Материалдар / FSA grade 4 term 4 СОЧ 4 класс 4 четверть

FSA grade 4 term 4 СОЧ 4 класс 4 четверть

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
FSA grade 4 term 4 СОЧ 4 класс 4 четверть
450 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз
+23 бонус
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Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады





Task 1. Write the word under the pictures. ___/6 point

paper, sun, farm, forest, animals, ocean


The Missing Doll

Jane was very sad. She could not find her doll. Her mom said, “Look in your room. Maybe your doll is there.” Jane looked in her room. It was a terrible mess. She started to clean her room. She put all the books on the shelf. She put her blankets on her bed. She picked up her clothes off the floor.

I found her,” Jane said. “My doll was hiding under my clothes. I think she was playing hide and seek.” Jane put her doll in the dollhouse. Her room was clean, and now it was time to play.

Task 2. Circle the correct answer. ___/4 point

1. Jane lost her _______________.

a. pet b. doll c. truck

2.Jane found it under her _______________.

a. clothes b. blanket c. hat

3.At the start of the story, Jane’s room was _______________.

a. clean b. messy c. green

4.At the end of the story, Jane’s room was _______________.

a. clean b. messy c. wet

WRITING ___/5 point

Task 3.Read the sentence. Circle the correct answer.

  1. I to the park yesterday. go / went / wented

  2. She computer games last night. played / play / player

  3. He to go to school yesterday. didn’t went / didn’t want / didn’t wanted

  4. I a lot of cake at the party! eat / eated / ate

  5. They out at the weekend. didn’t went / didn’t go / not go


Task 4.Tell me a little monologue on the topic “ Robots”. ___/3 point

Total points: __/18

Name: ________________________________________________ Class: 4 “__”

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