Материалдар / FSA grade 7 term 4 СОЧ 7 класс 4 четверть

FSA grade 7 term 4 СОЧ 7 класс 4 четверть

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
FSA grade 7 term 4 СОЧ 7 класс 4 четверть
450 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз
+23 бонус
Бұл не?
Бүгін алсаңыз +23 бонус беріледі Бұл не?
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады





Check your understanding: true or false

1. Dan gets up early.______

2. He has a small breakfast.______

3. He's a student.______

4. Dan has lunch at home.______

5. He goes swimming after classes.______

6. Dan watches TV or goes on the internet before bed._____


Put the verbs in the present perfect.

  1. _______________________(I / see) that woman before, but I can’t remem ber her name.

  2. ________________________(you / ever / play) golf?” “Yes, I play golf a lot.”

  3. Does Emma know Sam?” “No ,_________________________(she / never / meet) him.”

  4. Ann and Eli have lots of books, and __________________________(they /not/ read) all of them.

  5. _________________________ (I / travel) by plane, bus, and train. Someday, I want to take a trip by boat.


Hello, my name is Steve. We are having a busy day today, because my family and I are doing a lot of household chores. Luckily everyone is helping each other and sharing the work. I have just given a short break to have a cup of tea and rest. I have helped my mum with the laundry and taken out the rubbish so far. I have also tidied my room and placed all my books on the bookshelves. I have fed our dog. Cooper but I haven't washed him yet because there isn't any shampoo left. I need to go to supermarket and buy some.
My father Henry is working in the garden now. He has wiped all the windows and mowed the lawn. He hasn't watered the trees as it was rainy all day yesterday. He has washed our car and planted new red roses into the pots. He hasn't cleaned the bathroom yet. I think he will do it after lunch.My mum, Julie has vacuumed the floor, done the laundry and cooked lunch for us. She has also done some ironing but she hasn't washed the dishes yet. I think she will do it later today.My sisters. Shirley and Diane have dusted all the furniture and mopped the floor. They have cleaned the toilet and folded the clothes. They haven't loaded the dishwasher or set the table yet. They are having a break just like me now as they are exhausted.I love helping my family with the household chores and I'm glad that there is a perfect cooperation between all the family members. Now that I have finished my cup of tea I have to go to the supermarket for Cooper's shampoo and some bread. Bye for now!

  1. Who has taken the rubbish out?

  2. Has Henry planted new red roses yet?

  3. Who has folded the clothes and cleaned the toilet?

  4. Has Steve finished all his work for today?


Create a dialog "Call to the medical helpline" (5)

Total points: __/20

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