Материалдар / Finding out about plants through pictures and a chant and writing about plants.
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

Finding out about plants through pictures and a chant and writing about plants.

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Unit2: Living thingsSchool:
Date:Teacher name:
Class:5 Number present:Absent:
Theme: Plant 1

Finding out about plants through pictures and a chant and writing about plants.
Learning objective5L3 Understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics.5C4 Evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others.5S7 Use appropriate subject- specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics.5R1 Understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics.5W2 Write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph on a limited range of familiar general topics.
Lesson objectiveAll learners will be able to:participate in discussions;give and respond the questions;

Most learners will be able to: answer the questions; talk about the plants ; uses appropriate layout; improve communication skills;

Some learners will be able to:Make their own sentences learners speak out their opinions about the topic covered; gives constructive feedback;
Assessment criteriaRecognize basic general question without support.Analyze given feedback and give constructive answers to feedback.Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences.Read the text and identify the main idea of it.Write short sentences on familiar topics; Connect sentences into a paragraph.
Value linksUniversal Labor SocietyUpbringing of the respectful attitude towards the nature.

Cross- curricular linksKazakh, Russian language; Biology

Previous learningWeather and climate: cold, snowy, rainy, sunny, foggy;

Planned timings

Beginning 5 min.

Greeting.Teacher shows the video.Warm up

Sing a song of flowers.Sing a song of flowers,Flowers all aroundFlowers that are growing,Growing in the groundFlowers of every colorThey look so pretty too?

videoyou. tube

Middle 5 min.


10 min.

10 min.

5L3 Task 1The method ‘’Think,integrate,share’’Listen to the teacher. Look at the pictures and name the words..

Answer the question.1.Do you plant flowers?2. When do you usually plant flowers?3. Where do you usually plant flowers?4. What’s your favorite flower?5. Do you water it?6. How often do you water it?7. What kind of flowers do you plant?8. What do living plants need?9. What do plants provide us?10 What type of plants do you know?Descriptor: A learner
  • answer the questions;
  • make grammatically correct sentences;

  • 5C4 ;5S7 Task 2The method ‘’Storyboards’’.Group work. Look at the pictures.Learners A: Choose a picture. Present ideas to the class.Evaluate the feedback and respond to it. Learners B: Give feedback to classmates on presenting his / her thoughts.Ask questions to clarify the ideas.

    Descriptor: A learner talks about plants ; evaluates partner’s answer; gives constructive feedback; asks the questions for clarification.

    5R1 Task3(reading one by one)Read the text and answer the questions. Plants are very important kind of life.Plants are living organisms such as flowers, trees, herbs, bushes, grasses, vines, ferns, mosses and green algae. They provide us with food materials, wood and also the live giving oxygen. Plants cover most land and can be big or small and come in many colors, but they are not animals. Plants usually can’t move. They breathe a different kind of air than people and animals do. Plants make their own food from water, sunlight and the soil. Plants usually make more plants, or reproduce, with seeds.Questions: 1.Why plants are very important kind of life?2.What do living plants need?3.How do plants grow?4.What do plants provide us?Descriptor : A learner-reads the text;-answer the questions using the information from the text;

    5W2 Task4The method ‘’Cluster mapping’’Write a short topic using the picture from task 2. Follow the instructions.1.Give the title to the topic.2.Make up a short plan.3.Write the main idea.4.Give three details.5.Write summary sentence.6.Use your draft organizer.7.Follow the layout structure.8.Write a short story (about 10 sentences).

    Descriptor : A learner writes a short topic; uses appropriate layout; keeps the format of a given genre.



    ICT board




    End 5min.

    At the end of the lesson, learners reflect on their learning: Learners have to write their answers on the stickers and stick it on a tree: - What have you learnt today?
  • What would you like to learn?
  • What would you like to work on?

  • Additional information

    Differentiation- how do you plan to give more support? Assessment- how are you planning to check learners’ learning?Health and safety check
    - to give children additional materials constructions;- to work individually with some children;- support less able learners and develop the progress of more able learners;- to give the task depending on learners’ abilities;- time is used flexibly;- by giving feedback; -by observing; -by smiling I’ll give 3 different flowers:1.Roses for active learners. 2.Tulip for not active learners.3.Daisy for satisfied learners.

    Using physical activity singing.

    Using CD, computer, internet.
    Reflection:Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?Did I stick to timings?What changes did I make from my plan and why?If not, why?Did my planned differentiation work well?Did the learners achieve the LO?

    Now it’s interesting to hear your reflection on the lesson.

    What was the most interesting part of the lesson?

    The lesson is over. Thank you for cooperation.
    Summary evaluation.What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?1:2:What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?1:2:What have I learned from this lesson about the class or achievements/ difficulties of individual that will inform my next lesson.

    Материал жариялап тегін сертификат алыңыз!
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