Материалдар / English Teaching Methods
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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English Teaching Methods

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Teaching a foreign language. It is necessary to pay attention to new ways of stimulating students' speech. Using new methods, you can easily learn to speak English and improve in it. You will be able to speak like a native speaker.
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English Teaching Methods

Meiramgali M.Z.


3d year student of specialty 5B011900 “Foreign Language: two foreign languages”Aktobe South Kazakhstan State University named after K. Zhubanov

Aktobe, Kazakhstan

Annotation: Teaching a foreign language. It is necessary to pay attention to new ways of stimulating students' speech. Using new methods, you can easily learn to speak English and improve in it. You will be able to speak like a native speaker.

Keywords: methodology, English, learning.

One of the oldest methods is the classical, or fundamental, one. The purpose of the classical method is not so much to study as to understand the subtleties and details of the principles of a foreign language. The main objective pursued by the classical method is the formation of the grammatical base of the language being studied.

Beginners in learning English from scratch, from the basics. This method is very familiar to those who, beginning to learn English at school. It is worth noting that it is preferred by many language institutes, both in Kazakhstan and in the border states. A simplified scheme is as follows: learn grammar, the main rules, which are then applied in concrete examples, and reinforced through exercises. The most popular representative of the traditional method - N.A. Bonk. Her famous "Bonk textbook", written in collaboration with other representatives of the same traditional method, is a kind of pattern. This textbook has withstood stiff competition with the newest. This textbook has withstood the fierce competition with the latest methods from the West, and continues to be the benchmark. The only disadvantage, or rather, the disadvantage of the classical method is the scarce experience of speaking. It is possible to compensate for this disadvantage by joining the classical method with other methods of communicative teaching.

One such method is the so-called linguo-sociocultural method. Proponents of the above method are those who believe that the modern foreign language should not be a set of lexical and grammatical rules. On the contrary, the absence of extra-linguistic factors leads to the fact that learning English becomes boring and aimless. Adherents of the linguistic and sociocultural method elevate a foreign language to the rank of self-expression.

Communicative method, which occupies the first line in the ratings and statistician's calculations. This methodology has proven itself perfectly in America and Europe. Continuing to conquer the world, the communicative method came to us, taking an honorable place in leading language high schools in the country. The technique is based on the integration of the two main methods of teaching foreign languages: traditional and modern.

As the name suggests, an important role in the communicative methodology is assigned to communication. The main goal pursued by this methodology is to overcome the language barrier. The main thing is to free a person from the fear of a foreign language, from the fear of speaking a foreign language and at the same time develop other language skills and abilities, in particular oral and written speech, reading, listening. It is worth noting that grammar is learned in the process of speaking, communication in a foreign language. The principle is as follows: first, students memorize and memorize language formulas, expressions, word combinations, and only then take apart the grammatical constructions found in the memorized phrases. In simple words, the principle of oral advance.

The fact that the communicative method plays a special place in the practice of communication, and the name itself. The communicative method aims at the development of speaking skills in a foreign language. It is also worth noting that the application of the methodology affects the structure of the lesson. Very often in the classroom is necessary to use game situations, group work, develop tasks for the search for errors, the ability to compare and contrast.

Not only the memory but also logic, which allows developing the ability to think analytically and figuratively and, in turn, stimulates the expression of thoughts.

Nowadays the development of the modern IT-industry makes the newest interactive resources available for studying English: latest generation computers, Internet, TV programs, newspapers, magazines. It is very important to put all of the above into practice. It helps awaken students' interest in the history, culture and traditions of the country of the studied language.

Teaching is an active interaction between teacher and students, and it cannot be one-sided. It is up to the teacher to determine how successful the of learning.


1. Conversations about the foreign language lesson : a manual for students of pedagogical institutes / E.I. Passov [and others]. Л. Prosveshchenie, 1975. - – 176 с.

2. Bim, I.L. On the methods of teaching foreign languages / I.L. Bim // IFLS. –1974. № 2. С. 19–32.

3. Volovin A.V. Communicative approach to the study of foreign languages in the methodological systems.

4. English and American / A.V. Volovin // Communicative approach to the study of foreign languages: collection of scientific papers. - Volovin // Communicative Approach to the study of foreign languages: issue. 275. - – М., 1985. - – С. 19–32

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