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ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

Ғылыми жоба

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Ғылми жоба "Рухани жаңғыру" "Ұлы даланың жеті қыры" бағдарламасы аясында "Қазақса- Қызғалдақың Отаны" гуманитарлық бағыттағы ғылыми жоба. Жобаны 9 сынып оқшысы жасап шықты.
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады.
Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
16 Қараша 2021
0 рет жүктелген
Бүгін алсаңыз 25% жеңілдік
770 тг 578 тг
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Akmola region,

Arshaly District,

Saraba village

  "Saryoba secondary school of general education"

Tulips are natural values

Direction: English

Supervisor: Satybaldieva Lazzat English language teacher

Did: Terlikbai Anel 9th grdae

Working : 2021


The tulips that glow into the spring and look fascinates with the mood. Flowers like the steppe carpets are impressive. Having a look at the history of the flower, which is the basis of various works of art, to appreciate the beauty of this sacred flower, understanding its dignity, connecting our past and future.


I. Introduction

1. Name and character of tulip flower

2. History of flower

II. Main part

1. Planting the tulips

2. The time of flowering

3. Care

4. Multiplication of Tulip

5. Healing properties of Tulip

6. The meaning of tulips.

III. Conclusion

1. Recommendations, comments

2. Used literatures


I. Introductions

1.1 Name and character of tulip flower

Flower, even the simplest flower, is the mystery of nature. Looking at the flowers, we get the most amazing feeling. So, let's examine and analyze the delicate flower tulips today. The name of tulips is derived from the Persian name "tyuliban", which means "headscarf". In other places, Tulips came from the Latin language - Tulipa, the Turkish language - Lale. The tulips are present for humanity, this delicate flower lives only 7 days, sometimes 15 days when March month will born.

The tulips are belonging to the lilies family. The name of the Lilies also means "white white." There are many types of flowers belonging to the lilies family. The leaves of the lily flowers are growing from near the roots, which are parallel and arc. All of these flowers have rootstalk.

1.2 History of flower

Today, there are more than 3,000 species of tulips on the Earth of which 75 are wild and 50 are widespread, most of which are found in East Asia and Southern Europe. The most rare species are Albert Tulips, Borshchov Tulips, Greg Tulips, Kaufmann Tulips and Schrenk Tulips. There are more than 30-35 species of tulips in Kazakhstan. Their height of the flower from 3 cm to 50 cm. Kazakhstan is a homeland of tulips. There are many types of tulips in the south-east and desert zones of the republic, which is a symbol of Nauryz. It is possible to meet these flowers in Aksu-Zhabagly state reserve, Talas, Alatau, Shu-Illi mountainous regions.

In the twentieth century, Iranian and Turkish sultans grew tulips in the royal gardens and admired them. In some sources, in 1570, some 1593 Austrian botanists, Carl Clousis, came to Turkey and gave tulip, grown up in the Park of the Leiden University. So that tulip flower was brought to Holland and the Netherlands. As evidence of this, Mrs. Beatrice, Queen of the Netherlands, said, "The Great Silk Road links Europe and Central Asia for centuries. These lines brought tulips to our country. This flower, which grows in the steppes of Kazakhstan, has become the most productive in our trade. Currently, tulips are highly valued for export. So we owe you. "Even in 2015, a new type of tulips was received in that country by the name of our President Nursultan Nazarbayev. The tulips are depicted on the logo of the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

The Parkinson's Disease Foundation is an official symbol.

