Материалдар / Ғылыми жұмыс "You should be careful not to wear clothes"
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Ғылыми жұмыс "You should be careful not to wear clothes"

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Тәжірибе алмасу
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
12 Мамыр 2021
0 рет жүктелген
770 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз
+39 бонус
Бұл не?
Бүгін алсаңыз +39 бонус беріледі Бұл не?
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Turkestan region

Shardara district

"Kosseit" secondary school

Research project

Theme: You should be careful not to wear clothes

Pupil: Ibragimova Nuraina

Leader:Seitzhapparova Nagima




Summary (in English)……………………………………………………………………..2

Summary (in Russian)……………………………………………………………………..3

Summary (in Kazakh)……………………………………………………………………..4

Beware of what you wear:

The meaning behind the sentences……………………………………………………….5

The meaning behind the symbols………………………….................................................................10




Оқушының жазған шығармашылық жұмысында, қазіргі әлемдегі киім-кешек жастардың өзін-өзі көрсетуін көрсетудің негізгі әдістерінің біріне айналғаны туралы оқушының зерттеу жұмыстары жүргізілген.

Ибрагимова Нұрайна бұл еңбекті зерттей отырып, адамды бағалай отырып, киімнің жасына, әлеуметтік жағдайына, сәніне қаншалықты сәйкес келетінін анықтады. Кейбіреулер сәнге құрмет көрсетіп, көптеген адамдарға ұнайтын нәрсені киюді қалайды. Оқушы киімдегі мағынаны анықтау және оны әлеуметтік лингвистикалық тұрғыдан негіздеу қойып отыр.

Зерттеу жұмысында ««Киімдегі ағылшын жазулары және олардың жасөспірімдер мәдениетіне әсері» мәселесі қаралған.

Кез-келген халықтың тілі жеке өмір сүрмейді. Қандай да бір тілге басқа тілден кірме сөздердің енуі сол тілдің дамуына қажетті табиғи үдеріс болып табылады. Осы зерттеу жұмысымда мен киімдегі ағылшын жазулары брэнд, сәнді болғанымен, оның жасөспірімдердің сөйлеу мәдениетіне әсері, оның септігін, тілдің дамуына қалай әсер ететінін туралы жазылды. Сонымен қатар, ағылшын тіліндегі жазулардың қазіргі таңда көбінесе қазақ тілінде жазылған жазуларға ауысып жатыр, ол да бір жақсы дүние, себебі біз ана тілімізді дамытып, дәріптеп жатқанымыздың нәтижесі.Сонымен қатар, практикалық бөлімінде оқушылар арасында сауалнама жүргізілді.

Зерттеу жұмыстарының бастапқы кезеңінде біз жасөспірімдер арасында киімге жазудың семантикалық мазмұны мәселесіне қызығушылық танытқан социологиялық сауалнама жүргізген.. Басқалары әдеттен тыс нәрсе киіп, көзге түскенді жөн көреді, сол арқылы олардың қаншалықты ерекше екенін көрсететінін анықталды.

Қазіргі заманғы адамның гардеробының бөлігі, сөйлемдері бар футболка немесе көйлек енді тек киім деп саналмайды. Бұл байланыс құралы, көптеген әлеуметтік өзгерістерді көрсетеді, сондықтан киімдегі жазуларды зерттеу қазіргі қоғамның дамуын түсінуге және сипаттауға көмектеседі.


В творчестве студента проводилось исследование студента о том, что в современном мире одежда стала одним из основных методов самовыражения молодежи.

Ибрагимова Нурайна, изучая эту работу и оценивая человека, выяснил, насколько одежда соответствует его возрасту, социальному статусу и моде. Некоторые люди уважают моду и хотят носить то, что нравится большинству. Студент пытается определить значение одежды и ее социолингвистическое обоснование.В исследовании рассматривается вопрос «надписей на английском языке на одежде и их влияние на культуру подростков».

Язык любого народа не живет изолированно. Введение слов из другого языка в язык - естественный процесс, необходимый для развития этого языка. В этом исследовании я писал о том, что надпись на английском языке на одежде - это бренд, модный, но он влияет на речевую культуру подростков, его вклад, как он влияет на развитие речи. Кроме того, английский язык сейчас заменяется казахским, что тоже хорошо, потому что это результат развития и продвижения нашего родного языка.Кроме того, в практической части среди студентов проводился опрос.

На начальном этапе исследования мы провели социологический опрос подростков, интересующихся смысловым наполнением надписей на одежде, другие предпочитают носить что-то необычное и выделяющееся, что показывает, насколько они уникальны.

