Материалдар / FSA grade 5 term 4 СОЧ 5 класс 4 четверть

FSA grade 5 term 4 СОЧ 5 класс 4 четверть

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FSA grade 5 term 4 СОЧ 5 класс 4 четверть
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Task 1.Watch the story. Circle true or false for these sentences. ___/5 point

  1. The Capulet family and the Montague family don’t like each other. true /false

  2. Romeo and Juliet get married in secret. true /false

  3. The Prince of Verona is very happy and sends Romeo away. true /false

  4. Friar Lawrence gives Juliet a drink to make her sleep. true /false

  5. Friar Lawrence sends Romeo a letter to tell him the plan. true /false


Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood lived in a wood with her mother. One day Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her granny. She had a nice cake in her basket. On her way Little Red Riding Hood met a wolf. ‘Hello!’ said the wolf. ‘Where are you going?’ ‘I’m going to see my grandmother. She lives in a house behind those trees.’ The wolf ran to Granny’s house and ate Granny up. He got into Granny’s bed. A little later, Little Red Riding Hood reached the house. She looked at the wolf. ‘Granny, what big eyes you have!’ ‘All the better to see you with!’ said the wolf. ‘Granny, what big ears you have!’ ‘All the better to hear you with!’ said the wolf. ‘Granny, what a big nose you have!’ ‘All the better to smell you with!’ said the wolf. ‘Granny, what big teeth you have!’ ‘All the better to eat you with!’ shouted the wolf. A woodcutter was in the wood. He heard a loud scream and ran to the house. The woodcutter hit the wolf over the head. The wolf opened his mouth wide and shouted and Granny jumped out. The wolf ran away and Little Red Riding Hood never saw the wolf again.

Task 2. Put the sentences in order. ___/7 point

  1. __On her way she met a wolf.

  2. __Little Red Riding Hood looked at the wolf’s eyes, ears, nose and teeth.

  3. __One day Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her granny.

  4. __Little Red Riding Hood never saw the wolf again.

  5. __The wolf opened his mouth wide and Granny jumped out.

  6. __The wolf ran to Granny’s house and ate Granny up.

  7. __A woodcutter heard a loud scream and ran to the house.


Task 3. Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs in the box. ___/4 point









The Generous Footballer

French international footballer Olivier Kapo 1) _____ to the UK to play for Birmingham City in 2007. At the same time, a local boy called James McPike 2) _____ work at the football club and one of his jobs 3) _____ cleaning Kapo’s football boots. For a year, he 4) _____ them after every match. At the end of the year, he 5) _____ Kapo for a souvenir. He 6) _____ to keep the star’s football boots. In fact, Kapo 7) _____ him a much better gift: his Mercedes sports car! James 8) _____ amazed.


Task 4. Tell a little monologue on the topic “Lifeline” ____/ 4 point

Total points: __/20

Name: _______________________________________________Class: 5 “__”

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