II. Main part.

2.1 Planting the Tulip

The flower tulips are divided into different periods of flowering and type. Tulips that height are 10 cm bloom in early spring. And people symbolize with Nauryz holiday so as tulip is flowering in March. These flowers are found in the south of our country. It is blooming in May and June in the northern regions of the country - like Hibernia, Epicot Beauty, Pink Trophy, Marvel Tulips (Figure 1, this picture is from the internet), some tulips, like the "Rembrandt, Al’bury" tulips. These flowers are planted in autumn. October is a good time to plant tulips (Figure 2 in the garden in front of my door). We can find all colors of tulips from white to black, only color blue doesn’t exist. When planting a tulip flower is desirable to plant only one type in one container and plant in greenhouse monochrome colors. At the same time, 3/2 of the container will be covered with soil. Then the bulbs should be thoroughly watered and placed in a dark, humid place at 5-9oC and sprinkled twice a week. Tulips grow in 16-22 weeks depending on the species. It is possible to move the flower to the house or to the greenhouse when the height of the shoots would be 5-7 cm.

Room or greenhouse’s temperature should be 15-20o C. After 3-4 days, the plant puts under a cap of black paper. The leaves are sprinkled 2-3 times a day until the leaves are opened, then their growth and flowering accelerates. The air should be moist. You can put a bowl of water next to the tulips at home. This method prolongs the flowering time. The leaves of the flower should be watered until they dry, and after the drying we stop watering. If the basic rules do not follow, the flower systems can be eroded, which means we have a calcium deficiency, so that it prevents calcium 1.5% solution while irrigating, or adding calcium fertilizer to the soil before planting. Also, for the planting of the tulip need the pure sand and peat of the river, or a mixture of sand and peat. Such a substrate can be a substrate, while the substrate helps maintain good bulbs.

2.2 Care

As mentioned above, the tulips are pleasing to the sandy, light-weight soil. Too hot or too hot air causes tulips to leak. In cold weather, exactly in northern regions, the method of adaptation to cold air is used. In addition, the method of soaking is also very important, because of the fact that this flower is very fragile, and irrigation also requires gentleness. During irrigation your dish should be identical at all times and irrigate the same amount, as well as irrigation should be set on a specific day of the week.

2.3 Flowering time

After flowering with leaf, it is necessary to dig and dry the onion and save it in a cool place for some time, then put in a suitable place in the autumn. The sowing area is open, the sun is good, and the soil is fertile.

2.4 Multiplication of tulip

The tulips are multiplied by planting their chicks separated by onion. The planting depth should be 2-3 times the size of the onion. The distance between the beaches should be 10-20 cm depending on the height.

2.4 Healing properties of tulip

The source of a variety of medicines used by Kazakh healers in the struggle for many years flora of the great nature. Medicine are made by tincture flowers, roots, flowers, leaf, shellfish, fruit juice and seeds.

Most of the Kazakh herbal medicines use this flower. The medicinal power of each part of the plant, such as root, leaf, leaf, flower, and fruit, is different. Therefore, only high quality medicines can be obtained when they are collected at the same time as the therapeutic power is the strongest. Once the medicinal plants are harvested, drying and preserving the best of their ability to survive in the fresh form is a key to guaranteeing their healing properties and quality. The drying, shadow drying, and drying of the plants, such as soil and dirt, it needs to be slimmer dry. As an example, the tulip giant Grayg Tuber has about 40-60% starch and sugar. Therefore, our ancestors used it for healing head, liver, kidney disease. Hessner, Kaufmann tulips also have healing properties. Hessner is also called "vitamin C". You can eat Tulip leaves. During the World II in 1944 people ate sugar beets and tulips.

2.5 The value of a tulip

In general the Tulip characterizes honor, love, beauty. And the there are the meaning of each color.

Red tulips reveal their beauty at the bootom of the heart. If you want to how your love, you can give a red Tulip for your lovely person.

White color sign of purity and modesty

Yellow color means endurance. This color is most presented than others.

And pink color gives us hope and peace.

III. Conclusion

3.1 Recommendations

I will tell you tulip’s story(legend).

Мынадай қызғалдақ хикаясын (аңыз) баяндап берейін.

Шуақ шашып, жерде жатқан тасқа да,

... Алқызыл ма, әлде түсі басқа ма?

Көктем келген сайын күнге еркелеп,

Жалғыз түйір гүл өсетін бақшада

Кім біледі бар екенін не сыры?

