Материалдар / "Heroes of our time" тақырыбында эссе
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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"Heroes of our time" тақырыбында эссе

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"Heroes of our time" Ағылшын тілінде эссе Колледж студентінің жетекші мұғаліммен бірлесе жазған жұмысы
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08 Желтоқсан 2021
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Heroes of our time

"A hero is a man of heroism." In turn, by definition, heroism is a heroic act performed in a difficult situation. But what is heroism today and, most importantly, what should be a hero in our time?

We have learned that heroism can only be a great thing and affect the lives of at least hundreds of people, and the rest is not counted. Many people think that all the great deeds were done by someone long ago and that there is no place for heroism in the modern world. How wrong they are!

When it comes to heroes, in our imagination, first of all, there are characters from Greek myths, children's books or science fiction movies, and then we think of firefighters and rescuers, but does the list end there? In fact, the protagonist is not a fictional Superman or Hercules in the legends, but even a very real and simple man. Yes, in our troubled times, it is not a matter of sacrificing oneself for a great idea, but of saving what one has and worrying about what will happen next. Whoever is honest and fights for the truth, today there is complete deception everywhere. Who is not afraid to speak openly and make fun of his point of view. Who is ready to help without asking for anything. A person who still retains some of his sincerity and knows the word "kindness."

The modern character slightly improves the world around him: he shares bread with a homeless man, chases a dog from a neighbor's child, helps Aunt Valya in the second entrance to carry a heavy bag and does not throw garbage on the road. . She works seven days a week so that her family does not need anything, and even when she is tired, she finds time to tell stories to her children. He loves his country and his relatives. He can find a way out of the most hopeless situation, smiles for no reason, and gives this smile to a passer-by. It can be short or long, it can be physically strong or weak - who cares how attractive it looks if it is beautiful inside. Modern heroes never throw rubbish on the ground, do not help the elderly, do not warm homeless animals. Such a person values ​​his family, parents, works hard and, of course, loves his homeland. The hero of our time does not respond to evil with evil, he makes the world around him kind. It doesn't matter what color his skin is, what his height is, what his religion is. It is not in vain to sacrifice your life or take unintentional actions, it is enough to carry humanity, light and hope for a better time.
Heroes are people who give hope to the world. Honesty, love for life and others are their qualities. Today you do not have to sacrifice your life for something or someone to become a hero, as long as you do not lose your human qualities.

There is no doubt that heroes have always been, are and always will be, only the number of problems. You ask, "How many of them does the world need?" you ask. And the answer is very simple: "The more it fits, the more".

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