Часть гардероба современного мужчины, футболка или рубашка с фразами - это уже не просто одежда. Это средство общения отражает многие социальные изменения, поэтому изучение надписей на одежде помогает понять и описать развитие современного общества.


In the creative work of the student, the student's research was conducted on the fact that in today's world, clothing has become one of the main methods of self-expression of young people.

Ibragimova Nuraina, studying this work and evaluating a person, found out how appropriate the clothes are for his age, social status and fashion. Some people respect fashion and want to wear something that most people like. The student is trying to determine the meaning of clothing and its socio-linguistic justification.

The study addresses the issue of "English inscriptions on clothing and their impact on the culture of adolescents."

The language of any nation does not live in isolation. The introduction of words from another language into a language is a natural process necessary for the development of that language. In this study, I wrote about the fact that the English inscription on clothing is a brand, fashionable, but its impact on the speech culture of adolescents, its contribution, how it affects the development of language. In addition, the English language is now being replaced by the Kazakh language, which is also a good thing, because it is the result of the development and promotion of our native language. In addition, in the practical part of the survey was conducted among students.

In the early stages of the study, we conducted a sociological survey of adolescents interested in the semantic content of writing on clothing.

A part of a modern man's wardrobe, a T-shirt or a shirt with sentences is no longer just a garment. This means of communication reflects many social changes, so the study of inscriptions on clothing helps to understand and describe the development of modern society.


Оқушы Ибрагимова Нұрайна«Сіз киім киюден сақ болыңыз» тақырыбында жазған зерттеу жұмысының мағынасы толық ашылып, ағылшын тілінің жасөспірімдердің сөйлеу мәдениетіне әсері туралы толық ақпарат берілген.

Шығармашылық - ізденіс жұмысты жазу барысында оқушы мектеп оқушылары арасында қазіргі таңда өзекті мәселелердің бірі ағылшын тілінің жасөспірімдерге әсері, оның сөйлеу мәнеріне, мәдениетіне, диалектісіне әсері, пайдалы және зиянды жақтары туралы жазып өтті. Зерттеу жұмысында: тақырыпты жан-жақты зерттеп ашуға тырысқан.

Оқушы бұл шығармашылық ізденіс жұмысты жазу барысында көп ізденгені байқалады. Оқушы осы жобаны жазарда көп ізденді, сабақтан тыс уақытта жеке компьютерде отырып , мақалаларды қарап, газет журналдардан біраз ақпарат қарап, ізденді. Жұмыс кіріспе, негізгі бөлім, қорытынды, сауалнама және пайдаланылған әдебиеттерден тұрады. Жұмыста баяндалған мәселелер әр тақырыпшаға сай іріктелген, мысалдары жеткілікті.

Осы жұмыс бойынша оқушыға көптеген мысалдар келтіріп, оқу, тәжірибе алмасу жұмыстарын жүргіздім. Оқушылар арасында ағылшын тілін қолдану кезінде сөздің айтылуы, дыбысталуының пайдасы мен зияны жайлы, ағылшын жазулары бар киімдерді қанша бала киіп, ұнататыны туралы сауалнама жүргізді.

Болашақта шәкіртімнің жан-жақты, туған жерін, елін, тілін, мәдениетін бағалап, қорғайтын, ағылшын тілін меңгерген полиглот , басқа жасөспірімдерге үлгі болатындай еліміздің біртуар, білімді ел басқарар азамат(ша) болатынына сенім білдіремін. Жалпы алғанда жұмыс өз дәрежесінде жасалынған деуге болады. Зерттеу жұмысының мазмұндылығы мен мәнділігін ескере отырып, жоғары дәрежеде бағалауға ұсынамын.

Пікір білдіруші:

Ағылшын тілінің мұғалімі

Бабамұратова Гүлшат


People often just shrug off the fact that we may be wearing a clothing with a sentence that could mean something we might not like.. Do not disregard those facts. Beware of what you wear because it could actually mean something that could potentially give out a bad message to everyone out there. From symbols to sentences, you should be focusing more on what you’re wearing. Take your time to understand what those symbols or foreign sentences mean. It could be funny, but it could also be something sensitive? Let’s find out.

The aim of this work:

Share awareness

Learn more about what those odd symbols mean

The meaning behind the sentences

Clothing in the modern world has become one of the main ways to show self-expression of young people. This is how things work now, as if in a mirror, reflecting new trends, pressing problems and interests of society. Evaluating a person, we note how clothing corresponds to age, social status, fashion. Some people want to pay tribute to fashion and wear something that is popular with many people. Others prefer to stand out, wearing something unusual, thereby showing how unique they are.

