Материалдар / "Education in the period of independence"

"Education in the period of independence"

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Education plays an important role in economic development. Education is the process of imparting knowledge, a set of acquired knowledge, skills, abilities, operational experience and competencies. It allows a person to develop as a person.
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10 Желтоқсан 2021
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"Education in the period of independence"

Education plays an important role in economic development. Education is the process of imparting knowledge, a set of acquired knowledge, skills, abilities, operational experience and competencies. It allows a person to develop as a person. Education is a factor of reproduction of the social and professional structure of society. It is also a channel of social movement and social mobility. The more democratic and open the society, the more effective education works as a social "lift". It allows a person at the bottom of the hierarchical structure of society to achieve a high social status.

Knowledge has a decisive influence on modern man. Significant changes are taking place in Kazakhstan, where the modern education system is developed and purposefully reformed. Private educational institutions have appeared, new types of educational institutions have been strengthened, lyceums, gymnasiums and colleges have appeared. It is known that the education system is able to have an indirect, distant, but powerful purposeful impact on the development of society as a whole, including political and socio-cultural processes.

President Nursultan Nazarbayev in his article "Focus on the Future: Revival of Public Consciousness" said: We have trained tens of thousands of young professionals in the best universities in the world. As you know, it was founded in the early 90s of the last century by the "Bolashak" program. We have a number of very high-level universities, a system of intellectual schools, etc. created.

But the cult of education must be universal. And there is a serious and obvious reason for this. The technological revolution will lead to the disappearance of half of the existing professions in the coming decades. No epoch has known such a pace of change in the professional image of the economy.

And we have entered this era. In such cases, only a person with higher education can live a successful life, he can change his profession relatively easily due to his high level of education.

Thus, today Kazakhstan is one of the leading countries in the world in terms of the share of budget expenditures on education.

Every Kazakhstani should understand that education is the most fundamental factor of future success. Education should be a priority in the system of youth priorities.

If education becomes the main value in the system of values, the nation will be successful. "

During the years of independence, a number of government programs aimed at developing the education system have been developed.

The results of research by domestic scientists and teachers have become the basis for many government programs aimed at developing the education system. One of the first was a comprehensive program in 1996 "On the development and publication of textbooks and teaching materials for secondary schools."

The strategic task of our state is to make our country one of the 50 most competitive countries in the world in the next 10 years. The ranking of these countries is determined by the ranking of the World Economic Forum based on the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI). Two of the ten GCI indicators relate to the development and quality of education in the country. In turn, the quality of education is determined by the results of the implementation of the best achievements of pedagogical science in educational practice. In the field of pedagogical science, as in other disciplines, fundamental, applied and active research is conducted to achieve competitiveness, the results of which are state programs to improve national education.

For example, in 1997 the state program of informatization of the secondary education system was developed. A year later, the Daryn program was introduced. In 2001-2005, the state program "Education" is being implemented. In 2001, a program for the development and publication of textbooks, teaching materials for special disciplines for the system of primary and secondary vocational education, which is implemented from 2002 to 2005. Then there was the state program "Rural School" for 2003-2005, the state program for the development of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2005-2010, the state program for the development of technical and vocational education. The program "Balapan" for the provision of preschool education and training in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2008-2012 for 2010-2014, the program "Student Housing" (2011), the State Program for the Development of Education for 2011-2020.

In 2007 alone, the state allocated 136 million tenge for basic and applied research in the field of education. In 2006-2008, by order of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 12 fundamental and 41 applied research works were conducted in the field of education.

Concluding my remarks, I would like to say that Kazakhstan's education has a future if its teachers are good, the technology is modern, the students are literate, forward-looking, open-minded and forward-looking.

List of sources used:

1.https: //www.kazpravda.kz/articles/view/obrazovanie--obespechit-kachestvo-na-vseh-urovnyah

2.https: //articlekz.com/article/10867

3.http: //www.elibrary.kz/about/news/detail.php?ID=101420

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