Материалдар / Essay: "Role of teaches in the modern society" "Қазіргі заманның мұғалімі" атты шағын мазмұндама ағылшын тілінде
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

Essay: "Role of teaches in the modern society" "Қазіргі заманның мұғалімі" атты шағын мазмұндама ағылшын тілінде

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Essay: "Role of teaches in the modern society" "Қазіргі заманның мұғалімі" атты шағын мазмұндама ағылшын тілінде
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Role of Teachers in the Modern Society

The wоrld changes day by day and there is no doubt that the modern society is not the same with an ancient one. For example, education system has changed completly - nowdays being teacher does not mean only being a helper in difficult process of getting education; it means being creative and highly talented "guide", which accompanies a student in all way of studying. Are these changes positive or negative?

In my opinion, contemporary teachers should pay more attention to new methods of teaching, what will make studying more enjoyable. First of all, in conditions, when people are surronded by great number of information, school or university program can be remembered only by association; that is why lessons must be expressive and remarkable. Secondly, today humanity has the accsess to immence resourse, such as books, science reserches and teacher`s role, which provide student with it, is not actual today.

However, some people believe that a classic teacher is more reliable, becouse new methods of education can be untested yet. They also consider that instead of imagining something new, it is better to make knowlage deeper for both students and teachers.

I am afraid they are not right, because education system cannot stay in one level. Moreover, in modern society depth of knowlage does not play the mainest role; it is more important to be flexible.

In conclusion I strongly believe that the way of getting education is very individual and choice depends on our preferences.

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