Материалдар / Grade 8 SAU 2 'Travel and transport'
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Grade 8 SAU 2 'Travel and transport'

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18 Қаңтар 2024
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Summative assessment for the unit «Travel and Transport»

Learning objectives Read a growing range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts on familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics Link, independently, sentences into coherent paragraphs using a variety of basic connectors on

a range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics Spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a range of familiar general and curricular topics Punctuate written work at text level on a range of familiar general and curricular topics with growing accuracy

Assessment criteria

  • Summarize the ideas in the extended fiction and non-fiction texts by finding the main information and specific details

  • Organize sentences, paragraphs and ideas logically using a variety of linking devices

  • Write topic related words with correct spelling control

  • Identify and use punctuation in the sentences properly

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension



20 minutes


Task 1. Read the text and answer the questions.


Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy splendid places, or just for a change of scene. It is always interesting to discover new things, different ways of life , to meet different people, to try different food, to listen to different musical rhythms.

Thanks to  different type of transport we can realize all this. People can travel by train, by plane, by boat, by car etc. All ways of travelling have their advantages and disadvantages. And people choose one according to their plans and destinations.

But besides that  we need to choose a way of travel, we need to complete some more points. First of all, we need to choose the place where we want to go to rest. Travel agencies can help us with this. They have a huge choice of directions. If you have money, you can buy an expensive ticket to the Maldives or Seychelles. If you don't have much money, you may be offered cheap directions. They will also help you to buy tickets for any transport and booka hotel room. If you know exactly where you want to go, you can do without a booking office . However, you will have to book a hotel room or a bed in hostel and buy transport tickets in book offices yourself.

When you have already solved these problems, you must pack a luggage, take documents and go on a trip . But we remember to have to go through customs control. It is necessary! Customs officers must make sure  that you are an honest person. When you have completed all these points, you can go to any place. Upon arrival, you need to check in at the hotel from 2 p.m. to 12 p.m. And that's it, now you can enjoy the beautiful view from windows of hotel, taste new foods and communicate with new people. But don't forget that you need to check out on time. Otherwise, you will not be grossly admitted!  Enjoy your stay!


  1. Why do people travel?

  2. What types of transport do people travel with?

  3. What people should do while travelling?


Task 2. Write about the advantages and disadvantages of travelling..

You should:

  • use the grammar tenses accurately

  • link your ideas into paragraphs with three/four basic connectors;

  • punctuate your work correctly.

Assessment criteria




A learner

Summarize the ideas in the extended fiction and non-fiction texts by finding the main information and specific details.


  1. writes They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy splendid places, or just for a change of scene.;


  1. writes People can travel by train, by plane, by boat, by car etc.


  1. writes pack a luggage, take documents, have to go through customs control


Organize sentences, paragraphs and ideas logically using a variety of linking devices.

Write topic related words with correct spelling control.

Identify and use punctuation in the sentences properly.

Practice usage of simple perfect forms to express recent, indefinite and unfinished past.


uses a range of appropriate vocabulary with correct spelling


writes advantage and disadvantage of travelling


writes clear paragraphs with 3 or 4 basic connectors;


conveys ideas clearly;


uses appropriate structure that makes reader understand a piece;


uses punctuation and capitalization correctly


Total marks


Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative Assessment for the unit “Travel and Transport”

Learner’s name_______________________________________________________

Assessment criteria

Level of learning achievements




Summarize the ideas in the extended fiction and non-fiction texts by finding the main information and specific details.

EShape1 xperiences difficulties in identifying main idea and specific information while reading the task. Answers most of the questions incorrectly.

EShape2 xperiences some difficulties in identifying main idea and specific information in the text. Makes some mistakes in answers: walking/go(-ing) on foot/ people suffer from travel sickness/people become unwell when they travel/ train.

CShape3 opes with answering the open-ended questions with appropriate sentences while reading the text. Appropriately identifies main idea and specific information in the text. Answers most of the questions correctly.

Organize sentences, paragraphs and ideas logically using a variety of linking devices.

Write topic related words with correct spelling control

Identify and use punctuation in the sentences properly

Practice usage of simple perfect forms to express recent, indefinite and unfinished past.

LShape4 acks in writing a description based on the question, has difficulties in conveying ideas logically, in using appropriate vocabulary, in linking ideas clearly, in using a range of grammar and in punctuation.

MShape5 akes mistakes in writing a good description based on the question/ in presenting ideas clearly/ in using appropriate vocabulary / grammar/in linking ideas logically. Is aware of rules of punctuation, but makes mistakes in complex sentences.

Presents a good description on topic. Connects ideas coherently using proper linking words. Uses wide range of grammar and vocabulary within the task set, ideas fulfill the requirements of the task.


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