Материалдар / “Eazier methods of teaching English phonetic sounds”
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“Eazier methods of teaching English phonetic sounds”

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Ағылшын тілі фонетикасын үйренудің оңай жолын бөлісемін. Бұл ғылыми жұмыста ағылшын тілі әріптерінің қалай оқылатындығы және қалай дыбысталатындығы айтылған. Көбінесе, ағылшын дауысты дыбыстарының оқылуы зерттелген.
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27 Желтоқсан 2017
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Embergenova Raikul

Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda oblast

Shiely district, Balabi village

The teacher of secondary school #50

Eazier methods of teaching English phonetic sounds”


Developing phonetic skills during the English lesson.

I want to share my experience in developing phonetic skills during the English lessons. I have been teaching English at school for five years. I teach primary students and it is important to explain to them the secrets of English letters. During the lessons I try to bring much attention to phonetic drill exercises, because I want my students to read and speak English in a correct way.

Each language has features in study sounds. When we speak about English language, we can say that the sounds of English language differ from the sounds of Kazakh language . English sounds are divided into three groups. But it is necessary to note that there are identical sounds in two languages too .

To teach students English effectively is a multistage job. First the students must study the letters, then they must know about vowels and consonants. I have such kinds of aims in my lessons:

1. Children should know a rule (each students must write words quickly and correctly)

2. The students should write a rule in their copy- books during the lesson

3. They should make up sentences according to these rules, do exercises.

4. Before learning new rule, they should review previous rules

5. The students should do exercises using these rules.

6. They should do exercises at the end of the lesson (3-4 minutes) for consolidating. Consolidating exercises must be varied. To improve good reading I use these rules:

Rule 1. How many vowel sounds, how many syllables. For example: 1.Look at this word: table, how many vowels are there? Name please.

2. Divide the word into syllables: Win|dow. Student works on the board, he divides a word into two parts. Why? Because there are two vowels here, that’s why it has two syllables.

Rule 2. If a syllable ends on a vowel sound, it is open syllable.(I type of syllable) Exercise:1. Find open syllables among these syllables: table, board, chalk, map, cake

2. Underline the open syllable .

Rule 3. “E” is never read at the end of the word. Exercise: 1. Find the words with “e” at the end.

2. In what cases “е” is read, in what cases isn’t. At first we will do group work:I will show a word on the board, the students will answer “read” or “is not read”.

This methods I use at my lessons.

When we study vowels and consonants, I always try to compare Kazakh and English sounds. There are 25 consonants in Kazakh language and 24 in English. I use exercises for distinguishing of sounds:

1.Listen to the word and name the number of words with the sound [æ] :

map, bed, not, doc, cat, camp.

2. Listen to the words, find the words with long [o:] and short [o]: port, oil, not, oral, orange.3. Listen to the sentence and say how many times you have heard [c] and [s]?

For many years of teaching I have been studying English sounds. I want to give some examples and rules of my research work:

DrawObject1 Monophthongs

DrawObject2 Vowels


Vowels are normally made with the air stream that meets no closure or narrowing in the mouth, pharyngal and nasal cavities. That is why in the production of vowel sounds there is no noise component characteristic of consonantal sounds.


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Front Central back

Monophthongs are vowels the articulatiuon of which is almost unchanging. The quality of such vowels is relatively pure. Most Russian vowels are monophthongs. The English monophthongs are: [I, e, æ, a, α٨з:,ј]

1 Monophthongs are a sound of a single vowel

Tongue Positions.

When the tongue is in the front part of the mouth and the front part of it is raised to the hard palate a front vowel is pronounced. This is the position for the English vowels [i:, e, æ]

When the front of the tongue is raised towards the back part of the hard palate the vowel is called central. This is the position for the English vowels [۸], [з:], [ј]

When the tongue is in the back part of the mouth and the back of it is raised towards the soft palate a back vowel is pronounced. This is the position for the English vowels [α, o, o:, u:]

Moving up and down in the mouth various parts of the tongue may be raised to different height towards the roof of the mouth.

When the front or the back of the tongue is raised high towards the palate the vowel is called close. This is the way the English vowels [i:, i, u, u:]

When the front or the back of the tongue is as low as possible in the mouth open vowels are pronounced. This is the way to pronounce the English vowels [æ, α:, o, o:]

Character of Vowel End. The quality of all English monophthongs in the stressed position is strongly affected by the following consonant of the same syllable.

All English vowels are generally divided into long and short.

Long vowels are: [i:,α, o:, u, з:]

Short vowels are [i, e, o, u, ۸, ј]


Diphthongs are two vowels produced consecutively from the position of one to the other.

There is only one category for diphthongs; click it to see the diphthongs sounds.

The English diphthongs are: [ei, αi, oi, јu, au, iј, εј, uј]


Consonants are made with air stream that meets an obstruction in the mouth or nasal cavities. That is why in the production of consonant sounds there is a certain degree of noise.


zDrawObject12 DrawObject11 DrawObject8 DrawObject7 DrawObject10 DrawObject9 Manner

Stop Fricative Affricate Nasal Liquid Glide

Manner of articulation refers to have the sound is produced and the way in which the air stream is modified as it passes through the vocal tract.

Occlusive noise consonants are called stops because the breath is completely stopped at some point articulation and then it is released with a slight explosion, that is why, they are also called plosives. Occlusive voiced consonants are: the English [b,d,g] .Occlusive voiceless consonants are : the English [p,t,k]

Constrictive noise consonants are called fricatives i.e the consonant sounds in the articulation of which the air passage is constricted and the air escapes through the narrowing with friction. The English voiced fricatives: [v, ð, z, з].The English voiceless fricatives : [f, θ, s, , h]

Occlusive – constrictive consonants or affricates are noise consonant sounds produced with a complete obstruction which is slowly released and the air escapes from the mouth with some friction. There are only two occlusive – constrictives in English:[t, dз]. The English [dз] is voiced (in certain positions) and weak (lenis); [t] is voiceless and strong (fortis).

Nasal - мұрын жолды.

Nasal refers to a consonant produced with complete closure in the oral cavity along with a lowered velum to allow air flow through the nasal cavity.

Liquid is a generic label used to classify two English approximant consonants [r] /and/ [l]

Glide is a consonant characterized by a continued, motion of the articulators in to the following vowel: also referred to as a semivowel.

Glide voiced consonants are: [w,j]

DrawObject18 DrawObject17 DrawObject16 DrawObject14 DrawObject13 DrawObject15 Bilabial Consonants place Glottal


Labio – Lingual – Lingua Lingua Lingua-

dental dental alveolar palatal velar

Place of articulation refers to which articulators are involved in the production of a particular sound.Bilabial (қос ерінді) refers to a speech sound such as b , produced by contact of the uppet and lower lips.Bilabial voiced consonants are: [b,m,w]

Labio – dental (тіс пен ерін) consonant is one that is produced by the lower lip contacting the upper front teeth.They are the English [f, v]

Lingual consonants are classified into forelingual, mediolengual and backlingual

Forelingual consonants are articulated with the tip or the blade of the tongue. They differ in the position of the tip of the tongue. Cacuminal, if the tip of the tongue is at the back part of the teeth ridge, but a depression is formed in the blade of the tongue as in the case of the English [r] and the Russian [p, p’].

Backlingual consonants are also called velar , because they are produced with the back part of the tongue raised towards the soft palate. They are: the English [k, g, η].

The glottal consonant [h] is articulated in the glottis.

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