the educational and cognitive activity of students, I am in charge of organizing their activities which will lead to the development of mental and creative abilities among pupils. Therefore, I always try to use more visual aids during classes and I demonstrate practical tasks in order to consolidate the theoretical knowledge. I believe, this method of combining the theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge, has a great impact on the successful assimilation of the curriculum by students and contributes to a good perception of the lesson. And the current situation with distance learning has allowed the maximum use of visual aids in the classroom.

In the process of teaching chemistry, it is possible to solve problems using computer technology. The new technology expands the capabilities of the teacher, it helps the pedagogue to engage in a comprehensive search, to replenish knowledge; it will provide with new effective ways of teaching. By implementing information technologies into the lessons we allow students to clearly understand complex and challenging material.

Currently, distance learning is executed using network and case technologies that reflect the relevant components in the educational process, and is carried out systematically through remote interaction between the teacher and the student. At the same time, distance learning is considered a bridge between students and teachers. The effectiveness of the educational process primarily depends on the activity and cognitive search performed by students. The purpose of the lesson during distance learning should be the maximum possible interaction between the student and the teacher, teacher must engage learners with an effective application of practical material. At the same time, it is important to note that, presentations are also a convenient tool, that increases the visual memory of the student.

To conclude, I would like to say that the role of the distance learning system is very important for the education sector, as thanks to this system, our teachers and students have the opportunity to improve their scientific and creative sides, and they are able to increase their knowledge in the global information space. On the path of the pandemic that has transformed the entire structures of our country's educational system, distance learning has shown that human health is the main value. Even with distance learning, the improvement of the knowledge of our future generation must continue without stopping.

I would like to thank all the teachers of our country for their hard work. I wish you luck and patience during these difficult times and I encourage you to continue to expand your professional experience, and work tirelessly to fill the hearts of our beloved students, but not at the expense of your own health!


1. "Collection of methodological recommendations" Boribekov K. K. Astana, 2002

2. "Pedagogical problems of computer use" school No. 5,2006, Shadieva

3. Magazine - "Mirror of knowledge" May, 2020

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