In the wardrobe of an average student, you can identify at least eight things that hang in the closet of each student - both boys and girls - jeans, cap, knitted jacket, skirts, shirt, sneakers, and of course T-shirts. Increasingly, you can find decorations in the form of various inscriptions on these items of clothing. The inscription on clothes is not just a decorative element, it is a communicative tool with a various ways to express yourself. But do people take things what are written on their clothes more seriously, especially if they are written in a foreign language, most often in English? Our research is aimed at finding an answer to this question.

The purpose of this research work is to identify the meaning in the clothes and justify it from the point of view of the sociolinguistic aspect. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were defined:

- to study the history of the development of writing on clothes;

- to identify the symbols on clothes;

- to investigate the language it’s written in;

- to analyze the degree of influence for this society;

Part of the wardrobe of a modern person, a T-shirt or shirt with sentences are no longer counted to be just a piece of clothing. It is a means of communication, reflects numerous social changes, therefore, the study of the inscriptions on clothing helps to understand and characterize the development of modern society. In addition, at the initial stage of research work, we conducted a sociological survey among teens, which revealed interest in the problem of the semantic content of writing on clothing. It turned out that more than 60 people participated in the forum, which once again proves the relevance of our topic.

It’s not known who first thought about writing sentences on clothes. But the representatives of the hippie movement, youth’s very popular 60s, began to draw and write on T-shirts. Basically, they put various social quotes on their T-shirts, starting with the usual pacific sign and ending with symbols against the Vietnam War. When the musician Johnny Rotten on his T-shirts personally wrote “I hate” to the Pink Floyd inscription or brought out “Kill All Hippies”, he created the same “fashion statement”. Since then, the inscription expressing the attitude to the surrounding world has become one of the most popular and convenient means of communication.

Every sentences come differently. They can tell us a lot about a person, in particular about age, about the sphere of interests of the owner, can express their attitude to the world around. Inscriptions speak about the level of English proficiency and that a person does not always understand what is written on clothes. The inscriptions vary with the age of the person. In a child, it is just some kind of phrases or jolly phrases; in a teenager, these are inscriptions containing all sorts of phrases, starting with what kind of person it is and ending with the number of a team or street. Now, irreplaceable attribute of youth clothes are t-shirts.

T-shirts with funny slogans, which everyone selects according to his character and worldview, are especially popular among young people. "Themed" T-shirts are becoming increasingly popular. Inscriptions can be combined into several groups of topics: romance, sport, creed or life position, appeal, music, cities, designers, ecology, religion, various.

A separate group is grammatical errors and labels that may contain obscene meaning. When a person puts on clothes with an inscription, what does he mean by that? “Yes, nothing, just funny!” - many will answer this question, but not all. In general, such a piece of clothing as a T-shirt, since its inception, has been considered a “talking” thing. There are even cultural studies on the subject of the fact that a T-shirt is a “clean board” for slogans and statements, as well as a place to demonstrate your life credo. And, as you can see, the company successfully enjoys this privilege.

2.1 Imitation or fashion? Needless to say, now in fashion - stand out from fashion! Being ordinary is no longer interesting. What do you write on your clothes? Does your clothes talk? Lots of options! Creativity knows no bounds! From loudly screaming banalities, such as “Rich”, “Hero”, “Follow me”, “Kiss me” and “I love NY” to profound expressions of thinkers converted to the modern mood.

2.2 We are responsible for what is written on our clothes. When children have not yet reached the age of transition, their parents are fully engaged in their wardrobe. At this age, kids usually do not really care what they dress. However, the older they get, the more attention they pay to their appearance. According to the clothes they are met by friends at school, peers are evaluated. And youth fashion has its own tendencies and obeys its own rules. If the inscription on a T-shirt at least to some extent reflects the sphere of interests of its owner, then everything is in order. In general, the inscriptions on clothing should be wary. People around them often perceive them as words uttered aloud by the owner of fashionable clothes, which is natural, otherwise a legitimate question is - if you don’t support words written on your clothes, why did you pin them on yourself? Thus, paraphrasing the famous phrase, it can be argued that we are responsible for what is written on our clothes. Next, we consider examples of inscriptions on the clothes of students of our school:

Girl princess - Принцесса

My soal for you - Моя душа для тебя

Sweet - Сладкая

Love – Любовь

Just for you - Только для тебя

Pretty girl - Красотка

Love forever - Вечная любовь

Love me - Люби меня

9. Forever young - Вечно молодой

10. Diamonds are girls best friend - Бриллианты лучшие друзья девушек

11. Princesses don’t do dishes and take out garbage - Принцессы не моют посуду и не выносят мусор

As a result, after examining about 60 different inscriptions, we found that they have a really rich history: from simple designations on the form of workers to the inherent attributes of designer collections. Stylistic, semantic and gender peculiarities did not go unnoticed, on the basis of which they found out that the inscription on clothes is not just a decorative element, but also a powerful communicative tool, the content of which can vary from a person’s hobbies to his life position. I would also like to say that the positive point is the fact that the pessimistic inscriptions are quite rare. After all, the inscription is aimed to entertain, to attract the attention of others. From this we can conclude that the majority of today's young people are still positive and optimistic.

