Материалдар / Healthy bodies
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Healthy bodies

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Сау денелер туралы
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
21 Ақпан 2023
2 рет жүктелген
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Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Unit 6: Healthy world

School: 92

Date:16 .02.22

Teacher name: Kozhageldieva A.A

Grade: 4 “A”

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Healthy bodies

Learning objectives begin to use joined-up handwriting in a limited range of written work; spell most familiar high-frequency words accurately when writing independently using the form of Present simple

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

New words on healthy bodies

Most learners will be able to:

Recognize and use most target language correctly and show comprehension of most written and spoken familiar words in simple sentences To talk about healthy bodies.

Some learners will be able to:

Describe daily routines and habits using the form of Present simple

Assessment criteria

-answer the question correctly

-reorder the words correctly to make a sentence.

Value links

Ls will work together as a group showing respect and being polite with each other

Cross curricular links


ICT skills

Using videos & pictures, cards, working with URLs

Previous learning

Language focus Structures: Target vocabulary rock formation, popular, attraction, deep, underwater, spear, dive, brave, pine needles


Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities



Beginning of the lesson

5 min

Organization moment :


Good morning children!

How are you?

What is the weather like today?

Is it sunny?

Is it cold? Is it snowy?

Encourage learners to give full answers.

Check home task. Learn new words

Divide into 2 groups.

Foods” and “Drinks”



At the organization moment T supports Ss to express their speech clearly using .

«The praise»

method to motivates. like:

Good job!

Well done!”



magic box

Middle of the lesson

4 min

5 min

3 min

4 min


3 min

4 min

5 min


The main part

Video “I am healthy” song. Then teacher asks what about our lesson? On the board was hang a body. Children guess what about lesson is “Healthy bodies”.

The teacher introduces new vocabulary by demonstrating flashcards

New words

Daily routines-күнделікті тәртіптер
- әдеттер
Junk food
- зиянды тағам

Get up-тұру

Healthy food – пайдалы тағам

Have breakfast- таңғы ас

Go for a walk – серуендеуге шығу

Do exercise –жаттығу жасау

Lets name 4 ways to a healthy body

Eat more fruits and vegetables

Get active every day

drink a lot of water

Sleep ten hours

Look at the picture, what habits can you see in this pictures

Unhealthy habits are bad for our health

Healthy habits are good for our health.

Habits are activities that we do regularly

We use the Present Simple to talk about daily routines and habits

For example:

He does my home work every day

I get up early in the morning

I often go to the museum

My sister speaks English


Look at the picture. Answer the questions

1 Where are the children?

They are at the school cafeteria

2 Can you name any of the food?

Some salad, a sandwich, juice

3 Is the food healthy?

Yes it is

4 What do you usually eat at school?

I usually eat……pizza, burger, egg

Exercise 3

Make sentences to complete the poster

Рисунок 2

I have two bodies for “Foods”, and “Drinks” groups. For each right answer you’ll get cards sticks.

On the blackboard are given words. Your task is to find pictures of these words. Words mixed up in places. Find them and bring it then hang with word which you find.

Put the don’t or doesn’t

1.He________ get up at 8 o’clock

2.We ________ watch TV in the evening

3.Ted_________ eat tomatoes

4.Kate and Ann_______ drink milk

5. My cat ________ like bread

6. They ________ have lunch at school

7. My brother _______ read books

Formative assessment

Children watch the video

Learners writing and repeat after teacher

Learners Looking listening

Learners answering

Do exercises

Ss answer:

at the school cafeteria

salad, sandwich, juice (suggested answers)


fruit (suggested answer)

Aim:analyze the useful food for the children.

Efficiency:Ss will know the importance of eating a healthy food.

Learners answer

Ss suggested answer

770 ₸ - Сатып алу

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