Материалдар / Foreign Language for intercultural and professional purpose
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

қысқа мерзімді сабақ жоспарларын

жүктеп алғыңыз келеді ма?
ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

Foreign Language for intercultural and professional purpose

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
The variety of the intercultural communication provides the existence of different methods and tools that appear in learning process using the intercultural interaction in preparing future specialists
Материал тегін
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

«Қазтұтынуодағы агробизнес және экономика колледж» мекемесі
Ғылыми жетекші: Джакасова Г.Е
The theme :Foreign language for intercultural and professional purpose

The variety of the intercultural communication provides the existence of
different methods and tools that appear in learning process using the intercultural
interaction in preparing future specialists. For understanding the intercultural
communication it should be combined the knowledge and understanding another
culture language. Moreover, the developing intercultural communication process
should be seen in practice if the students have opportunities to develop language
skills of the intercultural communication in daily routine or in professional situations
conducted at the different learning classes with using modern pedagogical methods.
One of the most effective ways of intercultural communication is a motivation
to learn a foreign language for special occasions aimed at obtaining professional
skills and professional experience. Achieving a high professional level of language
training is directly related to the peculiarities of a foreign language culture. The
proposed method is based on communicative competence of learners with practical
implementation in the professional sphere. The method under consideration makes it
possible to give conclusions about necessity for studying a foreign language and pay
attention to filling the learning language content using professional direction.
Nowadays, the professionals with high level of the foreign language in various fields
are highly competitive and indispensable now. The obtained results of the research
based on the effectiveness of modern methods` use and application in the classroom
for preparing future specialists.


Intercultural communicating means communicating among people come from
many and various cultures face to face. For foreign language educators, to develop
the learner’s intercultural communication competence is to know how to teach
foreign culture. Culture teaching in foreign language teaching is a question countered
by language teachers throughout all universities and colleges in the world. The
relationship between language and culture is dynamic. Firstly, language is an
important part of culture. It is the primary vehicle by which a culture transmits its
beliefs, values and norms. Secondly, language is influenced by culture.Language is
one of the most important carriers of culture and reflectsthe latter. If there is no
language, culture would not be known. On the one hand, culture is the basis and one
of the most important attributes of language and exerts great influence on the latter. If
there is no culture, language will be like water without asource or a tree withoutroots.
The purpose of the research is to form students' professional communicative
competencies with effectiveness in the process of the foreign language professional
communication in standard-known and unknown-standard situations of the

interpersonal, business and professional aspects with foreign citizens in the
performance of professional duties and responsibilities. For achieving the result, the
learning process is aimed at improving the professional competence in the field of the
professional documentation, colloquial clichés and vocabulary in a foreign language,
which have become widespread in all life`s spheres, given widely in the worldview of
foreign languages in cultural and professional connections, in the field of the
professional development, research and teaching.
Materials and methods
The research methodology is based on the method of comparison and
generalization, which makes it possible to draw more accurate conclusions. For
modern linguists, it is obvious that future specialists get professional knowledge of
the foreign languages from different processes in the sphere of the international
relations and socio-economic structure, the expansion of cooperation within the limits
of economic and political globalization . The influence of the language cultural and
professional communication in teaching foreign languages, particularly, concerning
students of various universities, has not been sufficiently studied. . The teaching
process analysis of training foreign language is aimed at studying intercultural
communication in the modern world and students are a reflection of modern culture
and professional communication
Table 1.Intercultural communication as a characteristic of the sociocultural
Intercultural communication is the main activity of the modern people
Languageproficie Communicationsbeha Socioculturalknowl Multiculturaleduca
The learning priority of a foreign language is determined by reality, which
provides everyday evidence that the foreign language is becoming an increasingly
important influential powerful tool for the international exchange of information in
professional and scientific communication. The necessary condition for the
implementation of the intercultural communication is the presence of the common
language communication. When studying a foreign language, the following aspects
are used particularly:
Table 2. Intercultural communicative competence
Effectiveness of intercultural communication
Human activities
Foreign language culture
• Historical and social knowledge of the
language country;
• Cultural traditions;
•Psychological features in behavior;
• Etiquette;
Moving abroad
• Rules of business etiquette (work);


• Health and nutrition;
• General knowledge of the country`s
political and economic situation.

It should be noted the specificity of the cultural content of the educational
program in the discipline of a foreign language. In addition, the lexical priority is the
main educational condition, as students start to learn a foreign language with words,
phrases and speech and grammar structures. The geographic and economic state of
the country influences the choice and preference learning of a foreign language
among students. The academic and professional relations between higher education
institutions, participation in the international community, joint international scientific,
academic and professional activities reflect the urgent relevancy for professionals
who speak a foreign language as a way of the international professional
communication .
The intercultural communication consists of the ability to compare different
foreign language cultures, to usevarious approaches for establishing contact with
representatives of other cultures, to interact with such representatives, eliminating
misunderstandings and conflict situations caused by using intercultural differences.
Table 3. Student`s learning language content.
Student’s learning language content
Professional activity
Intercultural activity
Tutor strategies, methods, tools and Students` interaction,



to develop the new subjects` knowledge in order to teach effectively; to understand
the learning content and the language; to increase the language proficiency; to raise
the level of the universal and professional competences; to motivate students to
study different foreign languages and cultures; to increase interest in training
programs abroad; to establish friendly contacts with the native speakers
Consequently, both the foreign language and intercultural communication as a
union performs the considerable role in preparing students of the university. It is
practically used the results that could be considered as the implementation of
graduates` effective preparation including the integrity of the “professional language”
based on the supplementary materials, books and other literature for teaching a
foreign language combined with cultural, linguistic and intercultural training. The
understanding the studied language culture and usage of the professional subject have
a certain set of the intercultural knowledge: lexical and grammatical structures, use of
language, phraseological units, realities of the language; the rules of communication
and etiquette and social sphere as the history of the country, its holidays, traditions
and national characteristics. The foreign language like academic discipline is closely

connected with intercultural communication which combines the effectiveness of
studying foreign language and choosing the suitable teaching method. In addition,
knowledge of the language is a communicatively sufficient level in the modern world
and it establishes the business, scientific, educational and economical contacts
between specialists in different social spheres.

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