Материалдар / "Home and garden"
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"Home and garden"

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
.L4 understand an increasing range of short supported questions on general and some curricular topics. 5.R3 recognise basic opinions in short, simple texts on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics. 5.W3 write with support short sentences which describe people, places and objects.
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12 Маусым 2018
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Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Long-term plan Unit 7 Fantasy world

School: Ulyanovskaya secondary school


Teacher name: Kuanyshbaeva A.K

Grade: 5

Theme of the lesson: Home and garden

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

5.L4 understand an increasing range of short supported questions on general and some curricular topics.

5.R3 recognise basic opinions in short, simple texts on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics.

5.W3 write with support short sentences which describe people, places and objects.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • understand and answer the questions according to the topic

  • use comparative and superlative adjectives with some support

Most learners will be able to:

  • Restate basic opinion on the topic

Some learners will be able to:

  • Analyse and restate basic opinion on the topic

Previous learning

Reading for pleasure

Assessment criteria

Learners achieve these learning objectives if they can:

  • Read and identify the main idea in the text

  • Demonstrate the correct use of adjectives

  • understand and answer the questions

Value links

Value of environment. Teamwork: Learners will work well together in groups showing respect and being polite with each other. To keep peace in our society and patriotic duty of each citizen of the Motherland. (“Mangilik Yel”-2)

Cross curricular links

Lesson is connected with Biology, Geography

ICT skills

Projector or Smart board for presenting a video/ CD audio


Planned timings

Planned activities



5 min

(W) Greeting : Activity 1

T: Good morning, dear boys and girls. I am glad to see you at our English lesson! Before the beginning of our lesson I want to know your today’s mood. How are you today? (We are OK) I see that your mood is very good today. Let’s begin our lesson

(W) Warming activity 1

Teacher asks to watch a video about "Home" I’m going to show you a video. You must guess what is this video about




10 min

15 min

10 min

(G) Speaking Activity 2 The next task is to memorise and speak the new words, phrases and sentences from the video.

What kind of the new words do you know? Learners stand and say objects and rooms of the house. How many words, phrases, sentences do they learn? Teacher devides into 3 groups.

Learners give the following answers:

A dining room, a bedroom, elevator, a downstairs, a bathroom, an apartment, a doorbell, a door, front door, a carport, a closet, a balcony.

(G) Activity 3

1st group must find out the translation of the words

2nd group must make short phrases from these words

3rd group must make the sentences


Teacher monitors, checks also makes notes how learners can remember rooms of the house on the video.

Excellent (can make sentences)

Good (can make short phrases)

Not bad (know the words)

(W) Activity 4 Kate’s house

Read the text carefully and answer the questions bellow it.

I live in a flat. It is on the fifth floor. Our flat has two rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall.

Our living room is big. It is light because it has a large window. To the left of the window there is a piano. To the right of the window there is an old wardrobe. In the middle of the room there is a big round table. We often gather together at this table and play table games. On the walls there are beautiful paintings of modern artists.

I have my own room. It is small. It hasn’t got much furniture but is very cozy. It is a pity that there is no balcony in my room.

Our kitchen is big and comfortable. We have a big fridge and a microwave oven. We usually have breakfast and supper in the kitchen. I like my flat.

(W) Practice (One by one)

The first pupil read the question and the others answer the questions according to the text.

  1. Do you live in a flat or in a house?

  2. Is it big or small?

  3. How many rooms has it?

  4. What is there in the living-room?

  5. What is there in the kitchen?

  6. Do you have your own room?

(I) Activity 5

Complete the text.

My family lives on the _______ floor in a big house. Our flat is ______. We have two rooms, a _______, a _________, a ________ and a toilet. In the middle _________there is a big round table. Our ________ is big and comfortable.

(W) Activity 6

To show the presentation.

Grammar material Comparative adjectives

Look at the blackboard which sentence is correct?

The ant is smaller than the hippo. (correct)

The ant is more small than the hippo. (wrong)

Happiness is more important than money. (correct)

Happiness is importanter than money. (wrong)

(a) The ant is smaller than the hippo.

(b) Happiness is more important than money.

Why do think in the first adjective we add -er, the second sentence we add the word ‘more’ before adjective?

(I) Activity 7 Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative.

1. The dining room is ______(big) than the bedroom.

2. The study is _______(wide) than the bathroom.

3. My new house is _______(comfortable) than the old house.

4. There is a sofa in the living room which ______(expensive) than the sofa in the dining room.

Excellent (all the sentences are correct)

Good (3 sentences are correct)

Not bad (1-2 sentences are correct)





5 min

Learners reflect on their learning:

Learners complete an evaluation of what they did during the lesson by circling one word in each statement:

I understood the text

I can use degrees of adjectives

I need working with the vocabulary

Evaluation list

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check
ICT links

Support for weaker students: working in groups; pairs

Challenges for moreable students: Encouraged to do more writing; assist weaker students.

Whole group work, pair work, individual work

-Monitor individual/ group work, listen to discussions, check students’ understanding of classroom instructions

-Through observing how pupils do the tasks

-Through formative assessment

-Learners will be safely arranged and seated in front of the monitor away from electrical outlets and cables


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO?

If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

The lesson objectives were achieved through different activities: Listening the video “Home”, reading the text “Kate’s house”, answering questions according to the text, complete the text, explain the grammar material, doing exercise to the grammar material

Pair work, individual work, group work, whole work

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the class orachievements/difficulties of individuals that will inform my next lesson?

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