Материалдар / Excel 7 Unit: "Helping & Heroes" Theme: "Use of English" page 21

Excel 7 Unit: "Helping & Heroes" Theme: "Use of English" page 21

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
29 Мамыр 2024
0 рет жүктелген
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Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Unit of a long term plan: Helping & Heroes.

School: №8

Date: 07.09.2022.

Trainer’s name: Shyrakbaikyzy Ulzhan

Class: 6A”

Present: Absent:

The theme of the lesson:

Use of English.

Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing to: communicate meaning clearly at sentence and discourse level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges; - use questions including questions with whose, how often, how long and a growing range of tag questions on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics; - write with some support about real and imaginary past events, activities and experiences on a limited range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics.

Lesson objectives:

All learners will be able to:

use and pronounce some target language accurately in response to prompts and in controlled tasks with support.

Most learners will be able to:

use and pronounce most target structures accurately in response to prompts and in controlled tasks with support.

Some learners will be able to:

use and pronounce most target structures accurately in response to prompts and in controlled tasks with little support.

Level of thinking skills:

Knowledge comprehension, application.

Values links:

Explanation of passive form (present & past simple) and Preposition of movement.

Cross curricular links:


Previous learning :

Vocabulary for appearance / describing character.


Lesson planned


Teachers activity

Learners activity





Checking -up hometask



Good afternoon guys!

I’m glad to see your! Take your sit, please.

Talking to duty:

-Who is on duty today?

-What date is it today?

-What day is it today?

-What was your hometask for today?

-Good afternoon teacher! We’re glad to see you to.

-I am on duty today.

-Today it is 7th of October.

-Today it is Thursday.

Well done!

Good for you!






5 min

5 min.

5 min.



Let`s begin our lesson, before starting our lesson lets practice our pronunciation! Listen to me carefully and repeat after me all together.

The two twenty train tore through the tunnel”.

Guys today we have a new lesson. The theme of our lesson: «Past simple».

Before starting our lesson, let`s familiarize ourselves with the new vocabulary.

Listen to me and repeat after me.

Across- Бойымен









Exercise 6.

Write questions, then

answer them, as in the example.

1. When/Elizabeth I/become Queen of

England? When did Elizabeth I become Queen

of England? She became Queen in 1558.

2. Where/in Egypt/Cleopatra/live?

3. Who/Lady Diana/marry?

4. What/Marie Curie/discover?

5. When/Florence Nightingale/start working

in a hospital?

6. When/Abraham Lincoln/die?

Exercise 7

Then fill in: is,

are, was, were.

1. The films ........... shown in the cinema last week.

2. Uniforms .......... worn in this school.

3. The museum ........... visited by thousands of people every day.

4. William Wallace ........... born in


Exercise 8

Use the time expressions to write

sentences about yourself, as in the



last night

yesterday morning

two weeks ago

last Sunday

Example: I went to a museum two weeks ago.

Exercise 9

Look at the pictures and fill in the

correct preposition of movement.

Askar was happy when his parents gave him a new mountain bike for his birthday. He put on his helmet and went for a ride. He cycled

1) .................. the road. He went 2) ...………. the train station on his left and 3) ... the tunnel.

Then he cycled 4) ....... the forest,

5)……….. to the top of the hill and

6)……….. the other side really fast. He rode 7)…….. the bridge above the river and turned right. He parked his bike and went

8)……… the street to buy a snack. Then he got on his bike and rode 9)........... the park.

Home task

Exercise 10 p 21

Write a short paragraph about

what you did last weekend.

Last weekend, I went ... with ... . We ... and then we ... . After, we ... . I had a great time!


I understand!

I understand a little.

I don't understand!

The lesson is over! Thank you for your participation. Good-bye!

Leaners repeat after the teacher.

1.When did Elizabeth I become Queen

of England? She became Queen in 1558.

2. Where in Egypt

did Cleopatra live?

She lived in


3. Who did Lady

Diana marry?

She married

Prince Charles.

4. What did Marie

Curie discover?

She discovered radium.

5. When did Florence Nightingale start working in a


She started working in a hospital at the age of 35.

6. When did Abraham

Lincoln die?

He died in 1865.

1. Were

2. Are

3. Is

4. Was

> I bought an interesting book yesterday.

> I watched comedy film last night.

I had two eggs for breakfast yesterday morning.

I went to the cinema last Sunday.

1) along

2) past

3) through

4) towards

5) up

6) down

7) over

8) across

9) into


Туған күніне ата-анасы жаңа тау велосипедін сыйлағанда Асқар қуанды. Ол дулығасын киіп, серуенге шықты. Ол велосипедпен жүрді

1) бойымен

жол. Ол 2) сол жағындағы вокзалдан және 3) тоннель арқылы өтті.

Содан кейін ол велосипедпен 4) орманға қарай,

5) төбенің басына дейін және

6) таңның екінші жағы өте тез. Ол 7) өзеннің үстіндегі көпірден өтіп, оңға бұрылды. Ол велосипедін тұраққа қойды да кетті

8) тамақ сатып алу үшін көшенің арғы жағында. Сосын ол велосипедіне мініп 9)саябаққа келді.

Last weekend, I went shopping with my friend.

We tried on some clothes and I bought a pair of

jeans and then we had lunch.

After, we went to the cinema. I had a great time!

Thank you.

Good bye!

Good job!We have just practice our pronunciation!

Bully for you!


Well done!

225 ₸ - Сатып алу

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сертификат алыңыз!
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