Материалдар / Entry test EXCEL 6 grade

Entry test EXCEL 6 grade

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Entry test EXCEL 6 grade
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
01 Қырқүйек 2024
1 рет жүктелген
405 ₸ 450 ₸
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Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

1. Which of the following is an example of a compound noun?
a. Happiness
b. School bus
c. Friendship
d. Quickly

2. Which of the following is an abstract noun?
a. Swimming pool
b. Teacher
c. Love
d. Whiteboard

3. Identify the noun phrase in the following sentence: "My math teacher is Canadian."
a. Math teacher
b. Is Canadian
c. My
d. Teacher

4. Which of the following is NOT a compound noun?
a. Basketball
b. Toothbrush
c. Library
d. Swimming pool

5. Which of the following phrases contains an abstract noun?
a. The tall building
b. A great adventure
c. The beauty of nature
d. Running fast

1. Nurgul passes all her Maths tests __. (easy)
a. easilier
b. easily
c. more easy
d. good

2. Ulan is doing __ in his end-of-year exams. (good)
a. well
b. goodly
c. better
d. good

3. He gets up very __ every day. (early)
a. early
b. earlyer
c. more early
d. sooner

4. He sings __. (wonderful)
a. wonderfully
b. wonderly
c. more wonderful
d. wonderously

5. The runner is moving __ than before. (fast)
a. fastly
b. faster
c. more fast
d. fast

1. The films ………. shown in the cinema last week.
a. are
b. was
c. were
d. is

2. Uniforms ………. worn in this school.
a. are
b. is
c. was
d. were

3. The museum ………. visited by thousands of people every day.
a. is
b. are
c. were
d. was

4. William Wallace ………. born in 1270.
a. is
b. is being
c. was
d. were

5. The bridge ………. built by the Italians.
a. are
b. was
c. is
d. were

1. Damir __ to Europe last year.
a. has traveled
b. traveled
c. was traveling
d. travels

2. Kazakhstan's nature reserves __ many awards over the years.
a. win
b. has won
c. won
d. has been winning

3. I __ England in my life.
a. never visited
b. have never visited
c. was never visiting
d. never visit

4. The Simpsons __ back from their trip yesterday.
a. come
b. has come
c. came
d. are coming

5. Daniya __ her friends last night at the cinema.
a. meets
b. has met
c. met
d. was meeting

6. Gulsara’s uncle __ in the mountains for 6 years.
a. lives
b. has lived
c. lived
d. is living

1. What is the primary difference between comedy and tragedy?
a. Comedy is always serious, while tragedy is always funny.
b. Comedy often has a happy ending, while tragedy usually ends unhappily.
c. Comedy is only performed in theaters, while tragedy can be read.
d. Comedy is about historical events, while tragedy is fictional.

2. Which of the following is a key characteristic of drama?
a. It is always written in prose form.
b. It involves characters who perform actions.
c. It must be based on real-life events.
d. It does not include any dialogue.

3. What is a common theme found in many tragic plays?
a. Love conquers all.
b. Heroes always win.
c. The downfall of the protagonist due to a fatal flaw.
d. Friendship is the most important value.

4. Who is the author of the famous tragedy "Hamlet"?
a. Charles Dickens
b. Leo Tolstoy
c. William Shakespeare
d. Anton Chekhov

5. Which play is an example of a comedy?
a. "Romeo and Juliet"
b. "Hamlet"
c. "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
d. "Death of a Salesman"

1. What year was Charles Dickens born?
a. 1800
b. 1812
c. 1820
d. 1830

2. In which city was Charles Dickens born?
a. London
b. Portsmouth
c. Kent
d. Manchester

3. At what age did Dickens start working in a factory?
a. 10
b. 12
c. 14
d. 16

4. Which of the following is NOT one of Dickens's novels?
a. Little Dorrit
b. David Copperfield
c. Great Expectations
d. The Great Gatsby

5. How old was Dickens when he died?
a. 50
b. 55
c. 58
d. 60

1. How do we form the negative in the past continuous for "I"?
a. I am not playing.
b. I wasn't playing.
c. I didn't play.
d. I wasn't played.

2. Which of the following sentences uses the past continuous correctly?
a. They were play soccer when it started to rain.
b. She was studying when the phone rang.
c. He is playing video games yesterday.
d. We plays outside last weekend.

3. What time expression is commonly used with the past continuous?
a. Yesterday
b. While
c. Now
d. Tomorrow

4. Choose the correct form of the past continuous to complete the sentence: "At 3 PM, I _ my homework."
a. was doing
b. did
c. am doing
d. done

5. What is the correct question form in past continuous for "they"?
a. They was playing?
b. Were they playing?
c. They were play?
d. Was they playing?

1. Which ingredient is suggested to help relieve a headache?
a. Ginger
b. Lemons
c. Chocolate
d. Honey

2. What is recommended to help with a toothache?
a. Warm water
b. Vanilla extract
c. Ginger tea
d. Lemon juice

3. What should you drink to help with a stomach ache?
a. Hot chocolate
b. Ginger tea
c. Lemonade
d. Vanilla extract

4. Which home remedy is suggested for sore throats?
a. Drinking cold water
b. Adding honey to hot water
c. Eating chocolate
d. Using vanilla extract

5. What ingredient in chocolate helps with coughs?
a. Sugar
b. Vanilla
c. Theobromine
d. Honey

1. Which of the following is an example of a countable noun?
a. Milk
b. Rice
c. Apple
d. Water

2. What is the correct way to ask about an uncountable noun?
a. How many apples do you eat?
b. How much milk do you drink?
c. How many cars do you have?
d. How much apples do you eat?

3. Which phrase correctly uses "some"?
a. Would you like some pizza?
b. How many pizza do you want?
c. Do you have some apples?
d. I need some waters.

4. What is the correct term to use with countable nouns in a negative sentence?
a. Not many
b. Not much
c. None some
d. Not a lot

5. Which of the following sentences is correct?
a. There is less cheese in the fridge.
b. There are less apples on the table.
c. I have less friends than before.
d. She drinks less milks.

1. While on holiday, Assel is going to take (take) a lot of photographs. What is the correct form?
a. is taking
b. is going to take
c. will take
d. takes

2. While on holiday, Anata is going to (visit) local museums. What is the correct form?
a. visiting
b. visits
c. is going to visit
d. will visit

3. Mr. and Mrs. Omarov are going to (wake up) late. What is the correct form?
a. woke up
b. wakes up
c. are going to wake up
d. will wake up

4. Berik is going to (spend) her morning on the beach. What is the correct form?
a. spends
b. will spend
c. is going to spend
d. spending

5. Aidar is going to (try) local dishes. What is the correct form?
a. tried
b. tries
c. is going to try
d. will try

1. Who is the author of "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"?
a. Lewis Carroll
b. Frank Baum
c. J.K. Rowling
d. Mark Twain

2. What is the main character, Dorothy, trying to do throughout the story?
a. Find a new home
b. Return to Kansas
c. Become a queen
d. Rescue a friend

3. Who does Dorothy meet that wants a brain?
a. The Tin Woodman
b. The Cowardly Lion
c. The Scarecrow
d. The Wizard

4. What does the Cowardly Lion seek in the story?
a. A heart
b. Courage
c. A brain
d. A new friend

5. What does the Wizard of Oz ultimately reveal about himself?
a. He is a powerful magician
b. He is actually a fraud
c. He is a kind-hearted man
d. He is from another world

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