According to our research, most students in their wardrobe have garments containing inscriptions in English. Of all the respondents, only about 65% of students know the translation of the inscription that they have on their clothes, and they also noted that they pay attention to the inscription when buying things. The remaining 35% found it difficult to translate their inscriptions. The study revealed inscriptions containing grammatical and spelling errors that are not indicated by the owners. Very often there are inscriptions, consisting simply of an arbitrary set of letters. There is no meaning in such inscriptions. Our research was able to bring this problem to the surface and suggest that adolescents think about it before buying another fashionable item with incomprehensible text. Many adolescents say that difficulties in translation do not stop them from buying clothes they like and do not pay attention to the translation of the inscriptions and perceive them as decoration of clothes. Our research shows that the fact that we are responsible for the information we carry is extremely important and important, we, in a sense, associate with it, become its carriers to the masses, and hopelessly hope that everything around do not know a foreign language and do not understand what is written on your clothes. We should not forget that the judge doesn’t meet men by clothes, “but they escort them by mind. ”

So, answering the question posed in the introduction: whether adolescents take into account the semantic load of the inscription in English, it turned out that only 65% ​​of the surveyed students paid attention to the translation of English phrases when buying things. The students noted that difficulties in translation did not stop them from buying clothes they liked. 35% of students did not pay attention to the translation of the inscriptions and perceive them as decoration of clothes. Analysis of the collected material showed that the level of English proficiency, which was determined by the age of the student being surveyed, allows you to navigate the inscriptions and correctly use the written information.

Are you paying attention to the symbols in your wardrobe?

I  remember my “cyber-goth” days, when I used to wear symbols like nuclear and biohazard without a reason, and absolute no awareness of their meaning.
It came to my mind only lately: I’m totally against nuclear, and watching this symbol made me think about how many people have it tattooed on their skin, have t-thirts with it… Just think about Cyberdog, the most famous brand of cyber clothing. Many items carry the radioactive symbol! When I used to wear it I actually didn’t think about the meaning at all, it was just a symbol meaning radioactivity, something like “hey, I’m dangerous!”. I really didn’t want to say “hey, I love nuclear and want this world to end!”

So, what about the symbols that we carry each day without even noticing?
What about the 
military wear? It doesn’t make sense to me. We’re all for peace, we know that war is an awful thing… and we wear combat pants; we wear grades on our shirts. What’s wrong with us?

Is it some kind of catharsis? Or are we just too indifferent to notice that some things are wrong?

Then there is the opposite trend: wearing peace symbols. Fucking peace symbols everywhere! I really would like to ask people who are wearing them, “What are you doing for peace? Are you voting the right politicians? Are you helping people who live in countries hit by war?”

Ok,  I’ll say something about religions, too! Crosses. The cross is a religious symbol (I don’t want to say catholic, because it’s not, it’s an ancient symbol that has been used in so many religions before Jesus Christ was created) and we’re wearing it like it’s nothing. I’m the first one, I love my crosses everywhere, I put them wherever they fit, neck, ears, t-shirts! Do you ever think that someone could think you’re religious even if you’re not? I’m definitely not, I just like the symbol, but I’m often asked if I am.

Not to mention rosaries: Many people are into that. Especially those who went through their goth period.

I’ve found this post that could be interesting for you! She talks about religious symbols, but also about the keffiyeh (kefiah), which is another politic/religious symbol I used to wear in my teenage years, and had no absofuckinglutely idea of what I was carrying around. Now I know, and feel pity for adult people who wear it for fashion ‘s sake.


Part of the wardrobe of a modern person, a T-shirt or shirt with sentences are no longer counted to be just a piece of clothing. It is a means of communication, reflects numerous social changes, therefore, the study of the inscriptions on clothing helps to understand and characterize the development of modern society. In addition, at the initial stage of research work, we conducted a sociological survey among teens, which revealed interest in the problem of the semantic content of writing on clothing.


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