Материалдар / Эссе "My favourite teacher"
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Эссе "My favourite teacher"

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02 Қараша 2021
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Atyrau, Makhambet region, Alga village


My favorite teacher

Prepared by: Asem Salamatova

11th grade of Alga secondary school

15th of October, 2021 academic year

My favorite teacher

Teacher is a unique person and he/she very well knows how to take care of the students for the study. The teacher is a person who is very respected in our society. And teaching is not easy. It’s a noble profession. A good teacher is a best and beautiful gift given by God.

Working with children, students are hard, but for teachers aren’t heavy. I think teachers like it. Of course, they love this profession, because they chose it with love and desire. Teachers ask questions and help learners to find answers. Learning is not only about finding the right answer, but also creating the road that leads to the answer.

A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others” said Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Indeed, we all see that teachers always help and support us. Teaching is an indelible profession. It is still developing and the number of teachers are growing and growing.

The first teachers in the person’s life are his/her parents, who were not only given life, but also invest the knowledge that is necessary for life. My parents have taught me to attitude life and people. They are supporting me now and will do it in the future. There have been many good teachers in my life and one of which is an English teacher. While studying in the lesson, I have listened with the interest to the teacher’s detailed, sequential explanations on a topic that was quite difficult for me, and I realized that the examples given by the teacher make the topic more understandable. In the lessons of this teacher I feel myself comfortable and confident in my abilities. I like the atmosphere of home comfort, mutual help and support that prevails in the classroom.

The teacher has a huge contribution to our life. No one can developmentally, socially and intellectually reach to their big life without a teacher. Many teachers scold to us, but the teachers are never bad. They do whatever just to make our future bright.

In the end, I want to finish my essay with the poem by Kevin William Huff:


Paint their minds

and guide their thoughts

Share their achievements

and advise their faults

Inspire a Love

of knowledge and truth

As you light the path

Which leads our youth

For our future brightens

with each lesson you teach

Each smile you lengthen

Each goal you help reach

For the dawn of each poet

each philosopher and king

Begins with a Teacher

And the wisdom they bring.

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