Бонусты жинап картаңызға (kaspi Gold, Halyk bank) шығарып аласыз
M.T. Shegebaev
Student at Turan University
Knowledge manager
A.A. Kuatbaeva
Nowadays, information becomes an important component of all spheres of life. The development of computers and information technologies as tools, methods and tools for information processing led to an increase in the technical equipment of modern industrial enterprises, an increase in equipment capacity, and a complication of production processes. All this explains the need to improve the quality of management of technological processes.
In the transition to the modernization of companies that generate electricity, there is an acute need for the development of high-tech information solutions. After all, when upgrading the equipment, there is an increase in the degree of its reliable operation, a large saving in fuel, and a decrease in the consumption of resources for its maintenance. Therefore, experts say the need for global implementation of innovative technologies in the energy sector.
The main information tasks of power generation are:
1. automation of process systems
2. control over the installed equipment.
The use of the newest technologies by power generating companies allows to increase the results of work, to ensure the stability of the processes and equipment operation, as well as to increase the generated capacities.
Power supply systems for industrial enterprises are complex industrial objects of computerized type, the elements of which are involved in the overall production process. Therefore, reliable and economical operation of power supply systems is possible only with automatic control of them.
To automatically control the power supply system as a whole and to ensure the economy of its normal operating modes, automated control systems are used, built to use digital universal and specialized electronic computers.
At present, automatic information devices are needed to ensure the collection and transfer of information from control points to control centers. The methods of operation of such systems are the use of information and communication technologies, automated collection and accounting of information, monitoring of equipment operation, database management [6, p. 9-20].
Firm RTSoft one of the first in our country began to use computer technologies for construction of specialized PTC for electric power industry. Its first development is a multifunctional telemechanical complex SMART, designed to create distributed systems for collecting and transmitting information at power facilities. The PTC consists of four main components:
1. Telemechanical terminal SMART-KP.
2. the communication server Integrator
3. Central Transceiver Station (CSCI)
4. automated workstations (AWP) for operational personnel.
The collection and transmission of data on the operation and condition of the equipment of the facility are carried out by SMART-KP telemechanical terminals, separated by separate technological areas.
The Integration server has the role of a local server of the system that provides, correction of system time, information collection, archiving, interaction with other subsystems of the power object.
All the components of the telemechanical complex, designed to work in harsh industrial conditions (electromagnetic interference, high ambient temperature, high dust content, etc.), are built on the basis of Motorola's processor platform and multi-tasking real-time operating system (RTOS).
The ZPPS are designed to work in the dispatch centers of power systems, provide reception, processing and presentation of information received via communication channels from local data collection and transmission systems at power facilities, to operational personnel. Currently, various communication channels are used to transmit dispatch and technological information.
The peculiarity of the station is not only the support of modern high-speed, but low-speed communication channels [9], [1].
The most important task of companies producing electricity, as well as the system operator is to ensure the regulation of frequency and power flows [2].
RTSoft, in cooperation with the leading scientific organization of the industry (VNIIE), has developed a system of automatic frequency and power control (ARCHM) based on modern computer technologies.
The system includes:
1. central regulator of ARCHM, a number of object subsystems: digital set-point of an off-schedule load of the power plant (CSWC),
2. The system of group regulation of active and reactive power (GRAM) and telemechanical terminal SMART-KP.
3. The central regulator of the system is designed for operation in the integrated dispatching control of power systems and fulfills the frequency and power frequency control algorithms according to the commands of operational personnel.
4. Central regulator installed on regulated power plants.
The use of information technologies in the ARCH system allowed to solve a lot of problems, the solution of which was impossible with the use of any other technical means. The new system significantly increases the efficiency and accuracy of frequency and power management in the power system, minimizes the impact of the human factor. The main "chip" of the system is the solution of specific optimization tasks for distributing the load to the generators of the power plant, taking into account the specific features of the generating facility. The use of such technologies is mainly aimed at reducing undesirable wear of expensive primary equipment of the power plant [1], [8].
Reliable power supply to consumers is directly dependent on the accident-free operation of high-voltage transmission lines. It is known that accidents resulting in damage to power line equipment and disconnection of consumers entail very serious consequences for the power system.