Табиғаттың солай ма екен шешімі?

Басқа гүлдер сияқты емес, сол гүлдің,

Атауы да қыздың есімі.

Бір көргеннен бәрін баурап алатын,

Сабырлының тауысатын тағатын,

Сол жалғыз гүл бір-ақ түде бүр жарып,

Үш күннен соң өзі – ақ солып қалатын...

Өзге гүлдер тұрса тауып үйлесім,

Жалғыз өзі тұрар мұңлы күйде шын...

Жазылмаған заңбар еді

«Гүл өскен жерге адамның

Мал табаны тимесін»!

Жұлуға әсте болмайды қас, досқа да,

Сыйлауға да болмайды оны басқаға

Шындығында сол гүл жайлы ертеден

Келе жатқан бар еді бір әфсана...

Аңыз ба екен, шындық па әлде..,

Білген кім?


Күнінде бір күндердің

Балығына сан жетпес бай болыпты,

Жауызы едібірақ өмір сүргеннің.

Жан баласын жолатпайтын жанына,

Дөкірлеу бір мінезді еді тағы да.

«Мына қызға ертең біреу үйленсе,

Сол ие болып қалады ма малыма?»

Жауыз байда пейіл пасық, арман кем,

Пайдасы е қыруар байлық болғанмен.

Дәулеті мен қазынасын қызғанып,

Өлтіріпті жалғыз қызын қанжармен.

Қатыгездің жазасынан қайғырып,

Күн тұтылып, жаулап Айды жұт.

Жазығы жоқ жанның қанын жұта алмай,

Қара жерде қалған дейді қаймығып...

Жалған ба, әлде расы ма, кім біліпті?

Құдай өзі жағады екен үмітті.

Қыздың қанған жерге бір күні,

Жалғыз түйір бір гүл қсіп шығыпты.

Қызғылт ымырт

Күн еңкейген шақ кешкі:

Ел бірінен ірі жатты естіп.

Өздігінен өскен гүлді адамдар:

«Бұл – Қызғалдақ,

Қыздан қалған дақ » десті...

Ұмыт болып сол оқиға кешегі,

Содан бері талай заман көшеді.

Ал Қызғалдақ тек көктемде үшақ күн,

Адамдардан алшақ... Қырда өседі!

Of course this only a legend. In general the history of origin of the Tulip is very much variety. This is just one example of legends. A variety of tulips are growing in highlands, in places where nobody wouldn’t be yet there. Currently, work is under way to be included in the Red book and other measures for their preservation. And yet, I want to say that neatness, purity, compassion start with yourself. As our ancestors say: "if a girl grows, a flower, a flower, a flower of the earth", we do not lose, if we look around us with sympathy, fill gardens, squares with flowers with plants, then we do not win? First of all, it will give us a good mood, and secondly, will it help to clean the air?! And the third would have a great chance to study the medicinal properties of the Tulip... all this-our health, life, and if we have great, the soul will be great. In this regard, when it comes to the project, I thought that I can do what will come from the hand, what business I will do in the future. I thought a lot that I would like to be able to use in my life, the environment, and I set this topic goal. That is, in the future to engage in the cultivation of flowers in the greenhouse, especially tulips and turn it into a source of income. If I don't place a greenhouse over my house, then I can't rent a shop in the first place, and the money that is rented and the fare that is spent on work. It is profitable to spend money on those things that are necessary for the greenhouse. For example, as this house

And not only around the house, but also above the house, pull the tulips into this upper part, and in order to Wake up this land you need to use not large-large pipes, but narrow tubes. Tulip is a very delicate flower, as mentioned above, so the watering process should also be carried out at a certain time with the place of oz. It's Israeli technology.

And also to save consumables. For example, if you take electrical energy, it can be used from a solar source, or from wind power.

3.2 Used literature

Journal “Akzhelken” № 2 02,2019

Portal “Bilimdiler” № 14.05.2015


Newspaper "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda"

Website “Bilimdiler.kz”

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