Материалдар / Essay Social Network in my life: Benefits and Dangers
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Essay Social Network in my life: Benefits and Dangers

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First of all I tell about a benefits side of the Social Network in my life. Social network can help me: Find celebrities you admire and communicate with them! Find old and new friends Find a job or help someone get it Promote your creative work (songs, dances, pictures etc.)
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Theme: Social Network in my life:

Benefits and Dangers

  1. Introduction.

A social network is a very useful invention of the 21st century. We don`t imagine our lives without Social Network. We can find all necessary information there. We use popular services and sources every day. One of the most popular sources is social nets. Nowadays millions of people use social networks. It is an Internet site that gives us a chance to support various contacts, keep friendly relationships with classmates, acquaintances. 

What is the social network for me? I can say social network is my second home, not real, of course, but virtual. It’s a reality of modern life: we can’t imagine our existence without the use of www (World Wide Web). It’s a pity but people are obsessed with the idea of being online. For example, people nowadays can order a takeaway food, they can buy clothes online, and they can even work online. And I’m not an exception. I use VK, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. I’m an active user of all these social networking sites. I chat with my friends, play online games, listen to music and watch funny videos. I have the internet at home and enjoy looking for useful information for me. I have the Internet in my phone but I use my phone in my freetime.

Also my elder sisters using and help online shopping has become much easier. If you don’t have time to go to the store, you can order all the necessary products at the online store and they are delivered within a day. Same can be done with medical pills, railway tickets, shoes, dresses and any other items.

Thanks to modern technologies people can not only write different kinds of letters to their partners all over the world, but talk and see them by means of a web camera. But on the other hand, social networks are a great trouble. They made people forget traditional heart-to-heart talk. Sometimes you can`t see the eyes of your partners and feel their emotions. Besides, social networks are full of aggressive, cruel, violent and dangerous videos for children.

Many uncertain persons try to raise their self-confidence using social networks. It can be said that on the internet, namely on social networking sites you can never be certain of who is "listening". I believe networks can be used by adult people and children at the age of fourteen and up. As for me, I use social networks with great pleasure as they give me a helping hand with my self-education and communication.

However, it seems that with the appearance of Internet people have become lazier. They rarely walk or do physical exercises. They don’t need to bother much if everything can be done with one click of a button.

In my opinion, Social Network is of great help in everyday life. We just need to learn how to separate useful information from useless.

II. Main Body

One of the biggest things on the internet is social Network. The Social Network has benefits and dangers. Of course, for me social network the is a great pleasure. But I understand that the Social Network can influence us both positively and negatively.

On the one hand, a social network is a very convenient tool for a quick message exchange, searching for old friends and making new acquaintances, keeping important information and discussing pressing issues in groups, right in the comfort of one’s home. On the other hand, psychologists and psychiatrists of the world ring alarm bells: social networking addiction too often becomes the cause of serious mental and nervous disorders, such as depression, social isolation, autism, and even suicide attempts of teenagers and young people. To my mind, social networking sites can be both useful and dangerous depending on who and how uses them. And I want to try to analyze their benefits and dangers.

First of all I tell about a benefits side of the Social Network in my life.

Social network can help me:

Find celebrities you admire and communicate with them!

Find old and new friends

Find a job or help someone get it

Promote your creative work (songs, dances, pictures etc.)

Organize events and invite people (friends)

Play games, download music, watch videos etc.

Communicate with people

I have friends in various countries so it’s easy to talk with them by skype or viber for instance. The Social Network for example whatsapp helps me to prepare my lessons. I seek for additional material practically every day. I can find almost everything in the web. So cool, now I needn’t to spend many hours in libraries as my parents spent. I like shopping online and with the help of the whatsapp or Instagram is a real pleasure.

Now I’ll tell you about of the dangers side of the Social Network in my life.

Dangers of social networks in my life:

You waste your time.

You can get a virus and harm your computer or computers of all your friends.

Someone can steal your financial information or get access to your email.

People can do you harm by stealing your personal information or sending spam.

First of all it’s a kind of obsession. People (especially teenagers) can’t control themselves. They need to be all the time in the Social Network. The Social Network also blocks our brain (I think so sometimes). I can just take the composition from the Social Network, transform it a little bit and the homework is ready. We need to think ourselves but nowadays we are too lazy to do this, the Internet can do everything for ourselves. It’s true.

Also, to my mind, caring parents should limit their children’s access to social media, and regularly check up their actions on the Social Network. Otherwise, social networks can make a real harm to children’s and our brain minds.

Finally, thanks to social networking sites, you will never lose information about your friends and other important people. You don’t need to keep in mind their dates of birth and phone numbers any more. At any moment you can check up this information via your smartphone. You will never lose your favourite films or music as well, because you can save them on your personal page with a single click of a mouse.

III. Conclusion

Social Network plays an important role in my life.  It’s hard to imagine our life without Internet nowadays. Internet helps people  when they are in need. Internet is very useful, because it is a huge base of knowledge.   Using internet we can find any information we need. Most of social networks are used by people to meet friends with similar interests and hobbies. Very often close - minded persons find each other on the Internet.

However why are social networks so widespread and widely used? As we live in an era where technology is at its peak and is in constant development, things like reading books on the internet, shopping online and communication with contacts around the globe, which were impossible a hundred years ago, are now part of everyday life. The most vital part of today's world is speed – the speed of acquiring information.

We can find an answer to the question, a description of any item, translation of a word, some news in Internet. We use Internet to communicate with people far away. We can find any film, music or book using the Internet. Without the internet, we might have lots of annoyance. If we don’t use the internet moderately, it will be a problem for us.

The Internet is a great thing! I’m happy to live in the 21st century with all modern technologies and devices.

However, we need to remember, that internet it is not a lifestyle, it is only a tool of getting information, but not everyone can use it in a smart way.

In my opinion, it is very convenient. Internet is very useful, because it is a huge base of data and knowledge, where you can find any thing you want from movies and music of interest to the vast number of books, newspapers and magazines. Internet helps studing.To find more information, download the required essay, watch video about some books which you have already read, everything can be done through the Internet. Email is one of  the advantages of the Internet. This online service is cheaper than regular mail, and it works much faster. I have a personal e-mail and have an oppotunity to chat with my friends from other cities and countries. Nowadays there are very different popular social networks where communication with your friends and relatives also is not difficult. On the other hand

To summarize, I would like to say that despite the possibility virtual life communication gives us, there are some negative results.

I think that the social network  becomes a way of a person life and it is very harmful for our health. Many teenagers spend a long of time sitting at the  computers and spoiling theirselfves eyes. I don't mean that I am against the Internet, but it should have  reasonable limits.


Bolotaeva, V. & Cata, T. (2011). Journal of Internet Social Networking and Virtual Communities, IBIMA Publishing.

Carey, D. (2013). “What Are the Advantages of Social Networking” Life

Eric J. (2010). “Social Networking Is It A Blessing Or Curse?” Ezine Articles.

 June 29, 2010.

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