Relay protection and automation of the recloser is the development of Tavrida Electric (see Figure 3). The presence of special functions in combination with traditional approaches allows using the PBA / TEL recloser both for performing simple protective functions and for implementing algorithms for the integrated automation of air distribution networks. The presence of built-in current and voltage sensors in high-voltage inputs allows PBA / TEL to be used in networks of any configuration, to measure the parameters of the network mode, to keep the logs of operational and emergency events in the line. Due to the high reliability of the construction, the absence of wearing parts and the high stability of the factory adjustments, the PBA / TEL does not require special maintenance and preventive maintenance throughout its life. Reclaimer PBA / TEL offers users unlimited possibilities in the part of remote control and information exchange via various communication channels. The possibility of placing the control cabinet at different heights, as well as the presence of an unauthorized access indication sensor, allows a higher level of vandalism in the recloser. A sealed, maintenance-free lead-acid rechargeable battery with a lifetime of 10 years provides reliable power to the recloser and external accessories when the main operational power is lost. The complete set of the Tuvrida Electric recloser includes an installation kit that allows the installation of the recloser on the line supports without the use of special lifting mechanisms by one operational team for one shift. All necessary for the installation work is delivered from the manufacturer's factory [7].
In cooperation with scientific and design organizations such as JSC SibNIIE, JSC Yuzhenergosetproekt, JSC Sibenergosetproekt, RTSoft, it was possible to develop a series of SMART-PA microprocessor devices (Figure 4) to solve the tasks of emergency control automatics. The high modularity and scalability of these devices allow them to be used when upgrading existing emergency control systems and when creating new complexes.
The use of this type of technology allows real-time monitoring of the transmission, distribution and consumption of electricity. At the same time, the role of modernization of the communication system of devices and telemechanics, their integration with modern network equipment is growing. The technical equipment of security points, their system integration is an important component of trouble-free operation of power systems [1], [5].
In the application of information technologies in the field of power supply and energy saving, it is appropriate to use the concept of "intelligent power supply networks". ISEs allow to reduce losses in the process of electricity transmission, efficiently use the generated electricity, detect and troubleshoot automatic operation. The newest technologies used in networks are based on adapting the characteristics of equipment depending on the regime situation. Today, the networks are equipped with modern high-speed devices of power electronics and electromachine systems, systems that provide information on-line about the modes of operation of the network and the state of the equipment.
The monitoring of the technical condition of power units and other equipment, as well as observance of industrial safety rules, are central to the stable operation of the facility (thermal power station, hydroelectric power station). The creation of centralized monitoring systems is possible only through the use of modern data exchange protocols that allow to connect the remote-sensing monitoring systems with the head Data Processing Center (DPC).
To ensure the highest fault tolerance, protection against natural disasters and various man-made disasters, backup geographically distributed data centers are created with synchronous and asynchronous data replication over the fiber optic channel.
IT-technologies are used in the design of energy facilities. At present, visualization and computer modeling technologies allow to shorten the time necessary for designing, more accurately and quickly to make important design calculations [5].
Informatization of power engineering takes place against the backdrop of increasing demands on networks and business processes in the industry. Today, projects are already in the world aimed at building intelligent networks.
A very important role of the information system for energy saving is played by industrial energy-consuming enterprises. IT, connected with the use of modern computer equipment and means of data collection and transmission, opens up new opportunities for solving a number of energy-saving issues. The use of computers frees employees of power supply enterprises from a large share of tedious work. Computerization of settlements with consumers opens the possibility of switching to new, modern forms of settlements.
In Russia, at the present time, the state information system in energy saving is created and is functioning to provide relevant individuals with information on the requirements of the RF legislation on energy saving and on improving energy efficiency and on outstanding achievements in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency improvement to individuals, organizations, public authorities and local self-government bodies. effectiveness [4].
The task of training, further training and continuing professional training of personnel is also being solved. Training of the dispatching personnel is conducted on simulators with modeling of situations on real objects of the power system. Regular use of such tools and testing programs can significantly improve the effectiveness of training.
The function of information technology is particularly great in the main sectors of the country's economy, one of which is energy. The state of energy depends on Russia's economy and position in the modern world, and the country's leadership is inextricably linked with the future of energy with IT.
Information technology in the Russian energy industry is changing as rapidly as the energy industry itself. More recently, information technologies have been used mainly to solve practical problems related to large-scale energy construction, ensuring stable and reliable operation of energy enterprises, but today the field of application of computer technologies in the electric power industry is growing rapidly.
IT allows you to customize the technological processes of generation, distribution and consumption of electricity in order to reduce losses, entrain profits and improve the financial performance of the enterprise, etc.
In this article I have considered only some aspects of this sphere. In fact, there are a lot of technologies that improve the electric power industry. Some of them have already been introduced into production, while others are under development and are available only as prototypes and in the near future we will probably see them on the market.
Currently, information and communication technologies play a decisive role not only in the electric power industry, but in other industries. Energy efficiency, the development of smart grid technologies, the struggle for reliability and security of energy supply are now extremely relevant both for our country and for the whole world.
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