Материалдар / Grade 3 .Summative Assessment task for the cross curricular unit "Explorers and Inventors"
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Grade 3 .Summative Assessment task for the cross curricular unit "Explorers and Inventors"

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05 Ақпан 2024
6 рет жүктелген
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450 тг 338 тг
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Summative Assessment for the cross curricular unit «Explorers and Inventors»

Learning objectives: (3.L8) Understand short narratives on a limited range of

general and some curricular topics (3.W3) Write short phrases to identify people, places and


Assessment criteria • Identify general idea of short stories on general and familiar


Describe people, places and objects using short phrases

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension, Application

Duration 20 minutes


Task 1. Listen about “The Invention of the Computer” twice. Answer the questions.

1. What is the text about?


2. Who invented the first computer?


3. What possibilities have the computers got?


4. What computers can do ? ________________________________________________________.

5. Where can we find computers?


Teacher reads: The Invention of the Computer”

One more important invention of our century is the computer. The first computer was invented by the English scientist Charles Babbage.

Nowadays nearly everything we do in the modern world is helped and controlled by computers. Computers are used so often because they are more efficient than human beings. They have better memories and can store a lot of information.

In fact, computers can do what we can do but faster and better. They can control different machines, foretell tomorrow’s weather, even play chess and compose music. Computers are widely used in various professions. We can find computers everywhere: in a library, in a travel agency, in a hotel, in a shop and in many other places.


Task 2. Choose ONE invention from the pictures and answer the questions:

1. What is it?

2. Is it a nice / useful / silly / dangerous / clever / easy / difficult invention?

3. Do you like this invention? Why / why not

1. 2. 3.




Assessment criteria




A learner

Identify general idea of short

stories on general and familiar topics


answers to the 1st question ‘about computers.’


answers to the 2nd question ‘ English scientist Charles Babbage’


answers to the 3rd question ‘ They have better memories and can store a lot of information”


answers to the 4th question ‘ control different machines, foretell tomorrow’s weather, even play chess and compose music’


answers to the 5th question ‘ in a library, in a travel agency, in a hotel, in a shop and in many other places.’


Describe people, places and objects

using short phrases


Possible answers

1. This is a smartphone.


2. Clever invention/ It is a clever



3. Yes, I like/ Yes, I like this invention,

because it is unusual. (or any other

relevant adjective) / No, I don’t like this

invention, because it is dangerous. (or

any other relevant adjective


Total marks


Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative Assessment for the unit “Explorers and inventors”

Learner’s name ________________________



Level of learning achievements




Identify general idea of

short stories on general

and familiar topic

Experiences difficulties in answers to the questions, which manifests

through numerous mistakes.

Makes some mistakes in identifying general idea of the talk. Answers some

of the questions according to the


Identifies general idea of the talk. Answers most of the questions appropriately

Describe people, places

and objects using short


Tries to describe object from the

picture. Answers most of the

questions incorrectly. Uses

grammatically incorrect sentences in describing object.

Describes object from the picture with some errors. Makes some mistakes in answers to the questions using supported pictures and information in them.

Describes object from the

picture. Answers most of the properly. Uses grammatically

correct sentences



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